the blue and grey skin - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 11-27-2005

yeah, like the gay victorian add new topic button

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

it makes the place look classy!

- Keyser Soze - 11-27-2005

the blue and grey skin doesn't flow as nicely as the gomez one. its a little too busy.

- The Jays - 11-27-2005


- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

what fuckin busy, you guys have no sense of style and class.

- Keyser Soze - 11-27-2005

its like putting a silk hat on a pig.

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

you know something about this fuckin skin business?

- Keyser Soze - 11-27-2005

He knows everything about it. I mean he's on the board 24 hours a day. I mean another fucking few minutes he could be a sig pic that's how often he's in there.

- The Jays - 11-27-2005


- drusilla - 11-27-2005

i like the blue & grey skin cause i have the barcode back on top. but i can't see any sigs now.

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

drusilla Wrote:i like the blue & grey skin cause i have the barcode back on top. but i can't see any sigs now.
go to your account options and modify account tab and see if "see images" is on yes or no, or whatever it is, you'll see it.

Also, the blue and grey skin works great at work, with images turned off.

- drusilla - 11-27-2005

i can only see the jays sig. for some reason i think i can't see anything that is hosted by the board.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 11-27-2005

I personally don't like the blue and grey one. The black one is ok but the whole mouse over the forums thing coupled with the top graphic not matching the buttons makes it kinda weak. I'll be sticking with gomez's for now.

We should have another contest. I liked my entries.

- Charles Manson - 11-27-2005

You should have the buttons do different things randomly like if you click on the add reply button one time it will log you out and the next it will take you to search page. It will help keep everyone sharp, on their toes, and salty for the impending race war.

- Arpikarhu - 11-27-2005

i have always preferred original.

- The Jays - 11-27-2005

drusilla Wrote:i can only see the jays sig. for some reason i think i can't see anything that is hosted by the board.
my sig is hosted here

- drusilla - 11-27-2005

then what the hell!

- GonzoStyle - 11-28-2005

your tits are overloading the server