Controversial topic!!! - What is god? - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 07-09-2002

Quote:do you expect them to step forward on the board (if they are here that is?)
Yeah, I would hope so.

How can you believe in something so strongly yet not defend it?

- Arpikarhu - 07-09-2002

i refuse to take part in this conversation any further until maymay apologizes for deleting my topic if controversy:angry:

ok he didnt delete it, but by moving it , it loses all context.

Edited By Arpikarhu on July 09 2002 at 1:27

- Skitchr4u - 07-09-2002

those people always struck me as the type that only stood up in a one on one situation, or if they were in the majority. i am in no way saying their ideas are wrong, but only that they don't seem to be the ones to take on the world (or this case board) when they are so outnumbered

- Maynard - 07-09-2002

The thread was moved dicksmoker. Not deleted.

Yeah, I guess you're right skitch.

- Arpikarhu - 07-09-2002

i do consider myself a strong jew despite my lack of belief in god. more of a race thing for me.

- Spitfire - 07-09-2002

Quote:In Judiaism (from what I was taught) there is really no idea of the Devil..or even evil, just God's will.

I can't comprehend that. It's strange...because Judaism is based on the Qabala...well, they distorted most of the ancient should check out some stuff by Israel Regardie, he breaks everything down simply and it's easy to read...for every branch on the Tree of Life, there is its corresponding opposite.

Ladi, if you do some researching, reading into other religions and beliefs, you can shake it!

- fbd - 07-09-2002

i've been raised catholic all my life, catholic greade school, high school, and probably college, but i'm really unenthusiastic about it, or religion in general.if i had to believe in something, it'd probably be that out of convenience, but i just dont really feel one way or the other about even if there is a higher power

- Arpikarhu - 07-09-2002

Quote:because Judaism is based on the Qabala...
this is so not true. the kabbalah is merely a splinter sect of mysticism that dismissed by most religious jews. it is very chic to study it right now but it has no relevance in the lives of most jews

- Hey Ladi - 07-09-2002

Quote:if you do some researching, reading into other religions and beliefs, you can shake it!

I don't think I could do that. The first idea would always be there.

It's not so bad... I definitely get the Guilt though (not that I won't do it anyway).

After 9/11, some people from work went to Church during the day, and I found it comforting. Reminded me of being little and going to Church every Friday in school. I always like the ceremony of it.

I'm not sure if I'll get married in a Church. But the one at my grade school has always been a favorite. It has stained glass & paintings. :thumbs-up:

- Ken'sPen - 07-09-2002

Or so the devil jews want you to believe.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 07-09-2002

Quote:Being the kind of thinker I am, and the beliefs that I have, I have chosen to be Agnostic. I truly do believe in a higher power, a God of SOME sort.

You aren't really an Agnostic then. I'd put you as a Deist.

As for me a hardcore Atheist. My parents were never really religious and they never had me to do anything of a religious nature. It was a natural progression. I just doubted more and more till I became an Atheist.

- Spitfire - 07-09-2002

Quote:it is very chic to study it right now
cool! I'm trendy...

I get lost in the history and connections because it was only Jewish rabbis who passed it on and its based on the Hebrew alphabet, its traditions lie in Judaism....I have to read more about the history...

But you can apply the Tree of Life to just about every religion!

- Hey Ladi - 07-09-2002

Tree of Life?

- Luna - 07-09-2002

What is the "Tree of Life", Spit?
Can you "hip" us to it?

- Kid Afrika - 07-09-2002

"What is god?"

A. Non-existent

That's my final answer, Regis. :-o

- Spitfire - 07-09-2002

Now you can be as sophisticated as I am...

Simply stated, the Tree of Life is a simple filing system for anything and everything, formed from 10 circles (sephiroth) that are the basis for the world:
Kether / Crown - the overall source
Chochma / Wisdom - pure thought (active)
Binah / Understanding - thought in context (receptive)
Chesed / Mercy - abundant giving
Gevurah / Judgment - complete withholding
Tiphareth / Beauty - perfect balance
Netzach / Victory - dominance
Hod / Glory - submission
Yesod / Foundation - the transition to physicality
Malkuth / Kingdom - the physical world.

with 22 paths leading to and from thse major sephiroth...which match up to:
-A Letter in Hebrew Alphabet
-One of the Major Tarot Trumps.
-A Zodiacal Sign or Body.
-Any Number of other triggers, like Fragrances, Metals, Gems, Magical Weapons, Animals, Egyptian, Nordic, or Greek Gods.

The Tree is a map of personal energies and thought. It's a way to bring balance and harmony into life. You can see where imbalances have developed and can do "patchwork" or active imagination" rituals and exercises to bring balance.

I'm not sure how much I believe, but it is fascinating reading...almost done with the first Regardie book "A Garden of Pomegrantes".

Tree of LifeQabalah for beginners

- Arthur Dent - 07-09-2002

The universe as a whole is an intelligent entity. The vast expanses, innumerable galaxies, blackholes, gravity, dark matter...all the complex interactions of the universe are the synaptic fibers of the universal intelligence that is beyond the comprehension of the human mind.

This intelligence does not care about individual human life anymore than you care abuot a flake of skin that dies and falls away. Only the health of the system as a whole is important. All of humanity is just one tiny gear in the mechanism.

Either that or god is Daffy Duck.

- Arpikarhu - 07-09-2002

Quote:All of humanity is just one tiny gear in the mechanism.
otherwise known as the Chief Bromden philosophy

- Skitchr4u - 07-09-2002

we once had a discussion on "life the universe and everything" in college...

what if we were but organisms in the body of a larger organism, similar to how our cells make up organs which make up humans and other living creatures...what if we as a planet, and our universe as a whole made up but one being...and then there are a lot of those beings who make up larger beings still...

- Keyser Soze - 07-09-2002

Science cannot explain everything. I feel like there is a higher power in the universe beyond scientific comprehension which is responsible for everything in the universe. I don't think this power necessarily has human qualities.

I believe this planet is quite young in the grand scheme of the universe and forms of life outside of our own are too afraid to make themselves known to us because of our lack of maturity. Maybe a few thousands of years from now when we are more trustworthy the secrets of the universe will appear to us just a tiny bit more, when we are able to handle them.