Would you go back? - Completely hypothetical. - Printable Version

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- nerdo5 - 10-17-2002

Quote:I have tried wackbag, and it is probably the most pathetic site I've ever seen.

you truly are god, dice.

- diceisgod - 10-17-2002

Quote:you truly are god, dice.

It's funny not because you are a shameless kiss ass, but because 90% of the board wants me dead and such statements burn the core of their very soul.

- Sloatsburgh - 10-17-2002

Who wants a faggity Charlie in the Box?

- Mad - 10-17-2002

Quote:I have tried wackbag, and it is probably the most pathetic site I've ever seen. If O&A ever go back on the air and there is an alternative to fagbag that has decent traffic, posters, and management I may check it out.

WTF is up with that scene? If I hear the line "more gooder" one more time...

I can understand wanting to keep things private. However, once you put it out there it's fair game for all.


- nerdo5 - 10-17-2002

Quote:but because 90% of the board wants me dead and such statements burn the core of their very soul.

of course, that would require that i posess a soul. other than that, i am pathetic.

- Meatwad - 10-17-2002

dude, you're gay. :fuckoff:

- drusilla - 10-17-2002

whatever, the board is dead. it was a lot of fun & i miss it. but i would rather be somewhere that really doesn't have anything to do with o&a. especially if ant is gonna throw a hissy fit everytime something personal ( that is common knowledge ) comes up. i miss it there. i miss slash's grammar lessons & tooling on trolls. but, i guess that's what is for. oh wait. i'm not welcome there if i continue my old behavior. faggots.

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2002

I am just speaking here, I am not getting on a soapbox or politicing, just speaking openly and honestly. I have always felt that things would have run much smoother and easier if more things were brought out into the open, and people were honest about things.

I am not looking to turn this place into, was a board, this is a board. I will always say, I have little respect for because, no matter how much froy did this or that. Neither nor this board would exist without While froy did whatever, which is not worth even discussing. The people made that board, everyone, even fingerbang. While fingerbang was a piece of shit, once again without him we all probably would not be here. So it's a situation where you have to give the devil his due.

The mods and I, honestly want to give everyone a home, The mods, admins and myself do all that we do for you. I am not looking to make money here, nor was sean. Sean and I started this place as an alternative for people to have. Wackbag was an alternative in early 2001 when a lot of members needed a break from the chaos of the bang party. Everyone joined wackbag, from Upuauat, IP, to myself and many others, shit happened and whatever.

We promise to do our best to make this a place you will wanna stay. We are working on a lot of new things for the site. To make it more fun for the members. We have been planning things for over a month now but due to what happened with, I pushed it back. Mainly to give newer members time to settle in, also not to make it seem like I was taking advantage of a horrible situation.

If you want to stay, thank you. If you want to post somewhere else, by all means. If you wanna do both, great, my main thing is that people are happy. We come here or to anywhere on the internet to get away from shit, not to add more shit.

If you want to discuss O&A by all means do it in the entertainment forum. We do not delete posts here, we do not ban people. We may throw people in the cell for a day or a week but that's about it.

In the end, just have fun, and do what makes you happy.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-17-2002

I like it's like in the movies....we were all once on planet but then shit happened and we all had to leave and now we're all finding a new home here on planet feels a bit different, and looks alot different (I like the layout here better) but it feels like home...this place is fun because of the people that made the choice to be here...

- Faceman - 10-17-2002

Quote:If you want to discuss O&A by all means do it in the entertainment forum

But wouldn't that imply they were still entertaining? In truth they jumped the shark a long time before they were kicked off the air and truthfully after the shenanigans that ant and his girl pulled, will anybody ever look at them the same way again?

- Keyser Soze - 10-17-2002

i can tell you this, i would still listen to O&A and would if they came back out of sheer curiosity. that being said, i think they are total hypocrates but nonetheless entertaining. i listen to hooknose even though I feel the same way about him.

they're entertainers, i don't invest too much emotionally about their character.

- drusilla - 10-17-2002

Quote:I like it's like in the movies....we were all once on planet but then shit happened and we all had to leave and now we're all finding a new home here on planet feels a bit different, and looks alot different (I like the layout here better) but it feels like home...this place is fun because of the people that made the choice to be here...

here here

i like it here too :moonie:

- fbd - 10-17-2002

Quote:I like it's like in the movies....we were all once on planet but then shit happened and we all had to leave and now we're all finding a new home here on planet feels a bit different, and looks alot different (I like the layout here better) but it feels like home...this place is fun because of the people that made the choice to be here...
how long until we find either the aliens who lived on this board before us, or until froy comes here and ruins this, too?

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2002

Quote:until froy comes here

He did join up at one point.

- fbd - 10-17-2002

but then the board was wiped, new one made, froyless. he cant ruin it, yet, unless you let him back in

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2002

Only if I get to lock him and FTL in the cell and watch them devour eachother.

- drusilla - 10-17-2002

[Image: bluboomteamenforcer.gif]

- ClusterF@#$ - 10-17-2002

Quote:In the end, just have fun, and do what makes you happy.

Can I give you a reacharound for that last response? That would make me happy. Seriously... I like this place cuz the intent is genuine. There is no egos. No mod muscle. That's what I wanna see as a member cuz it makes posting FUN again.

No drama.. no soap operas. Keep it up, whatever you're doing.

- GonzoStyle - 10-17-2002

Well jack has gotten a tad drunk with power lately..


- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-17-2002

I'm glad Gonz said it...cause I was thinking about my best thread ever getting locked...I'm still bitter... :fuckoff: