Attention investors!!! - Lets all gather round, point and laugh. - Printable Version

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- fbd - 07-31-2002

Quote:I wonder if he made up business cards to impress the ladies.
i believe the proper term is "fillies"

- Arpikarhu - 07-31-2002

Quote:i believe the proper term is "fillies"
i snorted i laughed so hard :rofl:

- SYNTuesday - 07-31-2002

Wow. Ya know, where you people see a sure loser, I see the opportunity to build a castle in the air. Find a few chumps and sell them on it. Get this thing going. And jump off the coaster and leave everyone without their shirts. :thumbs-up: How to do that... hmmm... :clueless:

EDIT: BTW, whats the ticker symbol? what exchange is it on?

Edited By SYNTuesday on July 31 2002 at 12:59

- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

Quote:BTW, whats the ticker symbol? what exchange is it on?

Quote:If you are interested in investing in Over the Limit, Inc. please email the OTL President/CEO Matthew Godfroy. Our business plan is available upon request and can be discussed in greater depth with our management team at the time of your inquiry.

- FNMoron - 07-31-2002

Quote:Our business plan is available upon request and can be discussed in greater depth with our management team at the time of your inquiry.
hahha... I think i might still have a copy of that "plan" somewhere when he was trying to solicit funds from me... if i find it i'll post it...

- AdolescentMasturbator - 07-31-2002

SYNT, I think it's private stock.

- OAS - 07-31-2002

I read this perspectus when he first started the board as I'm always looking for new investment options. I never read a novel that rambled with so much nothing as this thing. It said nothing. There was no plan, vision or direction of where this thing would go. It was a laugh. And there was this tie in to some medical facility that made no sense to me. If anyone can shed some light on that I am curious.

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

Someone Leaked word that Grumpy has retired, and the Ask Grumpy column will go away,
investors are outraged, wild speculation of impending disaster.

- Doc - 07-31-2002

Quote:and have created both a five and ten-year plan

Five year plan: Don't go bankrupt

Ten year plan: See five year plan

- AdolescentMasturbator - 07-31-2002

I hope these five year plans go better than Stalin's.

- Gooch - 07-31-2002

He buys a mean lunch on his OTL credit card.

Ok...he doesn't buy lunch.

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

Grumpy wrote their original mission statement.

"We will rip the meat flaps off our competition and drive the cum guzzlers outta business till they are broke and have to move into the festering cesspool of a trailer park Ladi calls home"
Tepid investor reaction forced some modifications.

- Sloatsburgh - 07-31-2002

How many shares did my $20 buy in July last year?

- Doc - 07-31-2002

If you bought a T-Shirt you are allowed to use the executive washroom?

- Zootybang - 07-31-2002

I found the market symbol. " \/ " . Actually, due to my limited computer skills, I couldnt add the flames and smoke trail that was originally attached to It as rocketed to the bottom.

Edited By Zootybang on July 31 2002 at 10:03

- Gooch - 07-31-2002

amazingly, it's still ahead of AOL-Time Warner.

- Keyser Soze - 07-31-2002

Quote:Grumpy wrote their original mission statement.

"We will rip the meat flaps off our competition and drive the cum guzzlers outta business till they are broke and have to move into the festering cesspool of a trailer park Ladi calls home"
Tepid investor reaction forced some modifications.

Thats the funniest thing Grumpy never wrote.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-31-2002

Maybe if he waited to be a bit older, he could've done something....I mean he seems to have big dreams, but not the education or experience to achieve they're pretty unrealistic..and he's breaking a huge rule by going into business with friends....never a good mix.

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

He is a doofus,
He cares more about selling a product than about creating a product worth selling.

I know a girl who's goal is to be famous, she doesn't sing, dance, act, model, play an instrument, nor does she take any lessons,
but that doesn't dissuade her.

- Keyser Soze - 07-31-2002

Rupert Pupkin had big dreams too.