How many black people do you say hi to everyday? - Printable Version

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- Hawt Baux - 06-16-2005

There's a black guy in one of my classes, he was wearing a pink shirt last night......

so no.,

- diceisgod - 06-16-2005

hi, fat girl!

- Hawt Baux - 06-16-2005

OMGZ ur lek so clevar!

- diceisgod - 06-16-2005

how's my lil, fat girl? My little fatty watty watty...

- Hawt Baux - 06-16-2005

Fine, yourself?

- The Jays - 06-16-2005

When I do see black people, it's usually daytime.

- crx girl - 06-16-2005

i usually wave or say hi to them when they yell at me on my street. and at work too. but then i probably talk to more people in a night than most of you do in a month. there's this one homless guy who's trying to get a job as a dishwasher so he can save all his money to buy me an engagement ring,

- jewdown - 06-16-2005

whats a "black people"?

- Buttmunch - 06-16-2005


- OAS - 06-16-2005

The town I live in has one black guy who is shacking up with some big fat white woman. I never ran into him so I have never said hello. I work with Indians so no darkies at work either. I say hello to redskins all day. Does that count?

- GonzoStyle - 06-16-2005

I'm talking to one right now, he's telling me why black jamaicans hate black americans and why all reggae music doesn't sound the same.

- jewdown - 06-16-2005

Everyone already knows why black jamaincans hate black americans.

cause they're fucking lazy niggers who give all other blacks a bad rap