What do you bring? - A "typical" dent post. - Printable Version

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- Metalfan - 09-10-2002

True, but I bet they all scream the same way when ya rip it off along with some hair :lol:

- Arthur Dent - 09-10-2002

Real men know how to use rope anyway. :burnfucker: :poke:

What do you do at the end of the night when everyone brought too much stuff? if your the host, do you ask people to take home goodie bags? If your a guest, do you take stuff if it's offered?

- virgingrrl - 09-10-2002

whats with all the questions lately dent?

you divide the stuff up between the people and/ or let them take what they want. and if you are a guest "goodiebags" only if you want it, if not let some one else have it.

- Arthur Dent - 09-10-2002

Questions are the easiest way to start a conversation.

Geez, just felt like talkin' Confusedneak: :loveya:

- virgingrrl - 09-10-2002

dont give me Confusedneak: <--- that face. i was just asking is all. Hell, i am the only one answering all of your questions seriously anyway.

- Arthur Dent - 09-10-2002

Quote:Hell, i am the only one answering all of your questions seriously anyway.

That's why you get the :loveya:. And it's a cute, teasing Confusedneak:. The kind usually followed by :lol: and rib tickling. :thumbs-up:

- virgingrrl - 09-10-2002


- Ken'sPen - 09-10-2002

Quote:Questions are the easiest way to start a conversation.

If only you started one on the train the other day.

- GonzoStyle - 09-10-2002

I despise people who come empty handed to a party. No matter how broke I do my best to bring something, anything. Usually I'll bring soda, beer, chips whatever I can. If I got some extra cash I'll bring some hard liquor or at the very least chip in for some takeout.

People who come over and bring nothing, yet indulge in what others have bought are fuckin scum. It's like they wanna cook dinner in your kitchen with your food and then ask you to do the dishes.

- Keyser Soze - 09-10-2002

Thats a long way to go to tell us how much you hate maynard.


- GonzoStyle - 09-10-2002

who... me? :fart:

- LyricalGomez - 09-10-2002

Quote:People who come over and bring nothing, yet indulge in what others have bought are fuckin scum. It's like they wanna cook dinner in your kitchen with your food and then ask you to do the dishes.

You just described about 90% of my friends...All of them are too fucking lazy to get a job so they never bring anything, and if someone complains they always use the same lame line

"Hey, I brought my sweet self, is'nt that enough?"

- GonzoStyle - 09-10-2002

I love that, no it is not enough. I can understand if you are broke, I been there. Friends understand that shit, once in a while or whatever. But when people are depending on you for so and so, sup wit dat?

- Arthur Dent - 09-10-2002

If you know your friends broke and you tell 'em not to bring anything than it's cool. If I knew my friend was broke or unemployed, I'd feel bad making them bring stuff.

As for friends I know have the cash and don't bring something, I'm just too polite to say something rude about it.

- LyricalGomez - 09-10-2002

Yeah, but these guys could get a job(I've offered them one) but they are too lazy and don't want to do it...

- Sean Cold - 09-10-2002

Quote:I stop at the nearest cemetery and pick up some nice fresh flowers.

Buttmunch brings the best snack foods.....

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>EVER!!!!!!</span>

- GonzoStyle - 09-10-2002

Quote:I'm just too polite to say something rude about it.


That is another thing, off topic but still. Why are people so embarassed to tell the truth? What is so fuckin bad about it? Especially if you get an Asshole who tries to make you look like a dick for being truthful, I wanna smack those bitches down the most. If someone is a cheap fuck, tell them. If someone is being selfish, tell them. I am not saying be brutally honest and go around pointing out peoples short comings. There is a point where you just have to fuckin say something. Then if they try to turn the tables, they are being 20 times worse than you think you are being for bringing it up, that's when you become brutally honest.

- Arthur Dent - 09-10-2002

Not saying i don't tell the truth. Most of the time, your doing the person a favor when you tell 'em their breath stinks or that sweater makes 'em look gay or something. Just got to do it in a polite way so they don't feel insulted.

As for a rude guest who doesn't bring anything, I'd rather be subtle and thank each person for what they brought in front of that person and see if that makes them feel guilty. If not, then maybe say something in private before they leave if it's a good friend. if it's a total Asshole, just don't invite them again if possible.

- GonzoStyle - 09-10-2002

Buttmunch's Stromboli > All snack foods

- LyricalGomez - 09-10-2002

I usually find getting a Bullhorn and announcing who brought what usually does the trick...Yeah, not going to forget next time are you