Cap'n crunch killed tony the tiger - Printable Version

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- Doc - 07-03-2002

Corn pops is far superior to Cap'n Crunch.

Any cereal that relies on and apostrophe in its name is lame on all counts. If you're name can't stand alone, without any other punctuation to help it along, it is inferior.

- Sloatsburgh - 07-03-2002

Actually, I don't see how an old short man, who remarkedly looks a lot like OAS, wearing a big blue hat can beat up a 7 foot tiger who has learned to walk on him hind legs. Money says that the tiger would rip the old man to shreads.

The 3 Grumpies, dead. The goofy Mick, dead. The frog, dead. The undead creatures...... I think a tiger would have problems with the Boo berry ghost, but the vampire and frankenstein are pussies.

- Keyser Soze - 07-03-2002

I'm with you all on the Cap'n Crunch fucking up your mouth but dammit it tastes so good. Its like crack, you know its bad for you but you can't put down the spoon!!!

- Sloatsburgh - 07-03-2002

It must fucking suck with Soy milk.

- IkeaBoy - 07-03-2002

I like Crispex. Special K is nice too.

- fbd - 07-03-2002

beat the leprchaun magic, bitch

- Ken'sPen - 07-03-2002

beat the leprchaun magic, bitch

Anyone Remember Eddie Murphy's act....
where he was going through his family as cereal.
his hooker sister was "Trix"
I seem to remember he had a brother who was a fag,
his name be "lucky charms"

flkfjklasjdf you never cease to amaze me.

- Sloatsburgh - 07-03-2002

doubts of fdbdbdlk's homosexuality have never been fully laid to rest.......

- FNMoron - 07-03-2002

<div align="center">[Image: tic523.jpg]
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>says, "bring it Cap'n!"</span></div>

- Keyser Soze - 07-03-2002

actually soymilk increases the sweetness, the remaining milk is deliciously marinated with cap'n crunch!

- DGW - 07-03-2002

i rarely eat ceral
but fruity pebbles and honeycombs were my favs

never ate Cap'n Crunch....i was never into sailors like Gonz

- GonzoStyle - 07-03-2002

Quote:never ate Cap'n Crunch....i was never into sailors like Gonz

The free swinger found my weakness!!!!!!

- Galt - 07-03-2002

Life is weak because it gets soggy too fast.

Count Chocula used to be the best, but then they changed the formula to make it so chocolately, it was like solid fudge

Lucky Charms was definately the most fun to eat due to the various games you could play by eating it in a certain order.

However, the official decision that has been handed down to me is as follows:

Cap'n Crunch rules all. Great taste, stays crunchy for a while, and they haven't bothered to change a damn thing about it.

- LZMF1 - 07-03-2002

dear lord!!! galt and i agree on something else....

- HedCold - 07-03-2002

Quote:Lucky Charms was definately the most fun to eat due to the various games you could play by eating it in a certain order.
how do you play these games?

- Galt - 07-03-2002

Do you have no imagination HedCold? No creativity?

half a bowl of marshmallows; half a bowl of those other things. Various colors in the marshmallows. The games just write themselves.

For instance...
What's the proportion of marshmallows to non marshmallows? Plot the percentage for each bowl and figure out the standard deviation

Each color versus every other color? Is there a pattern? Why do you feel they would pick that pattern, or is it random? obviously you will need excel to track this formula as well.

Going from box to box, do these patterns appear more apparant if you shake up the box before you pour the cereal, thus indicating that some contents weigh more, and therefore settle in the box?

Put your research together in bound memo form with appropriate appenices, and present to your parents at the end of each box of cereal. Then they get more.

At least, that's what I did when I was as kid.

- HedCold - 07-03-2002

:-o . i was more of a bagel person anyway

- Ken'sPen - 07-03-2002

to avoid a new but tangent thread....
can I just see a show of hands for wild berry pop tarts

- Sluggo - 07-03-2002

Cherry, no frosting, toasted with butter...

- Doc - 07-03-2002

Quote:At least, that's what I did when I was as kid.
Engineers around the world are bowing before you, King of Over-Analyzation :bow: