Bush's State of the Union Address - Printable Version

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- Jack - 01-29-2003

I call bullshit right now. Its only been a half hour and already I have heard enough bullshit to last me a lifetime.

- Jack - 01-29-2003


- fbd - 01-29-2003

you would know about hitlerism...

- Hybrid - 01-29-2003

my new favorite word: hitlerism

- LZMF1 - 01-29-2003

Quote:I will not be watching. I'll be playing SOCRACK. Who's with me?
i was too busy watching the devils shut the red wings out! no 700th goal for brett hull.

DAMMIT......if only i had seen that someone else from the CDIH clan was playing tonight. i would have done the split screen thing again.

- The Jays - 01-29-2003


- FNMoron - 01-29-2003

...jays.... you're just coming to this conclusion??? Rolleyes

- Arpikarhu - 01-29-2003

hmmmmm, no osama mention? funny how he got forgotten.
on a side note, the only ceo of a company that was found to have committed fraud and was not indicted is bush contributer Ken Lay.

- GonzoStyle - 01-29-2003

My two new favorite words:

Hitlerism and Horra.

First Terra and now Horra.

I gotta admit it was all made worthwhile when bush mentioned the 3,000 terrorist they caught. When he said some of them were bought to justice and some were dealt with by other means. Then the smirk came over his face, the squinty eyes and he hunched over with a look like a pimp who just put a good beatin on a ho, "well lets just say they aren't a threat to us no more".

That was pimp.

- Maynard - 01-29-2003

I read a Bush quote the other day that some UK Foreign Affairs guy quoted that said something to the effect of..."Bush has made one of the greatest diplomatic accomplishments ever by re-directing the American people's rage from Bin Ladin to Hussein". That was for sure a great achievement. And tonights address pretty much confirmed that.

- GonzoStyle - 01-29-2003

It's pure horra.

- Maynard - 01-29-2003

What is horra? I never heard him say that. :clueless:

- GonzoStyle - 01-29-2003

He said it in the middle of the speech, when he tried to say "horror" he stumbled and said "Horra" sounds more like Haurra.

- Maynard - 01-29-2003

OH! I thought it was a made up word to describe something. He does have that twang in his voice.

I thought he spoke very well tonight. He must be practicing his teleprompter reading or something. He barely stumbled tonight, and didn's say anything dumb. I guess he's learned to stop making things up on the spot.

- Arpikarhu - 01-29-2003

Quote:I guess he's learned to stop making things up on the spot.
except for that whole saddam is a threat to the U.S. thing

- criticslovesnatch - 01-29-2003

I can pronounce "nuclear" - can you?

I think its time to kill president Homer Simpson.

- GonzoStyle - 01-29-2003


How can you hate someone who says "hitlerism"

- Maynard - 01-29-2003

CLS, we laughed our asses off at that tonight as well.

- Sir O - 01-29-2003

I didn't see it, but apparently I was right. Sounds like the unintentional comedy was flowing tonight.

So when U.S. soldiers start coming home in bodybags, is it all going to be worth it?

- Maynard - 01-29-2003

Well Sir O, I don't think we need to worry about soldiers coming home in body bags.

I am reading an article in this weeks TIME that says, if we attack Iraq, it's highly likely that they will infect some of their soldiers with smallpox, and send them over to the US. They could fly commercially, and come in. Put a few of them in NYC, and guess more NYC.

It's the fucked up shit that we can't think of (like flying a plane into the World Trade Center) that we have to be afraid of. We'd win a conventional war with anyone on the planet. With alot less casualties than anyone else.