To sue or not to sue... - At least i got poetic justice - Printable Version

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- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-28-2002

Hey! I just got a new Protege and I :loveya: :loveya: it!

If you went to work today, and didn't go to the hospital or to a doctor, you're probably not going to get that much might be better off letting their insurance cover it since it's not your fault.

- Hey Ladi - 05-28-2002

Quote:Replay it over and over again in your mind. Oh the horror, the horror!
And what should Spit do while she has all that trouble sleeping? :disappointed:

- OAS - 05-28-2002

Loss of sleep? Nice twist. That's worth at least $125k. And if you did go to work Spit, start screwing up. Your inability to focus on your job should bring ten times your annual salary plus benefits easily.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-28-2002

Have a flashback go to a therapist, get diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

- crx girl - 05-28-2002

my sister got hit just behind the driver's side door and spun around. the damage didn't look that bad but the insurance co. said the frame was bent, car's totalled. let them buy you a new car :thumbs-up:

- Spitfire - 05-28-2002

Quote:He could have been on his way to a call.

Nope. No lights either. He just flew over the bridge, decided to try to jump the red light. He wasn't on his way to do anything important. Fucking dick...

I did love my Protege :-( I don't think the frame's bent, I just had a friend check it, but I'm going for an estimate tomorrow, so I'll know for sure

Suing for mental anguish....that's kinda lame...
but I want justice...or a new car....

Edited By Spitfire on May 28 2002 at 5:12

- SLASH - 05-28-2002

If you don't sue, the terrorists will have won.

- Keyser Soze - 05-28-2002


I say sue the bastard for all you can get. You just hit the lottery and you're contemplating trading it for a box of Ho-Ho's. Don't listen to Maynard and his pansy ass who can't afford $1.50 for a cup of coffee. $1.50 for coffee is fucking cheap.

It didn't happen to be a Middletown cop, did it?

- virgingrrl - 05-29-2002

my poor spit! im glad that you and everyone else in the car is all ok. :loveya:

heh, my one and only accident was also with a cop. and it so wasn't my fault either. i was making a left in to a parking lot and he came around the left side of me and hit my car. he was very nice though, and luckily everyone was ok. his car was all sorts of fucked up, but my good ol hooptie-beast was perfect ( damn i miss that peice of shit car) any hoo, i hope all works out for ya darling. :loveya:

- Spitfire - 05-29-2002

Thanks for the thoughts, suggestions, guys :loveya:

Those Fuckers! The police insurance will only cover MY deductible ($500) they're protected by some sort of insurance has to handle it all...which probably means it will go up...I'm signing a Torte that has intent to sue if necessary...just have to figure out on what grounds...any suggestions? Can you sue for negligence of duty?

- OAS - 05-29-2002

Go back to my first post in this thread. Find a lawyer that knows how to fight city hall. And do NOT listen to that tree hugging Maymay!

- SLASH - 05-29-2002

See, Spit, stop worrying about those fuckers, they sure as hell aren't worrying about you!

Get a good lawyer. Take them for all you can.

What law are they covered by? The one that they are above?

- Weird NJ - 05-29-2002

What's a Torte? Anyway.. don't sign anything!!! Get a lawyer.

- Kingpin - 05-29-2002

I would have to agree Spit. Nail 'em to the wall. Hope they didn't do an alcohol or drug test on ya.:fuggin:

- Luna - 05-29-2002

Quote:See, Spit, stop worrying about those fuckers, they sure as hell aren't worrying about you!

Get a good lawyer. Take them for all you can.

What law are they covered by? The one that they are above?
I'm with teh Slash on this one. Let 'em have it, Spit! :-D Confusedmokey:

- Spitfire - 05-29-2002

The Legal Torte's from the lawyer, you have to sign one withing 45 days of the incident if you intend at any point to sue...

I want to sue just because of all the fucking hassles his negligence has caused me :burnfucker:

oh yeah, and I got my estimate; he made over $6000 worth of damage to my car

Edited By Spitfire on May 29 2002 at 1:58

- OAS - 05-29-2002

Quote:I want to sue just because of all the fucking hassles his negligence has caused me

oh yeah, and I got my estimate; he made over $6000 worth of damage to my car
Sounds totaled to me. And keep repeating, mental anguish, mental anguish.

- Spitfire - 06-05-2002


Quote:Cop's coffee mishap leads to 2-car crash

Published in the Ocean County Observer 06/05/02

Staff Writer
POINT PLEASANT -- A borough police officer's mishap with a cup of coffee led to a two-car collision near the Route 88 Bridge, police said.

Patrolman David W. Flores was driving in his patrol car when he leaned forward to place his cup of coffee in the car's beverage holder, police said yesterday.

When he looked up, Flores had to brake suddenly because the traffic light past the bridge had turned red, according to the police report.

Before he was able to come to a complete stop, the patrol car struck a vehicle driven by Kelly A. McAllister, 23, McLaughlin Avenue, police said.

McAllister was stopped at a traffic light in the southbound lane of Arnold Avenue, she told police.

When the light turned green, she proceeded through the intersection of Ocean Road and Arnold Avenue, she told police. While in the intersection she was struck by the patrol car, she said.

Flores said he was traveling eastbound on Arnold Avenue, braked suddenly and skidded on a wet road surface.

A witness to the collision said she saw the police car run the red light and strike McAllister's car.

The police investigation determined Flores was inattentive at the wheel and failed to obey the traffic light, according to the police report.

from the Ocean County Observer

Published on June 5, 2002

- Skitchr4u - 06-05-2002

atta girl spit!!! looks like you will win this one!

- Keyser Soze - 06-05-2002

Quote:What law are they covered by? The one that they are above?

Yeah, who they hell do they think they are doing u-turns in the middle of a highway, SLASH. See if your iron clad memory can pull up that reference.

Spit, I think you've got a hell of a case. I hope you kick their asses.