Hi buttmunch!!!11 - Printable Version

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- Tequila - 08-16-2002

Hey BM how is everything going?

- GonzoStyle - 08-16-2002

Tequila it's no use, the mans a snob. He's the snobiest, snob of all snobs!!!

- Tequila - 08-16-2002

He said hello to me once when I saw him.

Other then that he don't like me just like everybody else Undecided

- GonzoStyle - 08-16-2002

He doesn't like himself, how can you win?

- Kid Afrika - 08-16-2002

Quote:I keep it quiet today....

and HI butmunch was the best you could do........

So, now you see. Having no new threads is better than having a ton of shite new threads. Maybe the irony is not lost on you.

- Kingpin - 08-17-2002

<marquee>TOSS MY SALAD<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'></span></marquee>

- diceisgod - 08-17-2002

How's it goin arseface? :lol:

- Tequila - 08-17-2002

He still hasn't said hello. WTF?

- Kid Afrika - 08-17-2002

Quote:Hi K1d.

How's my negro?

The rest of you, by all means, please go about your usual business. - Buttmunch (on pg. 1)
Are you dense, or just blind?

- Tequila - 08-17-2002

Mr. negro I was talking about me.

So back off bitch

- IrishAlkey - 08-17-2002


- GonzoStyle - 08-17-2002

Tequila yearns for anyones acceptance, say hello to him.

- Kid Afrika - 08-17-2002

Yeah, no.

I think it's pretty obvious that BM went out of his way to NOT say hello to the spic.

- Tequila - 08-17-2002

But he says hello to niggers, go figure.

- Kid Afrika - 08-17-2002

If you see a "nigger" around here, you let me know. OK, ricardo?

- Tequila - 08-17-2002

Thats right you are whiter then I am

- GonzoStyle - 08-17-2002

Quote:But he says hello to niggers, go figure.

Cause there were no spics in the Lethal Weapon series.

- Kid Afrika - 08-17-2002

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

- Tequila - 08-17-2002

But there was Leo Geotz!!!!!!!!11

What ever you want Leo Geotz!!

- GonzoStyle - 08-17-2002

Tequila get you cop series right, buttmunch and k1d are riggs and murtagh.

Tequila and Slackjaw are chico and the man.

End of story, that concludes today's session.