I've got friends in low places..... - Or, how far will you go for a friend - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 08-26-2002

I was just stating that to elaborate on your original idea.

Like I said, I don't mind helping friends, but some things I've done have just felt wrong.

- Arthur Dent - 08-26-2002

Yeah, kinda regretted getting the guy in MORE trouble in the story I posted. He talked me into it despite not wanting to do it.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-26-2002

I think I'm usually the friend that gets the help that no one wants to give.

One of my best friends loaned me $300 for a plane ticket to go somewhere he highly objected to, but let me borrow it nonetheless.

I did however go to three Creed concerts for said friend.

- Maynard - 08-26-2002

Quote:I did however go to three Creed concerts for said friend.
NO friend is worth that.

- Kid Afrika - 08-26-2002

I once hung out with the ugly frigid chick while my friends had a fuck-free-for-all in my apartment. Had to buy a new comforter after that one... liquid candy doesn't wash out. My friend paid for it, but it was still a hassle.

Anyway, since then, I do my dirt all by my lonely, and keep my friends as far away from the women I date as possible.

- HedCold - 08-26-2002

i remember when my parents went away for a week so my friend asked if he could bring his girlfriend over to do it. i was disturbed by it all and said no.

- Kid Afrika - 08-26-2002


- HedCold - 08-26-2002

just the thought of his ass on something in my house was sickening :crackhead:

- Maynard - 08-26-2002

I let my friend have sex with this fat chick on my brothers bed once. :thumbs-up:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-26-2002

Umm....I sat in the front seat of a car while my ex boyfriend drove my friend and some dude around while they were f'ing.

- Spitfire - 08-26-2002

That's awful, Polly

Quote:had this one friend that was the biggest zero of all time when it came to women. He probally couldn't even score a prostitute. Everyone we hung out with knew it as well. They used to dog him non stop because he was the last virgin in our group.
So everyone's group has one of these as well? My one friend is 25, never been laid. I think he scares chicks away...

- Arthur Dent - 08-26-2002

Quote:Umm....I sat in the front seat of a car while my ex boyfriend drove my friend and some dude around while they were f'ing.

If it was a limo, you could charge for that kind of service. :blow:

- GonzoStyle - 08-26-2002

Quote:I had this one friend that was the biggest zero of all time when it came to women. He probally couldn't even score a prostitute.

Did I ever thank you for the help, bestest buddy 4 life?

Basically, I would do anything for my friends. I will return tenfold whatever I get. I value my friends very much and love them, not just pals or people I talk to. But friends, cause the word gets used loosely at times. Basically I will sacrafice myself for my friends.

I defended my friend in a fight several years back cause he couldn't defend himself. Even though he was at fault and ended up losing half of my hearing and a permanent case of tinnitus. But I done worse.

- virgingrrl - 08-27-2002

i can't really think of anything profound that i have done for my friends at the moment...but i will do anything for them at anytime, anywhere. like gonzo said, i also will return tenfold whatever i "get" from them. they have given me so much, emotionally and physically. i rarely ask my friends for anything, but i know if i needed something they would do it for me in a heartbeat. i love my friends, i don't know where i would be with out them. and i tell them how much i love them every chance i get. every so often, i either make, or buy them a card and mail it to them, just to let them know the are appricated. they always call me and i can hear the smile on their face when they thank me for it. that makes it all worth while. i guess i just like to make people happy. i mean, wouldn't you be happy to come home on an average day, look through your mail and find all bills, then a card from a friend telling them how much they value your precence their life? im lucky to have them...why not them know...

- Sean Cold - 08-27-2002

Quote:i also will return tenfold whatever i "get" from them

I hearby vow to give you an hour of oral.

I hope your neck doesn't get stiff.

- GonzoStyle - 08-27-2002

Quote:I hearby vow to give you an hour of oral.


Good, I will have witnesses for the court preceedings. Cause he asked for it, he wanted it, and he will get it.

- Sean Cold - 08-27-2002

Too bad I quoted VG you silly butfucker.

- Hey Ladi - 08-27-2002

...oooh I got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns & the beer chases my bluuuues away...

this has been in my head all day :poke:

- GonzoStyle - 08-27-2002

Yeah but it won't hold up in court when I delete her post :burnfucker:

- Ken'sPen - 08-27-2002

I don't think he is logged on right now......