Redeveloping downtown - A serious thread. - Printable Version

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- Galt - 07-17-2002

I like 5 or 6.

Skyscrapers are built not because they are phallic but because they are most space efficient.

Pyramids are a massive waste of space. Bad idea.

- Kid Afrika - 07-17-2002

I don't give a fuck what they do... as long as I don't have to hear any more half-assed ideas about what they should do.

- criticslovesnatch - 07-17-2002

I liked idea 6 the best. just because even though smaller, it has a twin towers of sorts there. i think it looks cool. other than that, one was really nice too.

- HedCold - 07-17-2002

approx. how long is it going to take to build these once they finally decide?

- OAS - 07-17-2002

Sloat, pyramids are a bad idea. People relate pyramids to Egypt. Egypt will be associated with Arabs. Therefore, pyramids not a good idea.

- Arthur Dent - 07-17-2002

These are just concepts, not designs. These three will be discussed extensively including a public hearing on Saturday at the Javits Center. These will be turned into 3 new concepts incorporating what people liked the best out of these 6. Then finally one concept will be approved.

Then they will develope that concept into a design while looking for tenants and finding out what the tenants need. Then the whole design phase of actually designing all the buildings.

From what I have heard, they won't break ground on constuction until 2005.

- Hey Ladi - 07-17-2002

Quote:Then they will develope that concept into a design while looking for tenants and finding out what the tenants need.
Radars & guns on the roof? :disappointed:

- Sloatsburgh - 07-17-2002

OAS, Jews are a bad idea. People relate Jews to Egypt. Egypt will be associated with Arabs. Therefore, Jews are not a good idea.


- OAS - 07-17-2002

Quote:Therefore, Jews are not a good idea.
Cunt, what do you think about that?

- Arthur Dent - 07-17-2002

Quote:Therefore, Jews are not a good idea.

Cunt, what do you think about that?

God still regrets not giving the ten commandments to Mesacowi of the Black Foot Tribe first.

- Doc - 07-17-2002

Concept 6: Memorial Promenade

I kind of dig this one the most. I'm with Sean in that I want some kind of restoration of the skyline. I still get pissed when I see movies with the skyline in the background or when I come into the Holland tunnel from the Pulaski. #6 still preserves the footprints so you have the burial ground still sacred, but there are still large towers that stand out.

That one with the circular tower skeeves me out, I don't know why