Attack of the clones.... - Woman cloning herself for a - Printable Version

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- Luna - 08-13-2002

Quote:I'm just waiting for them to learn how to clone wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers. Forget Jurassic Park, I wanna see a Giant Land Sloth over 14 feet tall with claws longer then your entire hand.
Now THAT would be cool! :thumbs-up: :bouncer:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Quote:Haven't you ever seen the adds in the newspapers about selling your eggs, Polly?

Yes I have, I actually got info on it once for a paper I was writing, you get $5000 per time you have eggs "harvested," but the questions, etc. you have to answer are amazing, and the drugs you must subject yourself to are also terrible.

- DGW - 08-13-2002

I hope Ken doesn't get ahold of the cloning gun.
He'll start an army.
Then we'd all be in trouble.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

[Image: multiplicity.jpg]

- Arpikarhu - 08-13-2002

Quote:Giant Land Sloth over 14 feet tall with claws longer then your entire hand
you have obviously never met maynerd. hes a little shorter though

- Arthur Dent - 08-13-2002

As long as idiots are allowed to reproduce by normal methods, does it really matter if it is from sex or a test tube?

Toddler dies in car
Quote:PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A 2-year-old girl died Monday after her grandfather left her in his car for nearly eight hours as he went to work and ran an errand, police said.

The grandfather was taken into custody but no charges were immediately filed.

The man had picked up the girl, Sasha Fogle, to take her to the baby sitter but apparently forgot to drop her off and went to work, said Capt. Thomas Lippo.

After working a few hours, the grandfather went to a car dealership to make an appointment for maintenance and then went home, police said.

"He then noticed Sasha in the back seat of the vehicle," Lippo said.

The grandfather called 911 and the toddler was taken to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead of apparent heat exhaustion, police said.

The temperature reached 96 degrees Monday, according to the National Weather Service.

Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

- Sloatsburgh - 08-13-2002

Clone the Dodo Bird. Clone the Dodo Bird.

Extinction does not have to mean "forever".

- DGW - 08-13-2002

Quote:you have obviously never met maynerd. hes a little shorter though
I thought the 14 foot sloath was on his chin

- Spitfire - 08-13-2002

People wonder why I'm so cynical...

we're all doomed. it's just a crapshoot of the many ways we're going to do it to ourselves

Don't fuck with Mother, this will all come back to us in time

- Arpikarhu - 08-13-2002

you cant stop science, nor should we. trying to stop cloning is the same as imprisoning galileo for heresy.

- Arthur Dent - 08-13-2002

"I have become Death. The destroyer of worlds."

- Arpikarhu - 08-13-2002

keep your morality away from the stem cells. become a mennonite if science scares you.

- Luna - 08-13-2002

Quote:it's just a crapshoot of the many ways we're going to do it to ourselves

Don't fuck with Mother, this will all come back to us in time
Truer words have never been spoken.
I must be a cynic, too. :toast:

- Ken'sPen - 08-13-2002

I fall somewhere in the middle. I think MUCH good could come of this type of research. I have also seen how we have totally fucked things up when we start to play with forces we don't understand.

- Arthur Dent - 08-13-2002

The Trigger by Arthur C. Clarke, Michael P. Kube-McDowell

Good story about the inevitablility of scientific discovery and the responsibility they bring.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Stem cell research is good if it can help cure diseases such as cancer, etc. but cloning yourself and raising it as your own child is not.