Crimson king - Umm, hello? - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 06-29-2002

Wait, I just read his reply in the Jelly thread, maybe he should go back to lurking.

Quote:who are you, and what have you done with the real sean?

I think he left 5 Killians reds ago, leave a message.

- The Sleeper - 06-29-2002

CrimsonKing, tell us more about yourself. Where are you from? Did you see Froy's naked pics? What do you hope to gain by posting here? etc.

- CrimsonKing - 06-29-2002

I'm from Seattle WA. I haven't seen Froy's naked pics, but I hear Arpikarhu has them on his hard drive and on a cd as a backup. What do I hope to gain by posting here? Maynard.

- GonzoStyle - 06-29-2002

Roll your eyes in the back of your head for me, I miss that. Come on tough guy.

- The Sleeper - 06-29-2002

Quote:I'm from Seattle WA.
Are you BIV? If so, I am not surprised.

- CrimsonKing - 06-29-2002


- fbd - 06-29-2002

if its not biv, maybe we could introduce them.they'd probably be best friends, with their similar senses of humor

- Sean Cold - 06-29-2002

Quote:I'm from Seattle WA. I haven't seen Froy's naked pics, but I hear Arpikarhu has them on his hard drive and on a cd as a backup. What do I hope to gain by posting here? Maynard.

He has lurked well at least. Go forth and post and lurk no more!

- The Sleeper - 06-29-2002

Regardless, I'm gonna call you BIV from now BIV, how did you find out about CDIH?

- CrimsonKing - 06-29-2002

GonzoStyle's farewel post at

- Kim - 06-29-2002

[/quote]woopdie shit[quote]

Who says things like that? Undecided

- Arpikarhu - 06-29-2002

woopdie shit
Quote:Who says things like that?
people who live in glass houses........:rofl: :rofl:

- OAS - 06-29-2002

Hi CrimsonKing. Welcome to the board. A few things to help you get started. Read the FAQ's. Everything you need for happy posting will be found there. Lurk around for awhile. Think before you post...................Ummmmm nevermind, different place.

- Hybrid - 06-29-2002

who were you on or were you crimson king too?

- Sean Cold - 07-04-2002

Quote:GonzoStyle's farewel post at

CK posted that to reply to how he found the place.

I am willing to bet he is sooooo lying about this.

Oh, and look, CK is signed on now too! What a coink e dink.:firebounce:

- CrimsonKing - 07-04-2002

Paranoia strikes deep.

- Sean Cold - 07-04-2002

Does it now, mod boy, why not just tell the truth and let everyone know how you came about our piece of shit site.

Oh, and your impact sig is much better. Your new work sucks.

People just don't get it. I don't care if you post, hey, more power to you. Just don't be so blatently full of shit about things. It really isn't that much to ask.

Edited By Sean Cold on July 03 2002 at 10:08

- CrimsonKing - 07-04-2002

damn, you really are pissed off about this, aren't you? I don't give a shit about your grudges.

And for the record, I am not now nor have I ever been a mod of

Edited By CrimsonKing on July 03 2002 at 10:10

- The Sleeper - 07-04-2002


- Gooch - 07-04-2002

[Image: snagglecav.jpg]