happy birthday 2.... - Printable Version

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- Black Lazerus - 11-27-2005

GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:go out and treat yourself to some alcohol and fornication

way ahead of you pal, plus I also treated myself to a new 19" flat screen lcd monitor and speakers.

50 cent is shakin the floors, i think the sub woofer just lifted the tiles off the floor.

[Image: themagic.jpg]

ohh pantera just came on the shuffle!!!
Boght a 37 inch LVD polaroid today pics to follow

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

is it your birthday?

- Black Lazerus - 11-27-2005

it was

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

not today, so make like an egg and beat it!

- Black Lazerus - 11-27-2005

You just don't want me stealing your shine.

- Mad - 11-27-2005

If he was black, he would have stolen all of your loot.

- Goatweed - 11-27-2005

did you buy a new fucking chair yet?

- Hawt Baux - 11-27-2005

Black Lazerus Wrote:You just don't want me stealing your shine.
Funny that you use the word shine...

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

patrick and I spoke on the phone for almost 2 hours, best present ever.

- Mad - 11-27-2005

Hope he is well, is being sued for child support yet?

- IrishAlkey - 11-27-2005


- The Jays - 11-27-2005


Edited By The Jays on 1133061824

- Arpikarhu - 11-27-2005

GonzoStyle Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:i dont understand why the title of the thread and the first post made it seem like gonzo was revealing a big surprise when the days birthdays are listed right below the forums for everybody to see.
I don't understand why you still live.
It was an honest question. you did it, dont get pissed at me.

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

2 hours, 27 minutes and 1 second.

Pat and I are officially real friends now and I seared the flesh on my cheek when I attempted to remove my cell phone.

- The Jays - 11-27-2005

And the board lived happily ever after.

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

the fuckin hands free was right in front of me all that time, I never talked to him for more than 2 mins tho.

- The Jays - 11-27-2005

ooo, is he gonna call you tomorrow? maybe you two can share a float at the soda fountain

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

it's like we were all together, I heard arelis complaining and the kid crying... best birthday in 4 years!

- IrishAlkey - 11-27-2005

We should all move in together.

- The Jays - 11-27-2005

like the real world