Psych test - Be honest - Printable Version

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- virgingrrl - 08-14-2002

Quote:I thought she killed her in a jealous rage, that the sister talked to the guy & hit it off.

close are crazy too.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-14-2002

Ladi, I thought the same thing....and sure you can go for a ride, but I drive a Protege not a Ferarri....

- Jack - 08-14-2002

No. That doesn't count cause I thought the same thing and I couldn't even kill a fly.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-14-2002

:disappointed: I'M NOT A NARC

- HedCold - 08-14-2002

Quote:No. That doesn't count cause I thought the same thing and I couldn't even kill a fly.
haha you think like a jealous chick. you bitch :lol:

- Arpikarhu - 08-14-2002

no , you are a psycho killer. i thought we established that

- Jack - 08-14-2002

Damnit. Wheres my shotgun? Confusedneak:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-14-2002

Girls don't use shot guns, we use revolvers.....

- HedCold - 08-14-2002

maybe he's feeling extra cunty

- Sean Cold - 08-14-2002

Ok, it's just really sick. I asked the one sicko I know this question. She answered it correctly.

Sleep shall not come all too easy tonight.

- Whip - 08-14-2002

actually, after years of studying criminal justice i have taken a few classes that deal with the criminal mind. and holy shit its fucked, i have also taken psychology and for the human brain to comprehend that psych. question, it has to use logic. any logical answer would have been that the woman, being possessive of the man, would go as far as to kill her sister, just to see him. this sort of thing happened in florida in the 80's. A woman was so caught up on her ex boyfriend that she killed her mother and father, set the whole thing up to look like someone else did it, had the funeral(where consequently she got to see her ex boyfriend), yet at the end of the funeral day, she killed her ex boyfriend then admitted to the three killings the next day. so its not fucked up, it happens....lot of fuckin sick peoples out there....

just look at snuka... :fuggin:

- Ken'sPen - 08-14-2002

Well a life sentence would explain why no one has met VG,
and if she did this at a young enough age it would explain how a young blonde 6 foot runway model with a C cup has managed to hold on to her virginity.

- OAS - 08-14-2002

You are all sick. I figured she killed her sister because she caught the sister giving the guy anal. I swear, I'm the only normal person around here.

- DGW - 08-14-2002

I knew you chicks were psychos.

- Buttmunch - 08-14-2002

Check out whip plugging his legal education...again.

- Arthur Dent - 08-14-2002

And here I thought she found out the "guy" was her sister in drag...with a strap-on... :-D

- Sloatsburgh - 08-14-2002

I thought she killed her sister because she ruined her favorite skirt 10 years ago and her mother was no longer there to protect her sister.

Only fucking chicks would think of doing something so unfocused as killing someone in hopes of seeing a guy a second time. The fucking cunt would end up talking to the guy and find out he drives a Toyota and think he is a total dork and she is left with one dead sister.

- Whip - 08-14-2002

as always munch....

- SYNTuesday - 08-14-2002

Quote:oh great, now i've scared you guys away. you guys don't think the answer was obvious?
I had NO IDEA. I was actually feeling like an idiot for a while there... thinking "what did her sister do? Or who was her sister REALLY?"

- Maynard - 08-14-2002

I don't remember VG ever saying she was a runway model.....

I must be a fucking moron. I thought about this question for a good 10 minutes and couldn't come up with ANY reason why she killed her sister. I suck. :-(