Cops and their fucking quotas suck. - Are we the citizens the victims? - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 08-29-2002

Just thank god you aren't black. Probably would have beat you senseless or shot you. :rofl: :fuggin:

- Tenbatsuzen - 08-29-2002

I thank God I'm only half-black. Well, from the waist down, anyway...

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-29-2002

[OAS} :disappointed: [/OAS]

- Brokenjaw - 08-30-2002

Quote:Not to mention that my insurance will now go up.

Jack, your insurance will not go up fpr any of the tickets you got. Your insurance will only go up if..

A. You are in an accident and it's your own fault
B. You are speeding and get cought
C. If you don't pay your insurance in time, and get it canceled by theinsurance company.

- DoughBoy - 08-30-2002

Couple of questions:

1. How did he know that your address needed to be changed?
2. What did he pull you over for, as far as I know broken mirror and seatbelt violations are NON-moving violations and you cannot be stopped for that.

I speed EVERYWHERE. I average 95mph on rt. 18 EVERY day, twice a day. I'm young, shaved head, loud music and tinted windows. I don't get pulled over. As long as you keep the maint. up on your car, pay attention to everyone around you (if the guys in front of you are stepping on the brakes, there is prolly a cop), and are polite if and when you get pulled over, you should RARELY get a ticket.

Senior year in High my freind and I were in his car. We were racing at 2am. In a 89 mustang, hatchback, tinted windows, skinnies up front. After doing a HUGE burnout and racing, the cop behind us turned on his lights (he was following a little back the whole time completely blacked out). Pulled us over, made us get out, on the ground. Turns out we were doing 142 in a 40. Got wreckless driving. Went to the police station the next day, spoke to the cop, downgraded it to careless. Went to court a few weeks later, cop ok'd the downgrade once more to Impeding the flow of traffic (no points) and 130 bucks. All because we were curteous and respectful.

- Luna - 08-30-2002

Quote:2. What did he pull you over for, as far as I know broken mirror and seatbelt violations are NON-moving violations and you cannot be stopped for that.
That's not least not in NYC.

- DoughBoy - 08-30-2002

I'm talking Jersey. Fuck New York's laws. Fuck them right in the ass!

- Kid Afrika - 08-30-2002

Actually, you can now be pulled over for no seatbelt in jersey. You can also be pulled over for talking on a hand-held phone.

- DoughBoy - 08-30-2002

Since when Kid? That must be new. I know about the phone... but that is only in certain towns that have passed the law. My roomate is a state trooper, I'll have to ask him..

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-30-2002

As far as I know you can be pulled over in any state for non-moving violations such as a broken tail light, etc. In fact, part of the reason behind this is the fact that it has been proven that pulling people over for minor things helps find people with outstanding warrants (i.e. in NYC when they arrest turnstyle jumpers many have outstanding warrants).

Brag all you want about your speeding and getting away with it, but doing 142 in a 40mph zone isn't something to brag about even if you weren't the could've killed someone....40mph zones are usually residential areas....I hope you've become more responsible behind the wheel.

- Kid Afrika - 08-31-2002

2 AM in a residential area doesn't seem all that risky, polly.

I think that there are safe places and safe times to speed. I would agree that 4:30PM is not a good time to be doing 140 in 40. But, 2AM is another story.

I also think that had it happened at 4:30PM, they probably would've had to walk home.

- Is Don on the phone? - 08-31-2002

Quote:Getting a 2 point ticket for doing 130mph on rt.18 should be proof enough that if you handle the situation correctly, most cops are pretty cool.
You are absolutely right. Be cool, don't disrepect the officer, answer questions honestly (but not in great detail unless asked for details) and keep the PBA cards where they are visible but not in the officer's face. I know a highway patrolman who will only respect a PBA card if he sees it on his own. If you whip it out like a "get out of jail free" card, he'll write you up anyway. And on the flip side, he has let people off if he believes they are being honest-he tells a story about a guy in a Mustang 5.0 who, when asked why he was speeding, answered "I like to drive fast." He was told to slow it down and have a safe night.

Keep in mind that like many of us, the officer has a job to do. Your responsiblity is to operate a safe motor vehicle in a responsible manner, and he or she is there to ensure that this happens. If you are in the wrong, no matter how minor, take your beating like a man and move on. It's not personal for them, it's business, just another day at the salt mines. And yeah, my friend in highway is a prick sometimes, just like the rest of us. He's human above all.

- Kid Afrika - 08-31-2002

PBA cards are only good for getting out of trouble when you haven't really done anything. If you really fuck up, and then try to flash a PBA card, you are an Asshole.

You use a PBA card to get out of bullshit tickets, not tickets that you deserve. Although, if you are really a relative, especially immediate family, it's another story. But, if you get one from a friend of a friend and use it for something you know you did wrong, you are just asking for trouble. The last thing you need is for the cop who signed it to say, "I don't know who that is." In which case, you would be royally fucked.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-31-2002

Quote:If you really fuck up, and then try to flash a PBA card, you are an Asshole.
My brother got a NYS Park Police PBA sticker and put it on the car that he pulled over, and the cop laughed at him as he wrote his ticket.....I was amused, but then again I'm easily amused.

I got pulled over when I first started driving for doing like 40mph on Knapp Street in Brooklyn (everyone really does about 40 on there) and I told the cop that my license was brand new and that if I got a moving violation, I'd get my license revoked, and I also told him I was driving fast because I had eaten bad seafood and thought I was going to poop in my car.....he was so disgusted that he let me go without even a warning, just an "ewww."