The barrel - It's your turn - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 06-13-2002

Sluggo's a lazy ass good for nothing piece of POOP, who can't even clean his own house! He doesn't shower, he just has the dog lick his balls for him! He drives a big bannana yellow Penis mobile, 13? bah... more like centimeters, he couldn't get the cat off!

- Grumpy - 06-13-2002

do you? would you like ladi to put the strap on again and do you while you wear the tutu and wig?
Should you call you Sally too? I thought you were over that phase of your life.

- Sluggo - 06-13-2002

C'MON! Is that all you got?!? :moonie:

- Grumpy - 06-13-2002

slugshit - would you like a rant about your third nipple? or your 2 inch turd seeker thats limp most of the time unless the guy puts 3 fingers up your ass first? or how about the hidden copies of boys life in your basement that you crank a batch too when you actually CAN get it up by yourself?

- Sluggo - 06-13-2002


- Hey Ladi - 06-13-2002

Just getting warmed up!

He keeps it "up" by stapling it it to a popsicle stick. Spanking it ?.... nah, more like petting it, at thoughts of lost youth! Ever since Mommy kicked him out, he hasn't been the same... there's a reason that cat is Oedipus...

- Ken'sPen - 06-13-2002

I hear slug does have a 13 inch penis,
the 13 centimeters is just all that's visible from beneath his beer gut.

- Grumpy - 06-13-2002

One of these days, I have to take a RIDE to EGYPT. sluggo - can ya help a brotha out after you finish violating Oedipus?

- Sluggo - 06-13-2002

You guys are right...
I am a loser...
Ken just made me laugh...Confuseduicide:

- Ken'sPen - 06-13-2002

that's cause I am back to one liner- hockey helmet Ken

who dabbles in paint.

- Hey Ladi - 06-13-2002

We know the real reason you invited LZ... you neede to feel smaaat, people were using big words like "the"

- Ken'sPen - 06-13-2002

Sluggo was not entirely forthcoming about his return to school.....
He is at the moment sitting in a 5th grade class, ala Billy Madison,
trying desperately to get his elementary diploma.

- Hey Ladi - 06-13-2002

The long shorts were to hide the oozing, strange green rash. I think he has Jungle Rot, gotta stop making nice with the animals at the zoo. You don't want fleas again, nearly rubbed all the skin off his back last time, rubbing on a tree....

of course, he enjoyed that so much he stradled the tree & scrapped all the skin off his undercarriage too... nothing like ragged hanging skin to make friends & influence people. That is if they can even get past the stench of that Junlge Rot... are you sure the gerbil didn't just die this time, & you forgot it was up there? You might as well have used a skunk, it smells better than you do & it's a little bigger.

- Ken'sPen - 06-13-2002

just how big IS the barrel we got for sluggshit,
no way a 55 gal. will hold him.....
I hear sluggy is at a classic car show today....
taking pictures next to cars, so he can post them and claim they're his.

- LZMF1 - 06-13-2002

D'OH!!! :lol:

- Sluggo - 06-13-2002

You guys give up already?
I'm truly dissapointed that I couldn't get even a fraction of the lashings the other mongoloids around here have recieved...
I mean...
If someone as insignificant as Arpi or Ken can get thrashed like they do...
I am truly lower than a retarded ameoba...Confuseduicide:

- LZMF1 - 06-13-2002

Quote:I am truly lower than a retarded ameoba...
see?!?!?!? was that so gah-damned hard to admit?:rofl:

- Ken'sPen - 06-13-2002

Quote:If someone as insignificant as Arpi or Ken can get thrashed like they do...

There is a fine line between love and hate....
the only line that concerns you is the 2 feet of plumbers crack, Fatass.

- LZMF1 - 06-13-2002

call him chubsy-ubsy...........

- Hey Ladi - 06-13-2002

Sluggo we can't all sit home all day with our tumbs up out ass... take it out, resist the urge to sniff it, and hitch to the nearest gas station & get yourself an after school job...