What kind of Vehicle should I get? - Printable Version

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- Mad - 03-05-2005

What kind of coin are you spending and how much driving do you do? If mileage and dependability are important to you, then look at Honda or Toyota. There's a glut of vehicles off of leases, should be easy to find one.

Buying new always has appeal until you realize that you lose 20% value just driving the thing off the lot, higher insurance premiums too.

- Jack - 03-06-2005

I am looking for payments aroun 300-350. The Escape give me the best bang for the buck for 2 reasons. Number 1, I get Ford Supplier pricing because my step dad is a parts manager at one of the big Ford Dealers in the area. Number 2, because it actually makes my insurance drop by 50 bucks a month over my current rate on my Olds Alero.

- Mad - 03-06-2005

Newer car and lower insurance, now that is a sweet deal. How about reliability and whatnot, it is a new engine design, right?