My mailman tried to kill me - Printable Version

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- PatCooper - 04-29-2002

Quote:my friend across the street told me that last winter he slipped on his side walk and laid there cursing until the cops came, i don't think he's stable! he hasn't delivered mail on sats in months cuz they're forcing him into early retirement, this was the first sat since before the winter that he's delivered mail

Why do you know all of this about your mailman? We could have the same mailman and i wouldn't know. Why? Cause i dont care about who delivers my mail. Dont get so involved. What you should have done from the start. If you didn't touch the mail then the guy wouldn't be pissed at ya.

- Hybrid - 04-29-2002

dude, there was a 2ft pile on her porch(if this is true). what was she supposed to do?

- Galt - 04-29-2002

Norm Peterson and Jerry Seinfeld have BOTH gotten in trouble for delivering other people's mail.

- Maynard - 04-30-2002

Quote:dude, there was a 2ft pile on her porch(if this is true). what was she supposed to do?
Fuck delivering it. I would have taken the pine, in my car, and drove by and pulled a "Funny Farm" and just thrown it out the window at the mailbox.

- onehung - 04-30-2002

We ain't going to the party
We ain't going to the game
We ain't going to the disco
Ain't gonna cruise down main
We're stealing people's mail
stealing people's mail
stealing people's mail
On a friday night
Drivin' in the mountains
Winding round and round
Rummage thru your mailboxes
Take your mail back to town
And we got license plates, wedding gifts, tax returns
Checks to politicians from real estate firms,
Money, bills and cancelled checks,
Pretty funny pictures of your kids
We're stealing peopl's mail
On a Friday night
We're stealing people's mail
By the pale moonlight
We got grocery sackful after grocery sackful
Grocery sackful after grocery sackful
Grocery sackful after grocery sackful
Of the private lives of you
Ha Ha
People say we're crazy
We're sick and all alone
But when we read your letters
We're rolling on the floor
We got more license plates, wedding gifts, tax returns
Checks to politicians from real estate firms,
Money, bills and cancelled checks
We cut relationships with your friends
We're gonna steal your mail
By the pale moonlight
We better not get caught
We'll be drugged and shocked
'Til we come out born-again christians....

- Cunt-Twat - 04-30-2002

Quote:dude, there was a 2ft pile on her porch(if this is true). what was she supposed to do?
it is true, i'm not creative enough to make up this story, i was scared to open the mail today!
Quote:Why do you know all of this about your mailman? We could have the same mailman and i wouldn't know. Why? Cause i dont care about who delivers my mail.
the reason why we know so much about our mailman is cuz he's been around forever, he used to be a nice guy, he would talk to everyone outside that he passed. i saw him in quick check once, and he asked me to help him find a card for his sister. he was a nice guy, but he's gone mad!!