Underwear - Printable Version

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- Gooch - 04-28-2003

thurs eve 10:30pm, Bull Moose Saloon (44th between 8th and 9th ave, closer to 9th)? someone's been smoking too much!!!! arpi, me, sleeper (if he's allowed out past curfew) and some others who choose to join us. Wasn't this all in that other thread???? Arpi, help me out here :lookatme:

- Suzie - 04-28-2003

wow, that does sound kinda familiar. It's near where I work but I'll be bored hanging around after work till that late. MAybe I'll go home first, watch Friends,change, get really high, then come back out.

- Gooch - 04-28-2003

if not. we'll need to move it. reason it's that late is that's when arpi gets out of work.

- Suzie - 04-28-2003

Let's start earlier. 9ish?

- Gooch - 04-28-2003

arpi...can you leave early? or we just start earlier? either one is fine

- Gooch - 04-28-2003

arpi says we can move days...or start at 9pm and just that he'll be there at 10:30pm. Your thoughts? if you and i at 9pm (to tell truth, i may show even earlier), then arpi at 10:30 are a a couple more of the usual suspects, then it's a parteeeeeee. I say lets do it. Then again, i say that b/c i have off on friday. :21:

- Suzie - 04-29-2003

Let's do Thurs at 9. Do me a favor a drop a reminder in the Pit day of. Nothing personal, I have weed for brains.

- Gooch - 04-29-2003

9 it is. i will make a formal informal announcement to the informal, and abnormal, gathering tonight, and put a reminder on the day thereof.

this thread will now return to the regularly scheduled skivey-fest. :5:

- Suzie - 04-29-2003

Gray Calvin Klein bikinis.

- LZMF1 - 04-29-2003

blue boxer briefs

- crx girl - 04-29-2003

just for future reference, sat,sun, mon and tuesday nights are best for me. but if i manage to nap after work on thursday i may stop in for just a little while...

- Suzie - 04-29-2003

But we can't plan it around your schedule, Arpi has to be the focal point of the gathering.

- Gooch - 04-29-2003

ha ha...true.

however, i am in agreement on Saturday nights for future impromtu gatherings. seems to be more gooder.

- Suzie - 04-29-2003

Don't you see the paradox if you plan it then call it impromptu? That's an oxymoron man, like swiss cheese.

- crx girl - 04-29-2003

mmmm swiss cheese

- Suzie - 05-22-2003

speaking of underwear, on the way the underwire came out of one of my cups and was poking me. I just pulled it out but now I feel like my girls are uneven. I think the left tit's hanging a smidge lower than the right, hope I don't look lopsided.