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- Sir O - 10-17-2004

"Why is it that the supposedly weak and "pussified" liberals look like farking Rambos compared to conservatives as fast as terrorism is mentioned?"

In the middle of a big ol' flamewar on Fark, someone asked this question. And it's a damn good one.

Big cities - New York, LA, Chicago, DC, etc...they're the most likely targets of terrorists, but also the loudest to speak out against restrictions on liberty in the name of "fighting terrorism."

Meanwhile, the people in Mississippi and Utah and the backwards motherfuckers upstate, they're the hardliners.

Why does someone in Butte, Montana vote Bush because "Bush is strong on terra" while I, living in suburban NJ and working in downtown NYC, the biggest terrorist target on the planet, vote against Bush because in many ways, his anti-terror brigade infringes on my rights.

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2004

It's just like all the 12 year old suburban white girls on MTV layin out the in the middle of the street protesting the war not cause bush lied or anything like that but because they thought they knew the struggles of people in afghanistan and iraq.


- HedCold - 10-17-2004

this has been bugging me for a while, but what can ya do

- Sir O - 10-17-2004

Gonzo, wtf?

I can't believe I said "wtf" in a serious manner, but really, I'm talking about voters not nu-metal kids....

You're smarter than that.

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2004

well that's like after 9/11 when you had people in seattle on TV talking about how they understand cause they were terrified that the next attack would be against that big fuckin needle they have, yeah the towers and the needle's next.

But the worst was like a couple months later there was a little piece about the post 9/11 mentality. They had some hick town like branson missouri or whatever with their population of 47 people which includes the cows and hens. How they were "ascured" cause dem terrurusts could strike their roller coaster or whatever the fuck they had.

I mean really you can't compare this little sector of states between ny, philly, mass, jersey, etc I think we got a shit more to worry about bein hit than your fuckin needle or coaster.

It reminds me of the bit David Cross did and he said "you think on 9/11 the people at the mock towers in the new york, ny section of vegas felt it a little more than others?"

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2004

Sir O Wrote:Gonzo, wtf?

I can't believe I said "wtf" in a serious manner, but really, I'm talking about voters not nu-metal kids....

You're smarter than that.
I was just relating to your thought with something I felt was similar but not the same, sorry.

- Galt - 10-17-2004

It is a solid point that Mr. Fark brought up. Maybe it's more of a "Rah rah rah pro-America" vote for Bush than that East Lubbock Texas is worried that Al Queda is going to target their town.

- HedCold - 10-17-2004

i always thought that if the terrorists attacked some little shit town somewhere it would have a really big affect on the country, because then every dinky place would have more of a reason to worry. every politician would be asking for special funding from the government to fight terrorism citing this attack as the reason

but i'm not a terrorist, so what do i know

- diceisgod - 10-17-2004

If terrorists are going to spend time plotting they're gonna blow something big up that would affect the economy or the military. I don't think they'd waste time blowing up Shitville.

- Galt - 10-17-2004

don't you remember the national ferver after 9/11? Rudy being "America's Mayor", everyone binding together, people from around the country coming to America? Though people from Nebraska weren't directly affected by the attacks, it was someone fucking with America. These are people who all had American flags waving outside their houses on September 10, 2001.

They were conservatives before then, and this just crystalized it. So I don't think they are worried about attacks in their hometowns directly, because the attacks weren't directed at New Yorkers, it has been positioned that the attacks were against Americans doing good-old American day to day work. There just happened to be the biggest concentration in New York.

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2004

so you're saying they didn't target the towers themselves, I didn't quite understand.

- The Jays - 10-17-2004

Staten Island seems to be a very pro-Bush, pro-war on terror area. The island, in general, is very conservative. I see lots of neighborhoods that still tie yellow ribbons on the trees, lots of American flags, and I get the general feeling that the island, in general, supports the war in Iraq. Now, I know Staten Island isn't considered anything to the rest of the city, that they ain't important. And, honestly, I don't know how any other borough is dealing with how September 11th hurt their communities. In Staten Island, almost every day I see a street with a new name, of a firefighter, officer, worker in the WTC. It sure seems like I get reminded wherever I look of the 300 Staten Islanders who died, 78 firemen. I don't know if Brooklyn, or Queens, or the Bronx, gets tired of all the memorials and new street names, and gardens and vigils. They built a September 11th memorial by the stadium, and they were about to name the new ferry the September 11th ferry.

There's people in Staten Island who are gonna vote for Bush for the same reason as that person in Butte, Montana. I could just see it, it's blatant.

I'm not gonna vote for him. I know most of the city votes democrat for just about everything. Staten Island, though, seems to be one of those backwards ass communities, voting for Bush for "terra", but not quite as seperated from the direct effects of terrorism as Butte.

- Hoon - 10-18-2004

I'm from upstate, New York.
I support Bush.
I'm "rah rah" against terra.
Of course, I work at one of the largest military bases this side of the Mississippi.
A base that houses the most deployed division in the Army.

I don't think you have to be in the middle of a likely terra target to feel as I do, though.
As a matter of fact, I'm glad podunks from the back woods are concerned about our metro areas.

- Sir O - 10-18-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:well that's like after 9/11 when you had people in seattle on TV talking about how they understand cause they were terrified that the next attack would be against that big fuckin needle they have, yeah the towers and the needle's next.
Well, to be fair, the Space Needle was a known terrorist target. Al Qaeda's Millennium Plot was to bomb LAX Airport, the Space Needle, the USS Sullivans, and a bunch of sites in Jordan. So I can definitely see how people in Seattle were worried when terrorist strikes were happening in other parts of the country.

- GonzoStyle - 10-18-2004

Yeah I can see how the needle would be on the list along with a lot of other sites but in reality if I was a terrorist i'd think of a hundred other places to wreak havoc upon first.

I read in the times a while back that Usama's #2 I forget his name but he was the one who actually dreamed up 9/11. He wanted to do it on a grander scale, taking out the towers, white house, statue of liberty and a couple other places. He himself wanted to pilot one of the hijacked planes and land it in washington and come out and give some grand speech before blowing it up. Usama basically told him "slow down!!!" and do it on a smaller scale which would have a larger chance of success.

I understand they wanted a major loss of life but I always felt that hitting that statue while not causing any great deal of death woulda been a major symbolic strike against america. Maybe it's me but that's how I always felt, it wouldn't have caused havoc in the city cause its out in the water but imagine looking out in the water and never again seeing the statue of liberty, the ultimate sign of our liberty.

Then again if they didn't miss the white house that woulda been the ultimate in symbolism.

- Sir O - 10-18-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:Yeah I can see how the needle would be on the list along with a lot of other sites but in reality if I was a terrorist i'd think of a hundred other places to wreak havoc upon first.
The weird thing about the Space Needle is, when people around the country think Seattle, they think of the Needle; ask anyone from Seattle what landmark represents their city, they'll say Mt. Rainier. It's fucking weird, people there worship that mountain.

But anyway, yeah I agree the Space Needle is a lame terrorist target, somewhat symbolic but if you're going for symbolism like you said, what about the Statue of Liberty, or the Lincoln Memorial, the Gateway Arch, the Liberty Bell...

But there'd be no symbolism in going after some podunk town in Kansas, bringing us back to the original point...

- GonzoStyle - 10-18-2004

well that was my point with my posts prior to the last. It was just infuckincredible to watch all these redneck towns acting as if they were in actual danger, I was in brooklyn and really felt no danger, what are they gonna hit here? The cyclone?

And if it was gonna happen I was ok with it cause there was nothing I could do, my friends and family were in a panic but I was basically calm and figured if so then fine, I refuse to live in any fear and thats why I never bought into the force fed fear they have been tryin to pump us with for 3 years now.

In all honesty it was tragic indeed and at first everyone thought that 20, 30 maybe upwards of 50 thousand could have died that day. I was very sad that day and felt for everyone who died but it was nothing new, we just finally joined the majority of the world that lives with this fear daily. It turned into a huge specticle because it was america but how many americans gave a shit about the bombings in spain or the school massacre in russia where hundreds of children died? Columbine caused mass hysteria cause it hit here, couple hundred children, babies basically die in a terror act and no one here basically sheds a tear. It ain't real cause no one here honestly gives a fuck about anything outside our own borders, to some those borders are the fences surrounding their homes and thats how americans are. More people die on the highways than they do in terror attacks in our country.

- The Jays - 10-18-2004

but that won't stop people from getting in their SUVs and driving around EVERYWHERE

- crx girl - 10-18-2004

i think a majority of the cops and firemen i know live in staten island...

- GonzoStyle - 10-18-2004

The majority of goats I know live on staten island...