Raw Spoilers for Dec 23rd - Yes it was taped this week - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 12-22-2002

Raw [Airdate: 12/23]
Opening begins with HHH/Steinr re-cap from last week and the intro with pyro sends the OKC crowd of about 9,000 into a frenzy!!!

1.RVD and Kane vs. 3 Minute Warning
Kane hits the chokeslam and RVD five star frog splashes the prone member of 3MW (I can't remember who) to pick up the victory. Many Rico Sucks chants were echoed throughout the match. Afterwards, 3MW teased dissension among the ranks when Rosie and Jamal were arguing then they turned their attention onto Rico who eventually calmed everyone down.

Backstage Segment:
Eric Bischoff and Chief Morley are talking when Spike Dudley barges in and breaks a lamp. Spike demands retribution for his brothers' loss to Regal/Storm last week and the illegal usage of brass knux. Eric scoffs and instead signs a match of Spike vs. Batista with the added bonus of not allowing any Dudley Boy to interfere otherwise risk suspension.

Commercial Break

The next segment may or may not air since they did several segments with D'LO throughout Raw.

Backstage Segment:
D'lo is in his new "G" gear and talks with Coach about how much OU sucks and teases OSU afilliation. (I'm a student at OU so am fully behind my boys in Crimson and Creme) D'Lo then comments on OU's odds of beating WSU at the Rose Bowl and is quite helish siding with WSU. He debuts his new catchphrase "down with the brown?"

JR comes out to the melodious tune of Boomer Sooner played by the Pride Marching Band.

This match may or may not air as they did the same match later in the show.

2. D'Lo vs. Test w/Stacey Keibler
Many D'LO sucks chants and interaction between D'Lo and Stacey where she slaps him for grabbing hr outside the ring. D'Lo is DQ'd from the match as he throws the referree aside and runs through the audience afterwards to avoid Test. My guess is they will not air this version.

Raw Rewind: JR kissing Vince McMahon's ass in his home state of Oklahoma a year ago.

Commercial Break

Bischoff comes out to the ramp with Chief Morley in tow and announces the new Royal Rumble rules where each brand will have 15 superstars in their brand-specific Rumble match, with the winners facing their respective brand's champion at WMX9. Bischoff then confronts JR and King about choice comments made during the commercial break. Eric rolls the footage of JR mentioning how rude it was to show that disgraceful film in his home state. Bischoff then makes a tag team match for later in the broadcast as means of punishment with Jr/King vs. Bischoff/Morley. Bishoff names several intriguing possibilities for JR and King's replacement in his scolding. Jesse Ventura and Bischoff were the two named.

Commercial Break

3.Hurricane vs. Nowinski
My sign is shown during this match (the sign is pink and near the back post and reads OU rejected Nowinski) Match had good flow and as Nowinski was mounting the turnbuckle Maven comes out to distract him as Hurricane crotches Mr. Harvard and delivers the Shining Wizard for the pin.

Backstage Segment:
HHH is confronted by Coach at his lockerroom door and announces that he will call out Steiner tonite in the ring.

4. Batista w/ Flair vs. Spike
Just as you can imagine a total squash by Batista as he powerbombs Spike against the outside railing, which looked incredibly impressive, and two more times in the ring for the mercy pin.

Backstage Segment:
Bisch and Morley are talking about the match with them tonite when Storm/Regal come in to offer their services to take on King/Jr tonite. Storm mentions their the only undefeated tag team on raw and want the job. Bisch accepts and urges Regal to use the knux in the match.

F-View TV shows the face girls in their dressing room all decked out in santa suits which are very un-santa like. Funny thing is Trish and Jackie talking to one another when a week earlier they were at odds with each other. Ah...the logical gaps.

Commercial Break

T shirt cannon is back at it again with RVD shirts this time.

5. Victoria/Ivory/Molly vs. Trish/Stacey/Jackie
Funniest part of the match was Molly's chosen santa ensemble. She was decked out in a long nightrobe looking santa suit. Trish wins the match but I can't recall who she pinned. The face girls all pose mid-ring to the delight of the male fans while I groan.

backstage Segment:
Steiner is asked to comment on the HHH call out. Steiner gladly accepts Hunter's invitation to the ring later.

Backstage Segment:
Goldust walks into Jericho's dressing room in search of Booker T and stumbles upon the King of the World who gives another dazzling Flair-esque promo to the Bizarre One. Jercicho mentions that Booker is the one who wont he tag titles as he is the one who got the pin. Jericho succeeds in putting doubt into Goldust's mind.

6. Booker T/ Goldust vs. Christian/Y2J for the tag titles
Another stellar match with awesome near falls and many referree decisions. Chris Squared takes the early lead and completes some double team moves early on. Booker T makes the hot tag and cleans house on the Canadian Chris's. Match ends when Jericho gets rolled up by Goldust for the pin and Goldie finds redemption.

Backstage Segment:
A humorous display by RVD and Kane in this one. RVD finds Kane in the back and discussed Christmas with him. Kane mentions that he was locked in the basement as a child and tortured squirrels with razor blades as a means of fun. RVD hands Kane a present which is Hungry Hungry Hippos and is saddened by Kane's dismay. Kane mentions that he doesn't like Christmas and walks away. RVD then mutters that he should have gotten him Chutes and Ladders instead.

Commercial Break

D'lo comes to the ring and calls out Test and wants the winner to take control of Stacey and Test hurries to the ring to accept D'Lo's challenge.

7. Test w/Stacey vs. D'Lo
Test defeats D'Lo the same way as their early match and complete the same entire match for the re-do. D'Lo does not escape through the crowd this time. Test wins.

A shot of Heritage Park Mall is shown (which is one of the worst malls in OKC) and Santa is shown meeting children. Santa reveals his ugly side and tells a little girl that their is no Santa and tears off the outfit to reveal Sean O'Haire as the deranged psychopathic Santa.

Backstage Segment:

Flair tries to talk Triple H out of going to the ring and HHH balks and says he is going now.

HHH comes out to the ring to berate the OKC fans and makes fun of their vernacular (I'm origianlly from Montana so I am proud to say I have no accent). HHH finally calls out Steiner after pointing out that Scott confronted him last week when HHH wasn't 100% and HHH says he's feeling good and wants to face Steiner. Big Poppa Pump appears and walks into thering to give a verbal lashing to the Champ. HHH proposes they have an arm wrestling match since he doesn't want to have their wrestling match in front of Okies. Poppa Pump and HHH are neck and neck in the contest when HHH throws out his legs and tries to gain unfair leverage against Steiner who is smiling all the while. Steiner pins HHH's arm and HHH goes at it again and is pinned two more times in rapid succession. HHH jumps out of the ring and walks to the back while Steiner says he will become the new heavyweight Champion at RR and says Holla if ya Hear me!!

Commercial Break

Bischoff and Morley come out to do commentary on the final match of the evening.

8. JR/King vs. Storm/Regal
JR again comes out to Boomer Sooner by the OU Band and does nothing the entire match. King helpd his own throughout the beginning but becomes overworked. Regal brings out the knux near the end and gets caught by King and subsequently drops them on the mat. Ross finally sees the knux and goes to hit Regal when he's caught from behind by Storm. King makes the save with help from the Dudley Boyz and JR slams one of the Unamericans (I forget again) with the knux. JR and King get the pin and JR is then hoisted on to the Dudz shoulders for his victory celebration. I believe the cameras go off at this point and te celebration continues with King getting hoisted as well. JR addresses the audience and speaks of his proud Oklahoma heritage. Bubba then mounts the turnbuckle and grans the guy in front of myself's sign which reads Texas Sucks Love Santa to massive applause. The Dudz finally leave the ring to tremendous applause and Lillian thanks us for attending.

Edited By Teenweek on 1040579466

- The Sleeper - 12-23-2002

Doesn't this defeat the purpose of watching the show?

- Teenweek - 12-23-2002

only if it sucks. I always read the spoilers for smackdown to see if anything major happens.

- The Sleeper - 12-23-2002

wouldn't that major thing be more exciting if you didn't know about it beforehand?

- Teenweek - 12-23-2002

shouldn't you be sticking to the hi and hola and yo threads. j/k

Yes it would be more of a surprise but when something already happened, I like knowing it.

- The Sleeper - 12-23-2002

Do you think this type of thread encourages discussion? Wouldn't a "what do you think will happen at 12/23 RAW" be more of an interesting and open topic?

- Teenweek - 12-23-2002

it can start a discussion by saying what a great main event with Jr and lawler wrestling or the great arm wrestling match, no hbk. That is why I write spoilers on it. probably won't get many responses but will probably get a lot of views. It is just a way to let people know the results and they can choose to watch it if they want.

- The Sleeper - 12-23-2002

Is there a web site I can look up this information or are you privvy to information that no one else has access to?

- Jack - 12-23-2002


- LyricalGomez - 12-23-2002

Jack has lost it

- Teenweek - 12-23-2002

any wrestling site has them.

- Goatweed - 12-23-2002


stop living in denial - try it and you'll see just how good it really is.

- Jack - 12-23-2002

Quote:Jack has lost it

I lost it a long time ago. The crazy fluffy skunks have finally caught up to me to spread their dillusional gases. I feel woozy now.

- FollowThisLogic - 12-23-2002

Quote:That is why I write spoilers on it.
You don't write them. You copy and paste them. There is a HUGE difference. I think we've all been wondering for almost two years now, whether a single original thought actually passes through your brain.

Quote:The crazy fluffy skunks have finally caught up to me to spread their dillusional gases.
[Too easy]Nah, that's just Baker.[/Too easy]

- GonzoStyle - 12-23-2002

I agree with sleeper that's like watching anything while knowing the outcome. Would you have as much excitment watching usual suspects if you knew the ending? I mean just ask hybrid.

- LyricalGomez - 12-24-2002

Quote:I agree with sleeper that's like watching anything while knowing the outcome.

cough cough Lord of the Rings cough cough

- Teenweek - 12-24-2002

Quote:You don't write them. You copy and paste them. There is a HUGE difference.
I said I write Spoiler in the title.

Quote:I think we've all been wondering for almost two years now, whether a single original thought actually passes through your brain.

Thank you I guess I lack the intelligence to say hi, hola, hey, yo, spoo, I like blueberry cream coffee, or what's for lunch threads. It's good to know everyone has been wondering about me. :banana:
Tell me do you see me post newsstories. I have seen people here try to start a real discussion and it's next to impossible. No. I don't because it's futile. I basically stick to Wrestling, Sports and Entertainment parts of the board.

- Goatweed - 12-24-2002

Quote:I like blueberry creme coffee

why must everyone pick on this coffee? jealous naysayers, all of you!

- Teenweek - 12-24-2002

sorry goat, I am not a coffee drinker. no hard feelings.

- Goatweed - 12-24-2002

s'allright man, it's only coffee ;-)

I like the Smackdown (and in this case RAW) recaps because if it's a piece of shit show, I'd rather know ahead of time and save myself the 2 hours of bullshit. Plus, knowing who wins what doesn't really matter because it's not like these guys actually "win" anything - it's a script for christ's sake.