5 things to do the day the world ends - Nuclear attack 'virtually a certainty' - Printable Version

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- Galt - 05-06-2002

Quote:1. Call out of work.

I didn't even notice that. HA YOU ARE SO LAME Keyser.

Could you imagine the schmuck trying to get a hold of his boss to let him know he won't be arriving at work on the last day of earth.

That is so responsible of you. How come you won't make sure you mail out your bills and get an extra pair of clean underwear?

- slackjaw - 05-06-2002

Quote:5. Get and bang everyone that's within 100 meters of me

Does that include Kid and Ken's corpses? You sick fuck.

- Maynard - 05-06-2002

Quote:Does that include Kid and Ken's corpses? You sick fuck.
:burnfucker: That's me! :burnfucker:

- Keyser Soze - 05-06-2002

Sorry, I forgot to put < sarcasm > tags around 1. Call out of work

Humor is lost on the weak minded.

Oh and Elisa Dusku is 1000 times hotter than Kirsten Dunst but still not as hot as Ashley or Charlize. Shit come to think of it, Jessica Alba trumps them all. Is it too late to change my last lay before the end of the world pick?

- Galt - 05-06-2002

Charlize and Ashley. So what you're saying is that you like white trash with busted faces and no chests.

Alba in Idle Hands = hottest Being ever

- HedCold - 05-06-2002

Quote:Is it too late to change my last lay before the end of the world pick?
is there people that you owe money that you plan on paying back?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-06-2002

1. :toast: till I forgot I was about to die....
2. Have lots of sex with person of my choosing...
3. :fuggin: since I don't have to ever worry about a drug test ever...and I might as well be happy when I die
4. More sex....
5. I'd eat everything that I know is bad for me but tastes so a pint of Edy's Dreamery Peanut Butter Cup....:loveya:

- Maynard - 05-07-2002

Quote:2. Have lots of sex with person of my choosing...
At that point, does it really matter much?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-07-2002

Quote:At that point, does it really matter much?

Yep...I think I'd rather die without getting my f' on than f' because the world was about to end....

- Sean Cold - 05-07-2002

Quote:1. Bang the hottest chick I can find (that can't run faster than me). Smile

Kid, even with impending doom, you disgust me, how dare you look for a chick in a wheelchair.

1) Post my good bye on I always said the world would end before I posted there again.
2) Drink alot of beer
3) smoke alot of cigarettes.
4) have sex with whoever is close, female hopefuly
5) Try and finish grand Theft Auto 3, game has been a fuckin thorn in my side!

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-07-2002

Are you sure you wouldn't want to perhaps buy some designer threads? {:p}

- Kid Afrika - 05-07-2002

Quote:Kid, even with impending doom, you disgust me, how dare you look for a chick in a wheelchair.
Dude, chicks in wheelchairs can't run. {Wink}

- virgingrrl - 05-07-2002

shit this is depressing....

1. call a certain someone meet up with them and fuck till our bodies ache.
2. take a long drive with said someone (while calling all the people that i love and have ever loved but lost touch with and tell them i love them all..what can i say, i need closure)
3. eat a wonderful last meal while getting ridiculously drunk
4. once again fuck till our bodies ache
5. see the ocean one last time and call my loved ones once more then watch the world disappear before my eyes

- Maynard - 05-07-2002

Quote:1. call a certain someone meet up with them and fuck till our bodies ache.
I'll have to check my schedule.

- Sephiroth - 05-07-2002


- Kid Afrika - 05-07-2002

That's only 3 things.

- Maynard - 05-07-2002

If we're gonna turn video games into real life, I wanna play Leisure Suit Larry.

- DGW - 05-07-2002

Ladi said
Quote:5. repeat steps 1-3 till I pass out, repeat again upon waking
Seems about right.

- Keyser Soze - 05-07-2002

Quote:1. call a certain someone meet up with them and fuck till our bodies ache.

I guess you were only joking when you told me 'not if you were the last person on earth'

- virgingrrl - 05-07-2002

Quote:I guess you were only joking when you told me 'not if you were the last person on earth' are so right. and i only said that to hide my love away from you.