Gta:vc - Holy fucking shit. - Printable Version

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- Lord Magus - 11-05-2002

Quote:-Car Showroom races

I should point out that there's actually 2 things you can do after buying the showroom. All the races get you is prize money.

The second grouping of things you can do isn't so obvious (there's no easily noticed pink trigger location for them) BUT gets the showroom producing money (I think) AND earns you special cars.

There's a lone garage to the right of the race trigger, to the immediate right of that is a sign on the wall. This lists several types of vehicles that people drive in Vice city..
Just think "Gone in 60 seconds", snatch one of the cars, drive it into the lone garage, it gets crossed off the list. Complete the list an an special import car is delivered to the showroom floor.
There's something like 4-5 different lists in total.

- Skitchr4u - 11-07-2002

Damn this game and its addicting do you guys survive all day without playing? anyone know if you can hook ps2 up to a laptop to play all day at work??

- Weird NJ - 11-07-2002

Only if your laptop has video inputs. :-D

- Lord Magus - 11-07-2002

Quote:Damn this game and its addicting do you guys survive all day without playing?
80's mixes...
and occasional visits to

Edited By Lord Magus on 1036696723

- Lord Magus - 11-08-2002

I feel, in a certain sense, Vice City and GTA3 allow for a certain amount of Roleplaying, and I'm curious if anyone else sees this and participates.

Essentially.. are there certain things that you will definitely respond to in specific fashion in Vice City?? Personal codes you play by??

I'll put mine out there so you can get an idea of what I'm refering to.

First off... the fat women walking around in bikini's DIE, period. They just DON'T belong in bikini's. I will stop in the middle of a police chase to get out of my car and gun them down, everytime.

If I'm driving at high speeds, and some idiot starts swerving back and forth between lanes trying to block me.. he dies. I will run him off the road, blow up his car, and mow him down for getting in my way. Someone crashes into me by running a light, they get the same treatment.

I am the law in Vice City, crimes occur ONLY if I will it to be so.. therefor.. if I'm driving and see some purse-snatcher running from the police.. I'll chase him down and beat him up.. if it was really difficult to do so... I may kill the cop for making me do his job for him.

Any rules or triggers like this stuff for you when you play??

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-08-2002

Quote:First off... the fat women walking around in bikini's DIE, period. They just DON'T belong in bikini's. I will stop in the middle of a police chase to get out of my car and gun them down, everytime.

i do the same thing

- Weird NJ - 11-08-2002

Maybe you need to get out more.

- x-file - 11-08-2002

I mostly do everything you have said. By the way, we still are talking about Vice City right? This sounds alot like everyday life for me.

- Lord Magus - 11-08-2002

I thought Vice City WAS everyday life for people in this thread??

- Skitchr4u - 11-08-2002

i definately kill the fat chicks...but i also kill just about everyone on the sidewalks. i just am not that good a driver, i just go down the sidewalk and mow people down...

- QuickStop - 11-08-2002

if i am on a bike, i will always kill another person on a bike by going the same speed right next to them and firing one bullet into their head. Especially when there are two dudes on a faggio.

- Lord Magus - 11-08-2002

Here's another.. if I jack a car and the idiot I stole it from somehow re-jacks it before I pull away....
I will hunt them down.. pull them from their vehicle, and then, since they wanted it so badly.. let them have their vehicle.. over, and reversed, and over again.. until it's tires leave red tread marks...

- Weird NJ - 11-08-2002

Quote:if I jack a car and the idiot I stole it from somehow re-jacks it before I pull away....
I will hunt them down..
That is only if you get up off the ground in time before they disappear out of your virtual range of view. :lol:

- Danked - 11-08-2002

I help little old ladys across the street.

- QuickStop - 11-08-2002

i kill them.

- Weird NJ - 11-09-2002

They give me hard candy.

- crx girl - 11-09-2002

i just try to do what i'm supposed to be doing without blowing myself up or driving into the river Undecided

i also drive on the sidewalks a lot...

- slackjaw - 11-11-2002

Ok....Paint and Spray Protocol..... I just outran the "fuzz" (hey, it's the 80's, lets keep to the time frame) and miraculously made it safely to the P&S, with white smoke pouring out of my vehicle. I am entirely too lazy to look behind me particularly since my heart is beating at a rapid rate... do not fucking block me. If I do happen to gently nudge you as I back out (slowly of course since my suspended wanted level will kick in if I commit a crime) have the fucking decency to move your fucking heap of shit car out of my way. I am a surly individual, Hell bent on exacting revenge against some really nasty fuckers. Do you honestly think your petty life means jack shit to me? I will, just for shits and giggles, rip you from your vehicle, stomp on your head (unless I happen to have my chainsaw handy, in which case you go out Scarface style) and steal your wallet, and your car if I find it worthy. Was it really that satisfying for you to block me? Do you feel better now that your children are orphans.... you have this sick satisfaction with the knowledge that you showed me...hmmf! Die scumnuts...slowly, painfully, and in the fashion of my choosing.

Dudes in speedos..... no room for your sort in my city. On a side note, I once got well over $100 from one of them.... where the fuck was he keeping it?

Drunks... while I totally respect your love of the booze, this is Vice city.... MY city, have some decency, get in a car and run some old ladies down so I might cop a few bucks. Walking is seriously dangerous in my town.

You stupid twat in a Cheetah, driving slower than the old bitch with the shopping bags is walking down the street.... how dare you own a $200,000 car and get passed by the pizza boy..... die bitch die.

Edited By slackjaw on 1036977060

- krahzee - 11-11-2002

For Anyone trying to complete the lists at the car showroom:

List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4
Landstalker Sabre Cheetah Voodoo
Idaho Virgo Infernus Cuban Hermes
Esperanto Sentinal Banshee Caddy (golf cart)
Stallion Stretch Phoenix Baggage Handler
Rancher Washington Comet Mr. Whoopie
Blista Compact Admiral Stinger Pizza boy

Just a 2 quick tips.

1. Any time you see a golf cart take it. Store it in one of your garages for later. I have been having a bitch of a time getting one even inside the golf course. If you do find one inside the course head back up toward the building and around the side to the right as you drive up to it there is a ramp to jump the cart out.

2. If a car you are looking for refuses to appear try switching from car to car until it shows up. Some cars tend to appear more often than others based on what you are driving at the moment.

- Skitchr4u - 11-11-2002

am i an idiot that i can't figure out what property to buy...which is best to buy first? does it really matter?