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- Maynard - 04-26-2002

I didnt say that I'm smarter than anyone tools, I just said I'm different. Take that any way you'd like.

How about sex? Are you friends with more men, or women?

Personally, I have more male friends, but I find myself able to get closer to women and open up to them more.

- Arpikarhu - 04-26-2002

Quote:I personally get tired of people rather quickly. I can't stand have the same people around me all the fuckin time, it makes me uncomfortable. I like having friends at a distance. It's odd, most people clamour for some sort of acceptence while I recieve acceptence and I don't feel all that comfortable with it. Thats why I love the internet. If I don't want to be around some people, I just turn the fuckin computer off and I am on my merry way. Like I said, odd, I don't really want to be alone but I need the option to be left alone at the drop of a dime.
and so ends sean cold's post for this week. tune in next week when sean will say............

Edited By Arpikarhu on April 26 2002 at 1:36

- Sean Cold - 04-26-2002

Quote:and so ends sean cold's post for this week. tune in next week when sean will say............

..........I have had enough of Arpi, it is time we got rid of him.:fuckoff:

- Arpikarhu - 04-26-2002

Quote:..........I have had enough of Arpi, it is time we got rid of him
2 posts in one day, he is en fuego!!

- Maynard - 04-26-2002

You know what Sean, you just made me really think. I too thrive on change. Maybe that's why I don't have many friends, because I get bored of them. And yeah, internet friends are the best. I love the fact that when Arpi is droning on and on about nothing, I can just ignore him, and say "oh sorry, I stepped away from the computer and forgot to put myself on away".

- Arpikarhu - 04-26-2002

Quote:I love the fact that when Arpi is droning on and on about nothing, I can just ignore him, and say "oh sorry, I stepped away from the computer and forgot to put myself on away".
liar, you hang on my every word

- Ken'sPen - 04-26-2002

I thought he hangs naked in his closet while spanking out a batch.

- NaughtyAngel - 04-26-2002

thats hot ken!!!

- Sean Cold - 04-26-2002

Quote:thats hot ken!!!

Does that mean that Amy and Arpi are the only ones here who like to dream about seeing Maynard naked? And why do I find this thought so fuckin disturbing?

On topic, change rules. Life is stale as all hell most of the time and most people don't change thier "friends". After a while, people get more repetive than a Nick At Night Marathon. I bore rather easy and like to change shit up as much as possiblke just to keep the game of life intresting. Only one non internet friend has survived my Friend Purges so he is my best friend without a doubt. I guess he is an anchor to the old me in a way. Either that or he likes buying rounds at the bar on a frequent basis.:firebounce:

- Sluggo - 04-26-2002

I am the kind of person that needs to have interaction with people...
I have a few friends that have been there for years...
They will always be there, like May said, no matter how long we go between seeing or talking...
In the last 2 or so years, Mrs. Sluggo's anxiety problems have kind of cut us off from the couples that I loved to hang out with...
That's why I am so happy to have found you people...
I need contact...I need to have my friends...

:Confusedniff,sniff:: I love you guys :Confusedniff::

- Danked - 04-26-2002

Friends? Are those like the people that sell me drugs? :confused:

- Sluggo - 04-26-2002

No Danked...
The friends are the ones that share them with you...Confusedmokey:

- NaughtyAngel - 04-26-2002

as for the sex question
if you count board people as my friends i have more guy friends
but most of my friends in high school are chicks
and that wasnt many

- Maynard - 04-26-2002

Quote:I need contact...I need to have my friends...
If you press your nipple against the glass, I'll rub it.

Hey Sean, I buy rounds at the bar all the time. You just never come to the bar. :fuckoff:

- Danked - 04-26-2002

Oh.... {Sad}

- Sluggo - 04-26-2002

Hey Danked...::cough:: 'ere...:fuggin:

- Danked - 04-26-2002


- NaughtyAngel - 04-26-2002


- virgingrrl - 04-26-2002

friends are wonderful people. most of my friends, even though this may be a shock to some, are grrls. one i have been friends with for 12 years, and the rest i made when i moved in 7th grade, and have been friends with them ever since. we have had our ups and downs, but not matter what i love them, and can trust them with anything. i do have a few male friends, but i do not have the same bond with them as i do with my grrls. i think what had made us all stay such good friends so long is the fact that we are all so diffrent and that the diversity adds so much to each and everyone of us. i :loveya: my friends. and i tell them every chance i get.

- Maynard - 04-26-2002

Quote:The friends are the ones that share them with you...
I :loveya: Sluggo.