Scary Death - Falling - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 08-03-2002

So Cliff hanger is on, and as this girl is freaking out about falling I wonder what it would be like to be in that spot.

Would you relax at the end and just go with it? Or do you fight to hold on believing in the end you will be back up there on safe land?

Could you just feel like you were flying on the way down? Or would you wonder what it was going to feel like when you hit the ground? Would you linger & die or do you think it would be quick?


- GonzoStyle - 08-03-2002

I'd masturbate and try to play beat the clock.

- fbd - 08-03-2002

Quote:I'd masturbate and try to play beat the clock
beat the clock, or beat the cock? ::rimshot::

i think i'd be panicing if i was falling...chances are i would die on impact, but if i didnt, i know that i'd have a shitload of cuts, gashes, and broken bones that would make me the same as dead, except that i could feel the pain

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Aug. 03 2002 at 3:21

- Galt - 08-03-2002

I would go all limp and hope that someone catches me, because "Hey, free dummy!"

- SYNTuesday - 08-03-2002

I'd just turn the clock back a few hours so Mad Max 2 would still be on USA.


- fbd - 08-03-2002

Quote:I'd just turn the clock back a few hours so Mad Max 2 would still be on USA
pssst...thunderdome is goes mad max, road warrior, then thunderdome

- slackjaw - 08-03-2002

I would have to imagine that falling from some obscene height would be a horrible death. The fear and panic as you plummet helplessly, flailing your arms in futile hopes of sprouting wings. Watch as the landscape draws nearer... rushing wind in your face as you reach terminal velicity. seconds seem like days... did you kiss your wife this morning? Did you tell her you love her?

SPLAT! too late.

- Hey Ladi - 08-03-2002

I you can bend time, can you fly too? :bow:

- GonzoStyle - 08-03-2002

fdb = Ikeaboy v.2.0

- fbd - 08-03-2002

i have never been insulted more in my life

- Hey Ladi - 08-03-2002

Did I leave the coffe pot on? Where are those red shoes I haven't worn? Do I need to go to the dentist?

- Doc - 08-03-2002

Quote:I would go all limp and hope that someone catches me, because "Hey, free dummy!"

I love Jack Handy

If I had to guess, I'd just scream a lot and maybe flail my arms a lot

I'd still rather go like that than be trapped in a submarine or in a cave where I have lots of time to think about death.

- Hey Ladi - 08-03-2002

I saw part of a show the other day about The Hunley, the first sub in the Civil War or something.... And they found the people still sitting in their seats... and they wondered if the water had come in quickly & they had drowned, or had, somehow, suffocated? .... oo I forget the other one.

But they wondered if they had known they were trapped, because the thing was so cramped and tiny, it was sinking and there was no where to go. If it was slow, they would have had time to think about it. :devilsmoke:

- Zootybang - 08-03-2002

"I would have to imagine that falling from some obscene height would be a horrible death. The fear and panic as you plummet helplessly, flailing your arms in futile hopes of sprouting wings. Watch as the landscape draws nearer... rushing wind in your face as you reach terminal velicity. seconds seem like days... did you kiss your wife this morning? Did you tell her you love her?

SPLAT! too late."

Dude, what the fuck? I dont even HAVE a wife, and I feel like shit for not kissing her goodbye. What a fucked-up visual.

And where the fuck are all the little buttons? Do you expect me to type out "Quote" everytime I need to quote something?

- Hey Ladi - 08-03-2002

Quote:And where the fuck are all the little buttons? Do you expect me to type out "Quote" everytime I need to quote something?
I've been feeling like a lazy waste of space all day.... but suddenly, I feel better. :bouncer:

- fbd - 08-03-2002

Quote:lol amazing, everyone bitches about something. Then it gets fixed and they bitch about it none the less. It's like you can never win, bitch, fix, bitch again. It's like certain people look for stuff to bitch about

- Katya_ann - 08-03-2002

Quote:I would go all limp and hope that someone catches me, because "Hey, free dummy!"

actually, my friend and i were talking about how we wanted to die, as if we had a choice.
falling would be great, actually, because, if you're going to die, you might as well do something cool, like know what falling is like. because how many times do you stand at the top of a building or something and think, "wow, i wonder how it would feel to just jump." you're going to die; you might's well find out. thinking about all the things you've never done won't GET them done.
fire and drowning would suck-- suffocation. no thanks.
but we both agreed that it wouldn't be so bad if we were in the middle of saving someone, pushing someone out of the way of a car or something.

- SYNTuesday - 08-03-2002

Quote:And where the fuck are all the little buttons? Do you expect me to type out "Quote" everytime I need to quote something?
It's either that or jump to the bottom... :Confusedhrug::

fbdhojwerkhu, thanks, I didn't know that. And here I was thinking "Damn, I wonder why they jumped from him seeking revenge to him wandering the desert between 1 and 2". Now I'm going to have to find Road Warrior somewhere... Anyone got it on video? I'm coming over.:-D

- Tenbatsuzen - 08-04-2002

The WTC jumpers were the worst. You either die via jumping, die via burning, or die via collapse. Now that is a spot. Apparently, a big reason why people were jumping was because they heard the building buckling and knew it was going down.

To this day, I still have nightmares about the jumpers.

- Sean Cold - 08-04-2002

My luck is soooo for the shitter. I would fall off a building, yet, live to be a wheelchaired bound veggie.

I work on scalfolds all the time and the fear of it dropping didn't affect me till I worked in Fort Lee. For those that don't know, FL, New Jersey is a fuckin wind tunnel. Our scafold took a 45 degree turn off the building, 40 stories up. I haven't been up since. Fuck that noise, thats why God blessed us with Mexicans.