The Chatroom Chat Thread - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 01-22-2003

.... it never works for me...

- Luna - 01-23-2003

There's a stripper in the chatroom!

- FNMoron - 01-23-2003

:-o who could it be??? :fuggin:

- Luna - 01-23-2003

I'll never tell! :-D

- crx girl - 01-24-2003

isn't it a little early for chat?

- GonzoStyle - 01-24-2003

it's never too early for chat.

- LyricalGomez - 01-24-2003

Someone invite me

GodIHeads Lament

- GonzoStyle - 01-24-2003

I was just there no one was in there Confusedneak:

- LyricalGomez - 01-24-2003

They played us for a fool

- Luna - 01-24-2003

Poop...I, did the stripper.

Sorry Gomez. Undecided I guess I didn't see your post in time.

- GonzoStyle - 01-24-2003

Me thinks luna is a fibber.

- LyricalGomez - 01-24-2003

She doesn't want us to join the fun Undecided

- GonzoStyle - 01-24-2003

Luna was in the chat by herself suffering from multiple personality disorder.

- LyricalGomez - 01-24-2003

That would have been entertaining to see

- drusilla - 01-24-2003

you people suck

- crx girl - 01-24-2003

i'm ready to chat now

- LyricalGomez - 01-24-2003


- criticslovesnatch - 01-24-2003

anyone in there?

if there is, invite me....those links aren't working for me Confuseduicide:

- Jack - 01-24-2003

Come chat. Now!

- Danked - 01-24-2003

No. You can't make me.