What Do You Do? - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 03-05-2003

Quote:A real slacker would have just typed it
A real slacker doesn't bother to say he's a slacker.

- LyricalGomez - 03-05-2003

That's true too

Oh yeah, I never said what I do

I go to college and work as the manager for a company that does estate sales.

- FNMoron - 03-05-2003

i still slack more than LZ... i don't care what he says... he's mr. mom... just because you don't have an actual paying job, doesn't make you a slacker... you still have to be responsible for your child... a true slacker has no responsibility, therefore... i win, you lose, good day sir...

- LZMF1 - 03-05-2003

Quote:just sit around masterbating and talking to you freaks all day
masturbation all day long?!?!?!? whew! so crazy!!

Edited By LZMF1 on 1046886198

- FNMoron - 03-05-2003

LZ = slacker-lite

- Jack - 03-05-2003

I am the Loss Prevention Manager for a CompUSA Store. I take my visor handheld with its scanner attachment and proceed to count and verify on hand quantities of certain departments every day. About every six weeks I have counted the whole entire product line in the store. I find time to post in between counts as the file is synched from the handheld to the computer. Also, some days I get stuff done right away and end up bored for a couple of hours.

- LZMF1 - 03-05-2003

Quote:LZ = slacker-lite

Damn YOU MORON...........Damn YOU TO Hell!!!!!!

that's it....i want the toboggan back!

- Suzie - 03-05-2003

Porn star.

- DGW - 03-05-2003

Quote:so I just sit around masterbating and talking to you freaks all day
that is a job on both accountz

- FNMoron - 03-05-2003

Quote:that's it....i want the toboggan back!
what toboggan.... :clueless:

- LZMF1 - 03-05-2003

ok....i see how it is.

- FNMoron - 03-05-2003

:lol: ....oh, that toboggan....

- LZMF1 - 03-05-2003 daughter) is napping!

time to go play some games online:
SOCOM on the PS2


Ghost Recon on the XBOX

- DGW - 03-05-2003

Quote:Porn star.
i've got half a roll of film left

- Keyser Soze - 03-05-2003

DG, i almost went and worked for that Lucent office a few years back. I'm interested in finding out how you slackers support your rock and roll lifestyles. Wish I could afford to slack all day long.

- drusilla - 03-05-2003

i work part time for a ghetto community college. 10 hours a week, not counting sporting events.

i also work on call for the cooper union athletic department. that's like 4 hours twice a month.

i am taking my last graduate class 1 night a week & evenutally i will start my masters project so i can graduate in may.

other than that.... nothing / shopping/ getting pedicures

but jackie wins!

- Goatweed - 03-05-2003

I'm an accountant/bookkeeper for a law firm, it's kinda boring and the management are basically Nazi's. I maintain the general ledger accounts for all the Partners' personal chagre accounts, I cover the monthly rent invoices for the NYC office as well as the other 5 (LA, DC, Miami, NJ, Paris). I also do small bullshit stuff, but the Partner bookkeeping takes up most of my time. Usually I can get the work done pretty quickly, which gives me time to sit on the board and post all day.

I also dabble in computers on the side and play games, smoke :fuggin: , drink, and play the drums when I get the chance. Now with the house, I've started to delve into the world of home improvement and have made 6 trips to Home Depot in the past 2 weeks.

That's about it, I don't do much else. I used to travel a lot, but I haven't gone anywhere for the Hell of it in years.

- Keyser Soze - 03-05-2003

Do you slackers have rich parents supporting you?

- Danked - 03-05-2003

I'm also Bruce Wayne.

- Goatweed - 03-05-2003

Which one? West, Keaton, Kilmer or Clooney?