I love my new status!!! - Woooooooo-hooooooooo!!!! - Printable Version

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- Is Don on the phone? - 07-31-2002

damn, had I known the consequences, I'd have kept the joke to myself. Sorry SA!

- Galt - 07-31-2002

Is mine changed yet? I figure this was the quickest way to find out.

- Sweet Angel - 07-31-2002

Obviously Galt did not learn from my stupidity.

- Galt - 07-31-2002

Nothing better than a new status. Hoo-eeeeee, check out that smell.

- Buttmunch - 07-31-2002


- Whip - 07-31-2002

well looky what we have hea. i have no status, oh boo-fuckin hoo. so let's start fresh and enjoy the fun!!! HEY EVERYBODY, WE'RE ALL GONA GET LAID!!!

- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

Welcome whip, my eyes are tearing over here... :lol:

- Whip - 07-31-2002

ahh tears of joy from the ol pal...wait...were we pals? ARE YOU MY PAL?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-31-2002

I like my status. :bouncer:

- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

Quote:ahh tears of joy from the ol pal...wait...were we pals? ARE YOU MY PAL?

Did you make fun of my family... oh wait I don't care, I hate them anyway.

SURE PAL!!!! :toast:

- Whip - 07-31-2002

nicey nice i say....i say things about wives that get people pissed...thats all i do...

- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

Thats ok I am gay, I dont have a wife.

- Whip - 07-31-2002

oh jesus...:burnfucker:

- Kid Afrika - 07-31-2002

Well, "whip" my black ass and call me suzEn...

Who the fuck let this asshole in? Huh!?! Who did it? Go on, tell me!

- Keyser Soze - 07-31-2002


- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

Quote:Who the fuck let this asshole in? Huh!?! Who did it? Go on, tell me!

I'll never tell..... :burnfucker:

- Whip - 07-31-2002

oh look who has something to say...the lazy nigga....why dont you "whip" your black ass onto the back of a pick-up and let me drive it down a dirt road for christ sake....:toast:

- Zootybang - 07-31-2002

some statuses are soooo perfect you dare no touch them.
I know what you mean. All my status's have fit me pathetically perfect, so I cant complain.

- Arpikarhu - 07-31-2002

i got thrown in the cell for starting the same thread:-(

- Whip - 07-31-2002

ahhh gonzo wants to see ol' whip enjoy himself and make other people far kid negro is first on my list:fuggin: