CDIH Sunday Morning Throwback Thread Thread - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 02-19-2006

Galt Wrote:What was baffling to me was that it looks like this would have taken an immense amount of time unless you have been saving these links for awhile.

I was baffled at your dedication to this thread.

And A) I have no idea what hint you are trying to drop and B) I don't know what would qualify as a "throwback" thread.

Post links to old threads you deem funny.

Jesus, I should become a dentist.

- Charles Manson - 02-19-2006

subliminal thread

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

I would really like to highlight the thread 10001. I feel it is a hidden gem, and one I hadn't seen in years, but remember it fondly.

- Galt - 02-19-2006

"Being compassionate is like having a go-cart in your soul."

How does he come up with those gems?

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

The Jays Wrote:Remember when 40 home runs used to be such a big deal? Well, that'll be the feeling about Sleeper's 10,000th.

The Sleeper Wrote:I'm the Dave Kingman of CDIH

The Jays Wrote:Your 10,000th post will be like the Apollo 15 mission.

The Sleeper Wrote:I feel like Zach felt when he won 3rd place in the track meet and was all proud of his ribbon...only to see Slater come in with a huge trophy.

The Jays Wrote:no, you're not even Zack. You're like the guy on the tv show that everyone forgets placed in the top 3. See, you know Zack and Slater, but who finished second????

See? You're THAT guy.

The Sleeper Wrote:I'm the dude that's always right below Happy Gilmore and Shooter McGavin on the scoreboard.

The Jays Wrote:I thought you were edgy. It seems like everyone is doing the whole "10,000 posts, woohoo" thing. Be a fucking rebel, man, stop being a sheep.

The Sleeper Wrote:You are right, once i reach 9999 posts, I am retiring or I forever will be known as a corporate sell out

The Jays Wrote:and don't fucking back out of this. You need to treat these final 100 posts like the last time Snow White will be sold on VHS or like the last season of Friends. Promote the hell out of it, because this is the last we'll ever see of you.

- Galt - 02-19-2006

Suggestion: Have sex with your mother!

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

Arpikarhu Wrote:i want to know the criteria for picking these threads! why the disproportionate amount of arpi bashing threads?!?!?
you trying to tell me something, jays?

man up and say it outright!

as you should already know, the "arpi bashing" aspect of the threads are just a mere veneer and a matter of continuity, something to tie in to previous threads, as part of an on-going storyline. There are many threads that could be classified into the "arpi bashing" catagory, but the fact that they appear to attack arpi is not what qualifies them as being highlighted for their funny factor. Funny stuff still goes on in the threads that is not related to arpi bashing.

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

The Sleeper Wrote:posts 9984 and 85 are a 2 part series where i finally meet my long lost half brother, a gay black man.

- Galt - 02-19-2006

Galt Wrote:PatrickFnBateman: Can I make a request?
wccsradio: Sure. What do you want?
PatrickFnBateman: I want you to get out of the radio business. You have no talent whatever. You are horrible. Kill yourself
wccsradio: Asshole.

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

The Sleeper Wrote:well no one cares if you did it once in the 80s because it went well with your flock of seagulls haircut.

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

GonzoStyle Wrote:Ok....

I shoved a peanut M&M up nose once and had to be taken to the hospital to have it removed.

Goatweed Wrote:was it laced with coke?

GonzoStyle Wrote:No it was just laced with a yellow candy shell.

- Galt - 02-19-2006

going shot for shot against Sleeper's posts is a losing battle.

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

I haven't even read most of these threads, I just remember them as being significant.

- Galt - 02-19-2006

I'm serious. Walk me through this process.

Did you go through all the threads last night and pick out the ones you remember, or is this an ongoing process where you tag and link certain threads for later use?

- The Jays - 02-19-2006

I set my mouse over the next page number, and clicked, and looked for threads. Last night, I started in 2004, and worked my way back. I looked for particular thread titles I remembered, and threads with over 100 replies. I bookmarked each link with my blog Press-It shortcut on my Firefox after opening every specific thread in a new tabs. I would have 20 to 30 tabs on my Firefox, and once I had each link, I had to edit out the Cold Day In Hell- View Topic. Then I just cut and pasted each link.

- Charles Manson - 02-19-2006

so you admit that the board is going to be closed down before the spring

- Arpikarhu - 02-19-2006

things are much better round here during the weekday afternoons. i say we ban all night/weekend only posters.

- Keyser Soze - 02-19-2006

this thread is delicious.

- GonzoStyle - 02-19-2006

The Jays Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:Ok....

I shoved a peanut M&M up nose once and had to be taken to the hospital to have it removed.

Goatweed Wrote:was it laced with coke?

GonzoStyle Wrote:No it was just laced with a yellow candy shell.


arpi has seemed to lost it, he's reverting back to his bitter old man days.

- Arpikarhu - 02-19-2006

that hurts.