Problems in movies or shows - Discuss things that just don't seem righ - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 04-30-2002

Quote:just because you you feel inadequate for not knowing the reference doesnt mean everybody else feels the same way.
WEll, when I get back from lunch, we can start a thread discussing Extentialism if you'd like. But for now, I'd like to go get some food, and buy some CD's.

- The Sleeper - 04-30-2002

In "Along Came a Spider", there is a part where Morgan Freeman has to figure out the password of the serial killer's computer, which he does by remembering what some guy said previously, I don't remember the exact details. Forget the impausability of figuring out a password on a first try, my problem is when he types in the password, YOU CAN ACTUALLY FUCKING SEE IT! When have you ever seen an application that lets you see the password you type in rather than the customary "*********"? I'm no computer expert and even I know how to set up an application that hides the password once you type it in. It's standard security, no programmer in their right mind would set up an application that unsecure. The movie sucked, but this stuck out to me as just fucking lazy.

- Sloatsburgh - 04-30-2002

I got the reference, never read anything, but you could have used Plato. Modern philosophers tend to have a elitest tag to them (like referencing James Joyce as an author).

Who the hell would want to quote Sally Kirkegaard anyways.

- Arpikarhu - 04-30-2002

Quote:WEll, when I get back from lunch, we can start a thread discussing Extentialism if you'd like
if you meant existentialism, i would be happy to discuss Camus or Sartre with you. i personally found Camus' L'etranger to be a good source for that topic.

Edited By Arpikarhu on April 30 2002 at 1:53

- Sloatsburgh - 04-30-2002

Fucking French writers. I told you I smelled a literature snob.

"... And Mo Nay really pumps my nads!!"

- The Sleeper - 04-30-2002

You just realized now that Arpi is a snob? pshhh

- Arpikarhu - 04-30-2002

how is being well read being a snob? it pisses me off when people who dont understand something dismiss it by saying that someone is being a snob. its so fucking lazy

Edited By Arpikarhu on April 30 2002 at 2:02

- Sloatsburgh - 04-30-2002

At some point I will realize that you're a kid.......

- Arpikarhu - 04-30-2002

Quote:At some point I will realize that you're a kid.......
for those of you scoring at home,

- Sloatsburgh - 04-30-2002

No, but snobbery enters in when you mention an author you like, having it dismissed as being trivial, then being presented with a more renown author with which you reply with that you didn't enjoy his writing which is then followed by "you are well read enough to enjoy him".

Fuck you. I am not going to read 10,000 books so that I can appreciate James Joyce, Nabakov, or Hemingway.

- Ken'sPen - 04-30-2002

Quote:Why were all of the aliens in Star Trek Humaniod?

in The second go round of Star trek they explained that the galaxy was seeded with genetic material and all the races were related.

- Sloatsburgh - 04-30-2002

*cough* Make up episode *cough*

- Arpikarhu - 04-30-2002

Quote:No, but snobbery enters in when you mention an author you like, having it dismissed as being trivial, then being presented with a more renown author with which you reply with that you didn't enjoy his writing which is then followed by "you are well read enough to enjoy him".

i will admit that i am not well read enough to understand what you meant here.

Quote:Fuck you. I am not going to read 10,000 books so that I can appreciate James Joyce, Nabakov, or Hemingway
try one, RIF

- Sloatsburgh - 04-30-2002

The Sleeper:
You just realized now that Arpi is a snob? pshhh

At some point I will realize that you're a kid.......

Missing: Arpi's failure to understand Sloatsburgh's inability to grasp the obvious truth.

Correct? He cannot drink, so YES
Relevent? To two people trapped in a world of Billions looking for simple piece of commonality to hold onto and build upon for the future of the human race, maybe.

Superman always ducked when the gun was thrown at him but never the bullets.....

- The Sleeper - 04-30-2002

Quote:Correct? He cannot drink, so YES
I can't?

- Arpikarhu - 04-30-2002

Quote:The Sleeper:
You just realized now that Arpi is a snob? pshhh

At some point I will realize that you're a kid.......

Missing: Arpi's failure to understand Sloatsburgh's inability to grasp the obvious truth.

Correct? He cannot drink, so YES
Relevent? To two people trapped in a world of Billions looking for simple piece of commonality to hold onto and build upon for the future of the human race, maybe.

Superman always ducked when the gun was thrown at him but never the bullets.....

i think you are just free-associating and babbling now.

- Kid Afrika - 04-30-2002

I hate to admit it, but I agree with arpi's original statement. Only because I think, again, that some people may not see the forest for all of the trees. How can you enjoy anything if you are constanly comparing it to something else or measuring its cultural value. Personally, I like a good story and some good acting in a movie. I don't care if the critics loved or panned it, I just know what I like.

- Sloatsburgh - 04-30-2002

legally allowed to drink I should have said....

- Arpikarhu - 04-30-2002

Quote:I hate to admit it, but I agree with arpi's original statement
i apologize to everyone. i must have been horribly wrong.

- The Sleeper - 04-30-2002

Quote:legally allowed to drink I should have said....
So you're defenition of a kid is someone who's under 21? What kind of logic is that?