I just saw the worst thing ever on TV - The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 09-17-2005

I defend GW
board opinion is against me, I never voted for him therefore I am not defending him.
new thread, I defend GW.
board opinion is...................

- The Jays - 09-17-2005

Galt Wrote:making a plan isn't hard. It's the executing that's tough. Ooops, we forgot to actually deliver any food or water. And oh yeah, we forgot about having some police in there to protect against murders and rapes and such.

Oh, well. Next time we'll do better.
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Quote:On August 28 the Louisiana National Guard delivered three truckloads of water and seven truckloads of MREs (meals ready to eat), enough to supply 15,000 people for three days. There was no water purification equipment on site, no chemical toilets, no anti-biotics and no anti-diarrheals stored for a crisis. There were no designated medical staff at work in the evacuation center. There was no established sick bay within the Superdome, and there were very few cots available that hadn't been brought in by evacuees. The mayor of New Orleans had, in fact, stated that as a "refuge of last resort," only limited food, water, and supplies would be provided. Residents who evacuated to the Superdome were warned to bring their own supplies.

Quote:The Superdome was in use as a "shelter of last resort" for those in New Orleans unable to evacuate from Hurricane Katrina. Approximately 9,000 residents and 550 National Guardsmen rode out the night in the Superdome as Katrina came ashore. Maj. Gen. Bennett C. Landreneau, Adjutant General for the Louisiana National Guard, said that the number of people taking shelter in the Superdome has risen to around 15,000 to 20,000 as search and rescue teams bring more people to the Superdome from areas hit hard by the flooding.

You know, it's not like some federal organization, like FEMA, is suppose to be the main body in charge of relief efforts in response to disaster.

- Galt - 09-17-2005

No. They are not. FEMA is not a first response unit. They never have been. And aren't supposed to be. And great they had food and water. Am I supposed to write a paragraph on all the shit they didn't have? How can you expect to house 15,000 people for 3 days with no medical staff, no medicine, no sleeping areas. Is that Washington's responsiblity to have at the ready? Just poof make it all appear in three days? Jesus Christ think about the process.

All I've been saying is local officials are responsible for the amount of people stuck there because they didn't come up with alternate ways for people to leave, they are responsible for the horrid conditions in the Superdome (crime, conditions, supplies), and they are responsible for the looting, crime, murders, etc as a result. The local officials are 100% responsible for setting the procedures and executing them initially. The apparant sloth of FEMA and the federal government responding is a completely separate and simiarly horrible performance, but only worsened the conditions that resulted from the local official's performance.

This has absolutely nothing to do with who happens to be president right now. I'm guessing that I'm labelled as a Bush apologist because when all these issues come up, I'm normally give the President a pass because I don't think it's the President's job to do anything but foreign policy. However, since every nation on the planet despises us, he's not doing a good job at even that.

Saying that New Orleans and LA local officials are more to blame than the federal government is not defending anyone. You are a retard, Arpi.

- The Jays - 09-17-2005

Quote:First Responders Urged Not To Respond To Hurricane Impact Areas Unless Dispatched By State, Local Authorities

Release Date: August 29, 2005

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), today urged all fire and emergency services departments not to respond to counties and states affected by Hurricane Katrina without being requested and lawfully dispatched by state and local authorities under mutual aid agreements and the Emergency Management Assistance Compact.

“The response to Hurricane Katrina must be well coordinated between federal, state and local officials to most effectively protect life and property,” Brown said. “We appreciate the willingness and generosity of our Nation’s first responders to deploy during disasters. But such efforts must be coordinated so that fire-rescue efforts are the most effective possible.”

The U.S. Fire Administration, part of FEMA, asks that fire and emergency services organizations remain in contact with their local and state emergency management agency officials for updates on requirements in the affected areas.

“It is critical that fire and emergency departments across the country remain in their jurisdictions until such time as the affected states request assistance,” said U.S. Fire Administrator R. David Paulison. “State and local mutual aid agreements are in place as is the Emergency Management Assistance Compact and those mechanisms will be used to request and task resources needed in the affected areas.”

Paulison said the National Incident Management System is being used during the response to Hurricane Katrina and that self-dispatching volunteer assistance could significantly complicate the response and recovery effort.

FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.


- Keyser Soze - 09-17-2005

i'm the last person to come to bush's defense but you really have to have your head up your own ass to think this is 100% the federal governments fault. serious mistakes were made on both sides.

- The Jays - 09-17-2005

dude, how many times do I have to say, it's alot of people's fault!

- fbd - 09-17-2005


- The Jays - 09-17-2005

dude, what the fuck, can you not read

- fbd - 09-17-2005

dude, what the fuck, can you not tell that caps=sarcasm?

- drusilla - 09-20-2005

so back to the topic at hand, the week after that show, tlc did one on a little girl "born without a face"