The Monty Python Thread - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 06-07-2003

Do songs about penis, jokes about accountants & men in wigs make you giggle? Then this is the thread for YOU my friend!

Come on now, sing out!

The Penis Song

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy.
It's divine to own a dick,
From the tiniest little tadger
To the world's biggest prick.
So, three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake,
Your piece of pork, your wife's best friend,
Your Percy, or your cock.
You can wrap it up in ribbons.
You can slip it in your sock,
But don't take it out in public,
Or they will stick you in the dock,
And you won't come back.


Edited By Hey Ladi on 1055009528

- Arpikarhu - 06-07-2003

monty python disbanded over 20 years ago.

- Hey Ladi - 06-07-2003

Ah, how I hate wearing these beards.

Why aren't women allowed to go to stonings, mum?

It's written, that's why.

Beard and stone seller
Pssst! Beard, madam?

Woman carrying donkey
Oh, look, I haven't got the time to go to no stonings. He's not
well again.

Oink! Oink!

Beard and stone seller
Stone, sir?

No, they've got a lot there, lying around on the ground.

Beard and stone seller
Oh, not like these, sir. Look at this! Feel the quality of that,
that's craftmanship, sir.

Hmm...all right, we'll have two with points and...a big flat one.

Could I have a flat one, mum?


Sorry! Dad!

Ehm...all right, two points, ahm...two flats and a packet of

Beard and stone seller
Packet of gravel. Should be a good one this afternoon.


Beard and stone seller
Local boy.

Oh, good.

Beard and stone seller
Enjoy yourselves!

- Hey Ladi - 06-07-2003

Mr Blackitt: Look at them, bloody Catholics. Filling the bloody
world up with bloody people they can't afford to bloody feed.

Mrs Blackitt: What are we dear?

Mr Blackitt: Protestant, and fiercely proud of it...

Mrs Blackitt: Why do they have so many children...?

Mr Blackitt: Because every time they have sexual intercourse they
have to have a baby.

Mrs Blackitt: But it's the same with us, Harry.

Mr Blackitt: What d'you mean...?

Mrs Blackitt: Well I mean we've got two children and we've had
sexual intercourse twice.

Mr Blackitt: That's not the point... We *could* have it any time we

Mrs Blackitt: Really?

Mr Blackitt: Oh yes. And, what's more, because we don't believe in
all that Papist claptrap we can take precautions.

Mrs Blackitt: What, you mean lock the door...?

Mr Blackitt: No no, I mean, because we are members of the
Protestant Reformed Church which successfully challenged the
autocratic power of the Papacy in the mid-sixteenth century,
we can wear little rubber devices to prevent issue.

Mrs Blackitt: What do you mean?

Mr Blackitt: I could, if I wanted, have sexual intercourse with

Mrs Blackitt: Oh, yes... Harry...

Mr Blackitt: And by wearing a rubber sheath over my old feller I
could ensure that when I came off... you would not be

Mrs Blackitt: Ooh!

Mr Blackitt: That's what being a Protestant's all about. That's
why it's the church for me. That's why it's the church for
anyone who respects the individual and the individual's right
to decide for him or herself. When Martin Luther nailed his
protest up to the church door in 1517, he may not have
realised the full significance of what he was doing. But four
hundred years later, thanks to him, my dear, I can wear
whatever I want on my John Thomas. And Protestantism doesn't
stop at the simple condom. Oh no! I can wear French Ticklers
if I want.

Mrs Blackitt: You what?

Mr Blackitt: French Ticklers... Black Mambos... Crocodile Ribs...
Sheaths that are designed not only to protect but also to
enhance the stimulation of sexual congress...

Mrs Blackitt: Have you got one?

Mr Blackitt: Have I got one? Well no... But I can go down the road
any time I want and walk into Harry's and hold my head up
high, and say in a loud steady voice: 'Harry I want you to
sell me a *condom*. In fact today I think I'll have a French
Tickler, for I am a Protestant...'

Mrs Blackitt: Well why don't you?

Mr Blackitt: But they... [He points at the stream of children still
pouring past the house.]... they cannot. Because their church
never made the great leap out of the Middle Ages, and the
domination of alien episcopal supremacy!

- Arpikarhu - 06-07-2003

hey everybody, lets do our favorite scenes from 1934's It Happened One Night, starring clark gable

- Arpikarhu - 06-07-2003

Ellie You've been telling me what not to do ever since I can remember.
Mr. Andrews: That's because you've always been a stubborn idiot.
Ellie: I come from a long line of stubborn idiots.

- IrishAlkey - 06-07-2003

This thread gives me the vapors.

- Arpikarhu - 06-07-2003

Clark Gable:"In a pig's eye, you will!...Hey listen monkey face, when you fired me, you fired the best newshound your filthy scandal sheet ever had...That was free verse, you gashouse palooka!"

- IrishAlkey - 06-07-2003


- Arpikarhu - 06-07-2003

Clark Gable :"I never did like the idea of sitting on newspaper. I did it once, and all the headlines came off on my white pants. On the level! It actually happened. Nobody bought a paper that day. They just followed me around over town and read the news on the seat of my pants.".

- GonzoStyle - 06-07-2003

can we do lines from charlie chaplins masterpiece "city lights" next?

I'll start

The Tramp: ............

The Blind Flowergirl: ..............

- IrishAlkey - 06-07-2003

You're a genius.

- GonzoStyle - 06-07-2003

The Tramp: ...............

- IrishAlkey - 06-07-2003

I'm on the edge of my seat!

- GonzoStyle - 06-07-2003

the climactic ending when the tramp finds the blind flower girl is no longer blind and she realizes it was the tramp who paid for her operation, finally their eyes meet.

The flower girl: ............

The Tramp: ...........

The End.

- IrishAlkey - 06-07-2003


- GonzoStyle - 06-07-2003

Next we do the first ever grand scale epic film made, directed by the great DW Griffith.

Birth of a Nation!!!

- Arpikarhu - 06-07-2003

my favorite part is when the klan rides in to save the day.

- GonzoStyle - 06-07-2003

that's when the klan member says "................"

- The Sleeper - 06-07-2003

They speak in morse code?