Pssssst.... - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 09-25-2002

Quote:Is Toby busy?

What is with you sick fucks and the need to defile more poor cat?

- SLASH - 09-25-2002

Why wait any longer for the one you love
When he's standing in front of you

- Maynard - 09-25-2002

Can you give him a bath and spray that sweet cat deodorizer on him before I get there? Tell him I have a bag of catnip for him.

- Sean Cold - 09-25-2002

Quote:Tell him I have a bag of catnip for him.

That's an outright lie. Everyone knows you don't bring anything. It's ok to bullshit me, but, Toby doesn't like that shit.

- Maynard - 09-25-2002

That was only 1 time. :-(

- Hey Ladi - 09-25-2002

Quote:I wanna hump today!
Your sister's gone out. She's on a date
You just sit at home and masturbate
The phone is gonna ring soon but you just can't wait
For that call

- SLASH - 09-25-2002

So you stand on the corner in your new English clothes
And you look so polished from your hair down to your toes
But still your finger's gonna pick your nose
After all...

- PollyannaFlower46 - 09-25-2002

::yawn:: need sleepies.

Is it 5:00 yet? Undecided

- Arpikarhu - 09-25-2002

5 hours and 50 minutes to go judging by the clock in my house :-D

- Skitchr4u - 09-25-2002

can't it be lunch time yet? i am hungry!

- Arpikarhu - 09-25-2002

not for another 17 minutes at least

- kindred - 09-25-2002

Bah! My work day just started and you guys are talkin lunch already!!! Rolleyes

- PollyannaFlower46 - 09-25-2002

Speaking of eating, do you think if I didn't eat at all, and only drank water and took vitamins for a month I'd die?

- Hey Ladi - 09-25-2002

there are quicker ways to die Confuseduicide:

- Arthur Dent - 09-25-2002

Quote:Speaking of eating, do you think if I didn't eat at all, and only drank water and took vitamins for a month I'd die?

Yes. Try something simpler. Like absolutely no eating between meals, no eating after 8 pm, and no seconds at any meal.

- DGW - 09-25-2002

Quote:do you think if I didn't eat at all, and only drank water and took vitamins for a month I'd die?
crash diet???

- PollyannaFlower46 - 09-25-2002

Psst...Ladi, I don't wanna die :thumbs-up:

Thanks Dent, knew all those, do 'em all but the after 8 thing since I get home some nights at 10:30.

- Arpikarhu - 09-25-2002

Quote:Speaking of eating, do you think if I didn't eat at all, and only drank water and took vitamins for a month I'd die?
actually, you wouldnt. if you drank alot of water it could take over 6 weeks before your bodie shut down completly. alot of interesting things happen before that though.

- Arpikarhu - 09-25-2002

Damn it! body!

- Arthur Dent - 09-25-2002

Quote:Thanks Dent, knew all those, do 'em all but the after 8 thing since I get home some nights at 10:30.

Then you also know, you can only loose so much before you HAVE to exercise to lose more. Just walking briskly for 30 minutes a day will raise your metabalism and allow you to lose more. (Since I've never seen you in person, I have no clue if or how much you want to lose.)

My daily walk to and from the subway takes care of me.