Stingray - has lost his damn fool mind - Printable Version

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- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

This is how the conversation opened up, right out of the blue...

Wackbag Ltd: hey
Tenbatsuzen: yeah
Tenbatsuzen: What's up?
Wackbag Ltd: Hacking is illegal
Wackbag Ltd: Noc's working on it now
Tenbatsuzen: Um... what?
Wackbag Ltd: Fake emails from Mr DeRosa tellin members they were banned
Tenbatsuzen: Take no offense, I know it's Friday night and people are drinking, but what in the blue fuck are you talking about?
Wackbag Ltd: NOC is looking into wether he hacked into the SMTP server or just forged headers
Wackbag Ltd: oauncensored hacking email
Tenbatsuzen: Someone hacked OAuncensored?
Tenbatsuzen: You'd have to hack Blogger to do that.
Wackbag Ltd: no they may have tried to hack wackbag, it's being looked into now
Tenbatsuzen: So is this some sort of friendly threat?
Wackbag Ltd: threat?
Tenbatsuzen: First off, I don't know who the fuck this is. You're rude.
Wackbag Ltd: it's stingray
Tenbatsuzen: Prove it. Get on your other nick and IM me.

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

Followed by this.

Wackbag: ok
Tenbatsuzen: Good enough.
Wackbag: he's sending emails to members using "[email protected]" telling them their banned
Tenbatsuzen: You think KEYSER is doing that?
Tenbatsuzen: hahahahah
Wackbag: there is no [email protected]
Tenbatsuzen: Keyser doesn't have the technical knowledge to put together a frigging sig pic, let alone pull off a hack of that magnitude.
Wackbag: does he know that if his WHOIS info is wrong, anyone can take his domain names?
Tenbatsuzen: Actually, all you need for the whois is a correct contact, whether it's email or phone.
Tenbatsuzen: Address doesn't make a difference.
Tenbatsuzen: And is that a veiled threat?
Wackbag: both have to be right
Tenbatsuzen: You better check yourself before you seriously bark up the wrong tree.
Wackbag: no its not a threat, thats the law
Tenbatsuzen: Just like if an officer is out of uniform, you can't get a ticket? C'mon Sting
Tenbatsuzen: Surely you know you have a lot more enemies than just Keyser
Wackbag: please ask him to contact me
Wackbag: google it
Tenbatsuzen: I'm not his personal secretary.
Tenbatsuzen: Any issues you have with your board, leave me out of it. It's an issue with you and Keyser if you want to accuse him of shit, and I know you have his SN.
Wackbag: he's not on
Wackbag: your part of that shithole that is hacking me
Tenbatsuzen: So then why are you IMing me? Do you think Keyser and I gossip over cosmopolitans?
Tenbatsuzen: The relationship between Keyser and I is tenuous at best. The only reason he has me on OAU is because I'm the only one on there who works in radio and I provide industry-related stories
Tenbatsuzen: The only messageboard drama I gave was the shit you pulled when you banned me, and then proved to me that you have ZERO idea what funny is when you killed the Norton composite sketch.
Wackbag: your name is on the site that has attemped hacking my website, therefore consider yourself involved
Tenbatsuzen: So let me get this straight, every single NYPD officer was involved in the Diallo shooting?
Tenbatsuzen: Listen up, you paranoid twit. You have ZERO FUCKING EVIDENCE that Keyser pulled this shit.
Wackbag: use google
Tenbatsuzen: And even if you do, you'll get ZERO FUCKING EVIDENCE linking me to any of this.
Wackbag: I'm not accusing you
Wackbag: im accusing him
Tenbatsuzen: Are you high? You just said "Consider yourself involved".
Tenbatsuzen: I'm not involved in SHIT other than writing for a stupid fucking website.
Tenbatsuzen: If anything, it's not OAU that's involved here.
Wackbag: whatever
Tenbatsuzen: No, not whatever.
Tenbatsuzen: Keyser is a lot of things, but he's not stupid enough to break the law to fuck with you
Wackbag: funny how he just posted my info also
Tenbatsuzen: Um? it's public info.
Tenbatsuzen: You own fault for not paying the 15 bucks to protect your WHOIS
Wackbag: hope he fixes his whois info
Tenbatsuzen: Now, see, THAT'S a threat.
Wackbag: all contact info is required
Tenbatsuzen: So? Take it up with him and stop with the childish, duplicitous threats.
Tenbatsuzen: It is shit like this that has people - including your own mods, btw - so much for that gag order - who complain to me about wackbag.
Wackbag: I was hacked, I'm not making threats..
Tenbatsuzen: You do realize that there's a difference between hacking and faking an email header, right?
Tenbatsuzen: If anything, it's a practical joke.
Tenbatsuzen: Did he actually hack into your database? No.
Tenbatsuzen: What the hacker did was take publically available email addresses...
Wackbag: yup, that why the NOC is looking into the exim server now since boogaloo couldnt send me the fake email
Tenbatsuzen: Welp, I don't know what to tell you, other than 1) I'm not involved and 2) I'm not Keyser's lapdog, so take up your idle threats with him
Wackbag: so your admitting he did it?
Wackbag: you just said " If anything, it's a practical joke"
Tenbatsuzen: Are you high? I don't even know what happened, other than users being told they are banned, which, honestly, is pretty fucking funny.
Wackbag: yea, real funny
Tenbatsuzen: You know what, man?
Tenbatsuzen: THere's a bunch of other OA message boards out there.
Tenbatsuzen: Why are you the one with all the problems?
Tenbatsuzen: Why do people hate you so much?
Tenbatsuzen: Think about it.
Tenbatsuzen: People fucking DESPISED early on
Wackbag: i dont have any problems, anthony derosa has them with my site
Tenbatsuzen: Kid, I don't think he's the only one.
Tenbatsuzen: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... vate.jhtml</a><!-- m --> <- and you are aware of this, right?
Wackbag: who told you boogaloo was banned? you seemed to know before anyone... even though he was never banned.. that was the fake email
Tenbatsuzen: It was on OAU.
Tenbatsuzen: So perhaps he told someone else after he got the email and word spread.
Tenbatsuzen: And BTW, I didn't talk to Boogaloo and/or Bach until 7PM tonight.
Wackbag: At least annually, a registrar must present to the Registrant the current Whois information, and remind the registrant that provision of false Whois information can be grounds for cancellation of their domain name registration. Registrants must review their Whois data, and make any corrections.

2. When registrations are deleted on the basis of submission of false contact data or non-response to registrar inquiries, the redemption grace period  once implemented  should be applied. However, the redeemed domain name should be placed in registrar hold status until the registrant has provided updated Whois information to the registrar-of-record

Wackbag: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Tenbatsuzen: Dude, you're arguing semantics. Take it up with Keyser.
Wackbag: just sayin
Tenbatsuzen: How do you know it wasn't someone from .net?
Tenbatsuzen: Are you so paranoid and enamored with Keyser you are convinced it's him?
Wackbag: I have sources
Wackbag: ever heard of identy fraud for forging headers?
Wackbag: data crimes unit handles that
Tenbatsuzen: Oooooh! Is William Peterson on the case?
Wackbag: this is a serious issue
Tenbatsuzen: Dude, with the amount of cybercrime that happens in the US, I think LE has more important things to deal with than something that amounts to little more than a practical joke.
Wackbag: practical koke or not, MY identity was stole via forged headers OR my exim mail server was hacked into.. thats still being checked out
Wackbag: My host takes this stuff very seriously
Tenbatsuzen: Identity theft is when they steal your license and SSN, or they forge a header to fish for info
Tenbatsuzen: not when you play a practical joke
Wackbag: identy theft has differnt rules on the internet
Wackbag: trying to disredit a website by sending emial to members supposedly from me is not a joke whatsoever
Tenbatsuzen: Hey assclown... you said it yourself. There is no [email]<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a><!-- e -->.[/email] So technically - IT'S NOT FROM YOU.
Tenbatsuzen: If you REALLY want to get into semantics.
Wackbag: [email protected] is from me, I own
Tenbatsuzen: Can I ask you a question?
Wackbag: sure
Tenbatsuzen: What makes you so goddamn sure Keyser did this, considering the amount of enemies you have?
Wackbag: i have sources, I'm not giving them to you. besides just look at his site... It backs up what he did! he even posted my whois info under the false pretense that foundry and wack share a server
Tenbatsuzen: Yeah, I don't even understand where he was going with that
Tenbatsuzen: It kinda makes zero sense, considering Jeff hates your guts.
Wackbag: it was just to get my whois info out there... creating motive
Wackbag: i use servint, foundry uses NAC.. two completely different companies
Tenbatsuzen: Um...
Tenbatsuzen: anybody who hates you enough and has motive could have gotten your whois.
Wackbag: yes, its freely available, but posting a false headline for the sole purpose of getting my whois out here is what i see as motive
Tenbatsuzen: Maybe he just likes fucking with you because he knows how paranoid you are?
Tenbatsuzen: Maybe a mod tipped him off to the hack and he's just really hardcore fucking with you?
Wackbag: not what i heard
Tenbatsuzen: You do realize that Keyser is an expert in fucking with you?
Tenbatsuzen: That Keyser has enough plants on Wackbag to make it a fucking greenhouse?
Tenbatsuzen: That maybe, just maybe, this whole thing could be a mindfuck on the level that Machiavelli himself couldn't think of?
Tenbatsuzen: See, THAT is something Keyser is capable of.
Tenbatsuzen: You realize that you can't trust your regs... who now hate you.
Wackbag: nothing more to talk about
Tenbatsuzen: You can't trust your mods... who distrust you and hate what the board's become
Tenbatsuzen: And you sure as hell can't trust me, and making me a third party to this just worsens it
Wackbag: us mods, talk every night in voice chat... they dont hate me
Tenbatsuzen: I didn't say your mods hate you.
Wackbag: all involved will be contacted by the authorities when all the evidence is gathered
Tenbatsuzen: I said they don't trust your leadership and they hate what the board has become.
Wackbag: thats bullshit
Wackbag: they make the rules with me
Wackbag: you think I make the rules? we make the rules together
Tenbatsuzen: You just said it yourself.
Tenbatsuzen: YOU own the board.
Tenbatsuzen: Your arrogance will be your downfall. I know for a FACT that some of your mods can't stand some of your policies and shake their heads at the decisions you make.
Tenbatsuzen: Your leadership is weak and your messages with the Norton composite proved it.
Wackbag: i own it, its my property, the way the board is run is determined by rules made by the mods and myself in voice chat
Tenbatsuzen: Voice chat sucks because "Sting hates to type."
Wackbag: you may be talking about mods who are no longer mods
Tenbatsuzen: No, not really.
Tenbatsuzen: BTW, love your gag order to your other mods after I became a writer for OAU.
Wackbag: I think theirs like 10 messageboards out there, people want to hate the popular one
Tenbatsuzen: Oh really?
Wackbag: what gag order?
Tenbatsuzen: Then why did people hate at first... and slowly it gained respectability?
Tenbatsuzen: OA.commers HATED
Tenbatsuzen: DESPSIED IT.
Tenbatsuzen: yet it slowly came around.
Wackbag: never has what
Tenbatsuzen: Never came around like did.
Tenbatsuzen: You want to know why?
Wackbag: what does have to do with any of this?
Tenbatsuzen: Your modding policies have driven away good users and cultivates a land of stupidity
Wackbag: thats bullshit
Tenbatsuzen: Oh?
Tenbatsuzen: Why do you think a lot of your regs are jumping ship to Postwhores?
Wackbag: the few mods that left, left because they like the smaller board the way it used to be
Tenbatsuzen: Why do I know for a fact that some of your best posters are now in the embryonic stages of putting together their own message board, which, considering their intelligence, will probably be one of the better ones out there?
Tenbatsuzen: BTW, Mods don't leave because the board gets too big.
Tenbatsuzen: Mods leave because the board gets too stupid.
Wackbag: good for them, I dont have to be the "biggest" board. I like a nice board.. dont care if its big or small..
Tenbatsuzen: OK, I'll hold you to that by the end of this year when most of your intelligent posters have been driven away and you pander to the show so hard that the posting quality well eventually die off.
Tenbatsuzen: Because, quite honestly, you lack the leadership to hold it together.
Tenbatsuzen: When O&A are off premium, all bets are off and that WILL be the beginning of the end unless you get it together.
Wackbag: lol
Wackbag: I would like 2 or 3 "big" message boards
Wackbag: dont want to pay for this all myself
Wackbag: if someone makes a cool message board and it gets popular, that would be real cool... however, the boards that are out there now just cant cut it.. in terms of board policy and server resources
Tenbatsuzen: "server resources"? That's an awfully dumb statement to make
Wackbag: how about "cost" is that eaiser for you to understand?
Tenbatsuzen: It's not like you need a Cray to run a messageboard
Wackbag: server resources = $ the more popular it becomes the more money it costs
Tenbatsuzen: Bullshit. .Net doesn't pull that much bandwidth.
Tenbatsuzen: 15-20 bucks a month, if you compartively shop.
Wackbag: bandwidth is not really a problem for a messageboard, CPU and RAM usage is. Hosts will kick your ass off if you use to much of their machine
Tenbatsuzen: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <- 4 gigs storage, 100 gigs bandwidth. You were saying?
Wackbag: dude, last month i had 350 gigs of bandwidth a month, was only using 90gigs a month... I still had to upgrade to get more CPU and RAM you have no idea what your talking about when it comes to hight traffic database drivin sites
Wackbag: bandwidth doesnt keep a site up when its plugged, CPU and RAM does... get it? If I sent all my traffic right now to .net they would crash in 2 minutes, it was proven last month when I tried to be nice and link there while i was restarting mysgl
Tenbatsuzen: So you're saying you purposely crashed your main rival?
Tenbatsuzen: OMG!
Wackbag: No, I was being nice and sent the traffic to the next messageboard in line, I was IMed it crashed so I had to take down the link
Wackbag: I'm not even kidding about keyser hacking, it's not going away
Tenbatsuzen: That should also tell you something, considering all your regs wanted to jump to .net instead of waiting for your site to come back.
Wackbag: They didnt jump there, wackbag was closed with a LINK to .net
Wackbag: i do consider that since this is a private IM, I have a reasonable expectation of privacy. That means I do not imply or give permission for it to be posted anywhere else
Tenbatsuzen: Relax, I'm not going to post it on OAU.
Wackbag: never know with you guys, I never thought keyser would resort to hacking for example
Tenbatsuzen: Then why even IM me in the first place.
Tenbatsuzen: Like I said, we don't hang out in a club trying to figure out ways to fuck with you
Wackbag: I think you do, that whole site is about wackbag
Wackbag: makes no sense
Wackbag: and now you resort to outright lies to get my personal info out and hacking... its pathetic
Tenbatsuzen: HEY! FUCKFACE!
Tenbatsuzen: DO NOT USE THE TERM "YOU".
Wackbag: you as in your site
Tenbatsuzen: IT'S NOT MY SITE.
Wackbag: your listed on it
Tenbatsuzen: I write for it. But I have no ownership or responsibility over content.
Wackbag: i didnt see that disclaimer
Tenbatsuzen: Oh? Well, you have a bunch of potsmokers on your site. So I guess that makes you a drug dealer.
Wackbag: read my disclaimer
Wackbag: you may know about radio but you seem to have no idea about internet law
Tenbatsuzen: Are you really that arrogant?
Tenbatsuzen: Before, this was just funny, now you're just pissing me off and taking away from my porn viewing time.
Wackbag: you were jus telling me you cold run a high traffic message board on a $20 shared hosting plan.. its clear you have no idea what your talking about
Tenbatsuzen: And you're accusing me of being part of some sort of hack on your board, when you have no idea how limited either my talent or Keyser's talents are.
Wackbag: the motive resides on, witnessess are in my email box.
Tenbatsuzen: So what's MY motive?
Tenbatsuzen: I've written maybe 2 articles calling out wackbag?
Wackbag: hate? jealousy? "practical joke" as you say who knows... you seem to know a lot about what happened
Tenbatsuzen: Man, you really are paranoid.
Tenbatsuzen: This really is hysterical.
Tenbatsuzen: What if I did post this on OAU?
Tenbatsuzen: Just to show what a weak, pathetic person you are?
Wackbag: paranoid? go to its in plain site
Tenbatsuzen: Yeah, but as you can see - I DIDN'T POST IT. So why are you getting me involved?
Wackbag: 3 articles posted in 1 day about the hate for wackbag and then wackbag mail is hacked and you call it a practical joke. I'm paranoid? or is this fact?
Tenbatsuzen: Actually
Tenbatsuzen: One article rips Ant.
Tenbatsuzen: One article is the whois info
Tenbatsuzen: the other one is about your complaint policy - which was a show of your weak leadership - but I digress.
Tenbatsuzen: The first post was just horrifically worded and not the way to go abou tit
Tenbatsuzen: You lack diplomacy
Tenbatsuzen: But hey, you know about server usage!
Wackbag: whois info under false pretense
Wackbag: thats the motive
Wackbag: or is that a veiled invite for hackers?
Tenbatsuzen: You've already said that. Dude, just shut the fuck up and take it up with Keyser. I had nothing to do with it, and I'm sure Keyser didn't either.
Tenbatsuzen: You wanna know what I do? I work 10 hours a day at a websense restricted place, I come home, I surf for porn, I go to sleep.
Wackbag: why the hate then man?
Tenbatsuzen: I hate you because you banned me for stupid reasons and you lack the backbone to run a tight site.
Tenbatsuzen: Actually, I don't even hate you
Tenbatsuzen: I *DISLIKE* you.
Tenbatsuzen: But I don't HATE you.
Tenbatsuzen: And you are CERTAINLY not important enough to me to attempt pulling something like this off.
Wackbag: I run not only a tight site but a respectable and fun site that the members enjoy. and I didnt ban you
Tenbatsuzen: I'm not going to say "I don't care", because I do, but I don't care enough to hack your site
Wackbag: keyser did
Tenbatsuzen: Prove it, and take it up with him. Leave me out of it, chumpy.
Wackbag: whoevers ip it resolves to will be responsible
Wackbag: im talking about the IP in the headers of the forged emails or the hack of the smtp server
Tenbatsuzen: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... post316827</a><!-- m -->
Tenbatsuzen: Now go and leave me alone, and quit your bellyaching.
Wackbag: IP + Time of day = hacker
Wackbag: did keyser not know that his IP is on every email he sends?
Tenbatsuzen: Will you listen to yourself?
Tenbatsuzen: We DO NOT TALK.
Wackbag: didnt you ask me why you were banned even though i didnt ban you
Wackbag: well anyway, i guess its funny that the guy who has been trying to take down wackbag will have his own site taken don and end up in court.
Tenbatsuzen: I'll remember that when you're proven wrong. Again.
Wackbag: i have emails from some of his "friends" that prove otherwise. I guess noone ever knows who they can trust on the internet
Wackbag: nice talking to ya, have a good night

- The Sleeper - 03-12-2005

great, now post the rest

- The Sleeper - 03-12-2005

nevermind, i was so close to banning you!!

- IrishAlkey - 03-12-2005

Quote:Wackbag: i have emails from some of his "friends" that prove otherwise. I guess noone ever knows who they can trust on the internet

Keyser has friends?

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:Wackbag: i have emails from some of his "friends" that prove otherwise. I guess noone ever knows who they can trust on the internet

Keyser has friends?
Maybe that's why it was in quotes.

- IrishAlkey - 03-12-2005


- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

IrishAlkey Wrote:Touche.
Stingray's like columbo. With Down's Syndrome.

BTW, Alkey, you handle sensitive equipment all day. MAYBE YOU'RE THE HACKER!

- The Sleeper - 03-12-2005

OK that was pretty entertaining. Looks like keyser's blog is actually starting to work.

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

The Sleeper Wrote:OK that was pretty entertaining. Looks like keyser's blog is actually starting to work.
I think Sting's hypocrisy can be seen when he gets all upset when I use the term "you" as in "you" banned me, but he uses the same exact tactic when he tries to accuse me of hacking his site.

- The Sleeper - 03-12-2005

this would be better if DIG was involved somehow

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly sting is accusing what got hacked.

Apparently, the emails came with a header of "admin@wackbag" which is easily faked...

sent to members who made their email addresses public.

I don't see anything illegal or hackerish in that.

- Galt - 03-12-2005

Quote:Wackbag: i have emails from some of his "friends" that prove otherwise. I guess noone ever knows who they can trust on the internet


- The Sleeper - 03-12-2005

do elaborate, galt

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

I just hacked Silera's photobucket page.

- Galt - 03-12-2005

He didn't really engage me in conversation. He's sick of me by now. But I confirmed his suspicions, though didn't say it was Keyser directly. Said it was other people too. I tried to get him riled up and start asking for the inside dish, but he didn't fall for it, so the IM wasn't very interesting. BUT AT LEAST I GOT MENTIONED

- Tenbatsuzen - 03-12-2005

The weird thing is, it could have been a ton of people, ESPECIALLY on dot net, but he's convinced it's Keyser who "hacked" him.

- Galt - 03-12-2005

It was clearly you. You aren't a very good liar. I don't care, obviously. But you were pretty blatant about it in that IM.

- Hybrid - 03-12-2005

what is postwhores? and people still post on/care about wackbag?

- Goatweed - 03-12-2005

he's quite the dancing monkey, isn't he?

now he's gonna take people's sites away from them? all in the name of O&A!!!!!

and why isnt this in the O&A section?