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- fbd - 05-17-2002

all the jedi have names if they have faces, but i cant tell you who they were.i went to see it with a big group of friends today, and after we were in the book stopre looking in the new essential character guide, and there's 2 pages..."jedi council members" and then "battle jedi"

- diceisgod - 05-18-2002

I'm glad Jango cloned himself. That means the same character that played Jango will be Boba when the next movie comes out. That dude is perfect for that part. Cloning itself I don't really have a problem with, but when they talked about increasing the respiration rate of the clones to make them grow faster it kinda weirded me out. Baby Boba---->:disappointed:

- criticslovesnatch - 05-18-2002

I don't think boba is gonna be old enough to be played by the guy who played Jango in ep 3. theres only 3 or so years between ep 2 and ep 3, thats what i was told anyway.

- Gooch - 05-19-2002

Saw the movie with Digital Projection...interesting. Better than #1 to be sure. Dialogue is horrendous, and the romance sequences make Titanic's look like Gone With The Wind. I'd give it about 2.5 stars. Final action sequence was good, acting was poor, Yoda is a star b/c everyone else is so wooden...and definatle what redeems this movie. I can accept this movie as a Star Wars tale.

- 112-1014160832 - 05-19-2002

I saw it on Thursday. I thought most of the acting was wooden and forced. McGregor was good, as was Jackson and to some extent Portman. Christensen should be analy raped by Mark Hammil. He was horrible!!!!! Every emotion looked and felt forced. Someone said it was done like that on purpose. I'm not so sure. Hope the last one can save the other two. 2 stars.

- JIMMYSNUKA - 05-19-2002

I just cannot get into this movie after episode 1. although most of you give it a good review gooch's and ikea's seem more accurate to me. i am totally disregarding the acting woes of this film because do you really expect good acting? the problem i see with this movie is substance. the first 3 thats right 3 even that shitbrick of a movie return of the jedi had more to it. this movie has actors trying to "act" in front of a bluescreen. what ever happened to actual location shooting? or the intense space dogfights that the first three films bought us. all the scenes in the first three films have more going for them than these past two. granted the CGI effects look great in most cases but it makes the star wars films loose the charm they have originally had. good cgi effects do not make a good movie.

- Sean Cold - 05-19-2002

I am sorrry, but, Star wars, as inall of them, never had the greatest of acting in the first place. Instead of looking for flaws in the acting, I spent my time in the theatre just hating Anikin with all my heart. Like I said, he was a whining cunt and should have wore a fuckin skirt for most of the movie. His performance annoyed me and left me bitter which is a good thing considering I never liked Darth Vader. Not that I didn't like him as a character in general, just along the lines that I wanted the rebels to win the whole time. Now we saw with our own eyes how that overly cute little bastard from TPM turned into the evil sith. The main objective of SW movies is to lose your self and believe. It worked for me for I believe Anikin is a conflicted twat who has his panties in a bunch and will be the heavy breathing one at the end of the next movie.

- IkeaBoy - 05-19-2002

Quote:good cgi effects do not make a good movie.
I cannot agree with this statement enough. The best 'proof' of this is just thinking about the Jabba from Special Edition and TPM and the Jabba from Jedi. CGI still doesn't have the realism needed to totally work for me. Jedi's Jabba was a huge monstrous creature who above all things was REAL. You can't duplicate his drool and ooze with a couple of key strokes. I understand you can do a lot more with CGI than with models but you lose a lot as well.

- Sean Cold - 05-19-2002

Ikea, you do realize you just backed up the point you just quoted, right?

- fbd - 05-19-2002

Quote:Ikea, you do realize you just backed up the point you just quoted, right?

Quote:I cannot agree with this statement enough.

- Sean Cold - 05-19-2002

that's what i get for not paying attention as usual, oh well, I am already over it for about 5 minutes now. :firebounce:

- PatCooper - 05-19-2002

Just got back from seeing it. And i really liked it. It totally shows how the cute little bastard starts to turn evil. And isn't that the point? Everyone agree's the acting is poor. Which it is. But if you watch the orignal trilogy you'll see the same bad acting. Lucas isn't a great storyteller. But he's excellent with bringing his visions to life. And with the help of CGI he does that beautifully in this movie.

- JIMMYSNUKA - 05-19-2002

Quote:And with the help of CGI

that is where the problem lies. episode 3 should be filmed just like final fantasy. hell it will probably even help with the horrendous acting.

- Keyser Soze - 05-19-2002

I didn't expect good acting but it wouldn't hurt if they could try and get somebody who could at least make these characters seem a little more real. Overall I thought the movie was incredible. It was pretty much dominated by fight and chase scenes which I was happy to see. The love story was sprinkled throughout and I thought it was fairly well done. I believed the attraction was there and I think Portman played the coyness and eventually revealing to Anakin she really did love him quite well. Yoda, Fett, and Obi Wan were the highlights for me. Samuel L. was a bad motherfucker as usual. I'm actually looking forward to seeing it again to pick up the subtleties I missed. I'll give it 3 stars, and I agree its in the top 3 of the series.

- PatCooper - 05-19-2002

Well it looks like AOTC beat spiderman at the box office.What a shock that is!

Rank Prev. Title Studio Weekend Total


StarWars:Episode II
$86.15 million
$116.29 million

$46.00 million
$286.50 million

$10.32 million
$29.84 million


About A Boy
$8.40 million
$8.40 million

The New Guy
$6.50 million
$17.30 million

Changing Lanes
$3.10 million
$61.55 million

The Scorpion King
$2.70 million
$85.00 million

The Rookie
Buena Vista
$2.00 million
$70.80 million

Murder By Numbers
$1.71 million
$29.95 million

My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Ifc Films
$1.15 million
$5.68 million

Edited By PatCooper on May 19 2002 at 5:39

- diceisgod - 05-19-2002

The acting wasn't as bad as many people think. It might seem poor because of the crappy dialog in the script. I think the acting in all of the Star Wars movies (except for maybe Return of the Jedi) was good. Sir Alex Guiness, Harrison, Ford, Carrie Fischer, McGreggor, Liam Niesen, Portman, and even Mark Hammil: All of these are quality actors and did a good if not great job. The only actor who I don't really like is Samuel L. Jackson. He exaggerates every statement and gesture in pratically every movie he's in. I don't think he was all that bad in AOTC, but in Phantom he was AWFUL. The guy who played Anakin I'm not sure of. The love scenes must have been an awful experience for him as an actor. Anyone in their right mind (except for Lucas who unfortunately has the final say) cringed in disgust as they were listening and watching that crap. But again a lot of what is percieved as poor acting is due to poorly written dialog.

- Keyser Soze - 05-20-2002

I think a good actor can do wonders with bad dialouge. I thought Ewan McGregor goes to show that. The kid who played Anakin just did seem to pull it off to me. I think he looked the part, and his facial expressions were actually pretty decent but he didn't seem genuine when he spoke, I felt like he was reading off the script.

- Sephiroth - 05-20-2002

Quote:that is where the problem lies. episode 3 should be filmed just like final fantasy. hell it will probably even help with the horrendous acting.

You see, that was my major gripe with the film. I'll readily admit that George Lucas has advanced the level of digital effects like no one before or since him, but he sucks as a director. So what did he do with Ep.2 when the story got stale? Load up on the CGI. Well, I dont go to a star wars movie to have a 3 hour CGI orgasm, I go because I want to see how the CHARACTERS in this intricate STORYLINE will flesh out. Lucas was running thin on these components, so he overdosed on the CGI to make up for it. There are plenty of movies that can take a sub-par script and dazzle it up with CGI (Jurassic Park 3, MIB/MIB2, etc..), but fucking Star Wars shouldnt be one of them.

- Skitchr4u - 05-20-2002

Saw it on saturday night, loved it. Sure it didn't have an oscar winning actor perforamance, but I really don't care. I loved the asshole anakin has become, making me hate him was done effectively. Portman looked amazing in all of her wardrobe changes, even though i got tired of seeing her in a different outfit while everyone around her wore the same thing. it is tying a lot of ends together so that it will finish the story in episode thing does c3po or r2d2 not know who owen and beru are in a new hope? 3po livedwith him (and father) for the better part of 10 years...and he had no problem remembering anakin or padme...just a nit pick thing i guess...3 out of 5 stars...

- fbd - 05-20-2002

Quote:how does c3po or r2d2 not know who owen and beru are in a new hope?
its fairly routine for droids to get "memory wipes".if you remember, luke was supposed to take r2 for a wipe when he ran away.they dont work it in, but i gaurantee they get a wipe between episodes 3 and 4.and so many droids work and break on the farm that its no big deal if owen forgets an old droid of his