The actor's studio questionnaire - Your turn. - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2002

Those who watch Inside The Actor's Studio know that James Lipton asks the guests at the end of the show a series of questions which actually originated from the Bernard Pivot questionnaire, now its your turn to answer....

1) What is your favorite word?

2) What is your least favorite word?

3) What turns you on?

4) What turns you off?

5) What sound do you love?

6) What sound do you hate?

7) What is your favorite curse word?

8) What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

9) What profession would you not like to participate in?

10) If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?

Here are my responses....

1) Thrive

2) Adequate

3) Uninhibited honesty and a great ass.

4) Hypocrisy, indecisiveness, insecurity, games.

5) Rain falling.

6) Car alarms.

7) Cocksmoker.

8) Actor.

9) Toll collector.

10) We really like to fuck here.

- fbd - 08-29-2002

What is your least favorite word?
neatly trimmed beard
What is your favorite curse word?
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?
james lipton is burning in Hell right now

- Kid Afrika - 08-29-2002

1. Sprunt
2. Fair
3. A longing gaze from a beautiful woman
4. Sloppy chicks
5. A soulful woman singer's voice
6. A woman yelling
7. Fuck (in all it's variations)
8. Acting
9. Anything that pays an hourly wage
10. You were right, christians are morons

- onehung - 08-29-2002

1 Yes
2 but
3 My neighbor
4 fat
5 cat purring
6 kids
7 shit
8 Indy racing
9 Garbage man
10 "what the fuck are you doing here"

- Hey Ladi - 08-29-2002

work, period
surfing the crimson tide
zippers, the ocean
alarm bells, yelling/fighting
fuck me, crap
freehand pinstripper

Edited By Hey Ladi on Aug. 28 2002 at 10:49

- slackjaw - 08-29-2002

1) Pizza
2) Hate
3) Skirts, a great smile, high heels
4) Lying
5) The sound of a woman slobbing on the knob
6) "is that it?"
7) Fucknuts
8) Veterinarian
9) Substitute teacher
10) "You have done well"

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-29-2002

1) Squish

2) Dead

3) The sound of a certain somebody's voice, and their breath on my skin.

4) Body odor/bad grooming habits

5) Gentle breathing of someone sleeping

6) Car alarms, sound of metal scraping, screaming....

7) Fuck

8) Probation Officer (when I "grow" up), military in intel.

9) NFL player

10) Its okay that you didn't believe in me, welcome.

- Sean Cold - 08-29-2002

1) Football
2) Debt
3) deep kisses
4) clingy bitches
5) distorted guitars
6) Jackhammer
7) Fuck
8) Being a roadie on a huge world tour
9) construction
10) Dude, you are kidding right? You made a wrong turn.

- The Sleeper - 08-29-2002

1) yes
2) nah
3) people who listen rather than just pretend to
4) most people
5) The intro to "Understanding in a car crash"
6) sirens
7) douchepimple
8) singer in a band
9) ambulance driver
10) What up nigga?

- kindred - 08-29-2002

1. Love

2. Hate

3. bubble baths with lots of candles

4. Hairy backs

5. Running water or a baby's first cry

6. People whining

7. Fuck me

8. Teacher

9. Hookers/Street walkers/ladies of the night

10. You were a good person, welcome.

- Noellevious - 08-29-2002

1) Puppy
2) Cunt
3) Muppets
4) People who don't wear clothes that fit, bigots generally ignorant people
5) The crinkle of money
6) Car alarms
7) Douche ____
8) Don't have a job. I currently live off a weekly allowance and a clothes allowance. Wanna be an author, though.
9) Teacher or anything hot/thankless/stinky
10) Sup, bitch?

- LZMF1 - 08-29-2002

2-(i don't have one)
3-honesty and confidence
4-i hate it when a chick looks like she has a cat in a headlock(hairy armpits)
5-running water/rainfall
6-slurping sounds
9-garbage man
10- ummmmm.....i think you came to the wrong place

- Kid Afrika - 08-29-2002

Noellevious, those answers are all correct. You win...

ME!!!!11 :thumbs-up: :-D :thumbs-up:

Edited By Kid Afrika on Aug. 29 2002 at 12:14

- criticslovesnatch - 08-29-2002

1. Ergo
2. Cooter
3. honesty, and a good smile/laugh
4. fakeness and those who play games
5. accoustic guitar
6. fingernails on chalkboard
7. Ass speulunker
8. Law, in a few years
9. jizz mopper
10. Shalom!

- GonzoStyle - 08-29-2002

1) What is your favorite word?
- Baby Bell

2) What is your least favorite word?
- Hate

3) What turns you on?
- Holding someone in your arms in silence, knowing that person - cares/loves you as much as you do them.

4) What turns you off?
- Stuborn or hard headed people

5) What sound do you love?
- Giggles/Laughter

6) What sound do you hate?
- Crying

7) What is your favorite curse word?
- Cocksucking Motherfucker

8) What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
- Author

9) What profession would you not like to participate in?
- Executioner

10) If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?

Don't worry there are no eggplants in heaven.

Edited By GonzoStyle on Aug. 29 2002 at 1:08

- LZMF1 - 08-29-2002

Quote:10) If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?

Don't worry there are no eggplants in heaven.


- Rape Fantasizer - 08-29-2002

1. Soliloquy (it's fun to say)
2. Sorry
3. Hmm, where to begin. Men's cologne.
4. Dirty hands.
5. Water fountains.
6. Utensils being scraped on the bottom of a plate.
7. Fuck.
8. Detective.
9. Doctor.
10. Welcome. (cause if it exists, I probably won't be allowed in.)

- DGW - 08-29-2002

i'll be back later
it's to early for questions

- Sloatsburgh - 08-29-2002

James Lipton has a website and a "boy of the month" feature?

- Metalfan - 08-29-2002

1) Cahoots

2) synergy

3) Eyes, the ability to speak intelligently and a good sense of humor.

4) The overpowering smell of tuna (fish or woman), people who think that their opinion is the only one that matters

5) The exhaust of a high performance automobile, a Harley, my kids' laughter

6) Nails on a blackboard


8) Race car driver

9) medical

10) Dude, how the fuck did you sneak past security?