The what if thread.... - and how to cope with the what if,, - Printable Version

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- JAYMOHRBUDDY - 01-27-2002

Quote:Well, that's ridiculous. You knew how bad it sucked to have that happen to you, so you had no regard for this new girl, who didn't cheat on you, and went out and did it anyway!!? ick

Well if my Gf didnt piss me off today, the mayb i wouldnt of done what i did. And the girl who cheated on me was one of her friends, whom i dated for 2 months.

- Hey Ladi - 01-27-2002

Quote:I am turning into an old fuck! :no, really, fuck off:
oh? Then in that case... How youuu doin'
Quote:Well if my Gf didnt piss me off today

Oh puleeeze! Did you just say that? Now it is HER fault.

Just admit you're weak. It happens to everyone. Move on, and either don't do it again, or admit you like the thrill of it. Don't blame it on anyone else.

Edited By Hey Ladi on Jan. 27 2002 at 12:51

- Dryblood - 01-27-2002

Quote:I did keep in mind..but ive been cheated on in the past by another ifigured i go along with it.
So u get w/ this girl that didnt cheat on u and is prob a great irl and then u treat her the way u have been. :disaprove:

Quote:I have to disagree with you in a mathmatical sense... 2 negatives equal a positive.
LOL :real good:

- Sluggo - 01-27-2002

Telling her the truth only makes you have a clear consience...
It does nothing but hurt her.
If you can't keep your pants zipped...
You best keep your lips zipped.

- BeckyDC - 01-27-2002

ewww. flashback. ew eww eww. BUT my advice is you should tell her. Being honest is always more gooder.

- Sluggo - 01-27-2002

That honesty shit only makes you feel better...
It crushes the other person...
Have you ever been on the recieving end of that scenario?
Did it make you feel good?
Trust me...
Some things are better left unsaid.

- BeckyDC - 01-27-2002

Yes I have been on the other end. BUT if she WERE to find out later?? MUCH WORSE. BELIEVE ME ON THIS ONE. 6 1/2 years my last relationship..i know man.

- Arpikarhu - 01-27-2002

I think that it is just wonderful that all of you have stopped by here and tried to help this lost soul. You have all made great suggestions and the fact that you are alll willing to look outside yourselves and selflessly attempt to aid this poor man
is a true testament to your goodness. bravo to you all! peace be with you.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 01-27-2002

I'm with Becky on this one...coming from the perspective of the girl who's been cheated on one too many times, I think it would be best for you to tell her rather than her finding out some other way...because trust me she will. Tell her why it happened (she pissed you off, you're insecure because you've been cheated on in the past) and tell her that while you were doing it, as bad as it sounds you finally understood how much she meant to you. Its gonna make things bad, but you might as well be honest because there is nothing worse than a relationship based on lies.

- Sluggo - 01-27-2002

I'm sorry, I know you girls think I'm a dick...
Unless you're telling him to tell the truth so she can leave him...
He needs to keep both his lips and pants zipped from now on...
Sure...I stayed after I heard a confession like this...
But I am definately the exception, not the rule.
Yes...A mistake was made, confessing will most likely only compound it.
I'm an old man...
I've been through more shit than I hope any of you will ever see...
When this happened to me...
I said to just get it out of her system...She was young...
She hadn't experienced as much as me...
Things are cool now...
But the knowledge was fucking killing me for a long time...
The battling with myself and the mixed emotions I was feeling.
I don't think the truth is always the right way to go.

P.S. If any of you ever meet her, and mention anything about this...
I will kill each and every one of you.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 01-27-2002

I guess he should tell her if he feels that he can't deal with the guilt...she will be able to sense it.

- Luna - 01-27-2002

Hmmm...I have run past this thread a few times now.

Sorry, Ladies, but, I have to agree with Sluggo on this. Do NOT tell. If you feel you have made a mistake then learn from it. If you choose to tell her she may forgive you, but, she will NEVER forget.

- Dryblood - 01-27-2002

If u never tell then who is to say u wont do it time u might just not tell either.
If u tell her u will get in big shit, maybe even dumped but what the fuck do u expect her to do.

The situation stinks as what to do (tell or not to tell)but then again should of thought about it before u went stepping ur third leg in other peoples property.