Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 07-12-2003

Velociti Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:I guess visits to foreign nations are uncommon for the president to make.

Dude you may be the most uneducated, uninformed, and uncultured moron I have ever seen post here. You've made several posts with no factual basis, no thought, and no explanation.

Try reading a fuckin newspaper or watch the news once in a while, he's not in Africa cause he wants a tan and to learn how to click his tounge.

On another point, I really Hope bush doesn't fuck up relations on this one with the only pal seemingly we have left. Cause he's starting to look like he's Puffy and Blair is his Shyne.
I don't understand how you can say this, i've said nothing false or misleading. I just think that it's ridiculous to look at a president's visit to a foriegn nation and cry conspiracy.

- Kim - 07-13-2003

Who gives a fuck about Africa?

We have people here in the United States suffering with AIDS...children going hungry and living in slums...Americans who can't afford health care and rx's...

I voted for Bush too...I now see that I made a major mistake...I will not vote for him a 2nd time!

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

damn! and you were the deciding vote!

- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

The point is no one except for Bush and his constituates with vested interestes, care about africa.

Afghanistan is a mess and nothing really seems resloved there, no one says boo about it anymore. Iraq is a fuckin farce, in both cases the leaders we were really looking for have yet to be found. The whole WOMD thing was making people weary cause nothing was being found except for stuff that on a stretch of the imagination and belief "could have been" used. Now on top of that adding in that information he gave during his state of the union and other speeches which he used as motives for this war, were false, that just makes it even worse than before.

You had to realize something was afoul when all of a sudden the war against saddam and his WOMD became, operation iraqui freedom and about freeing the citizens of iraq.

Now because honestly most americans are dumbed down and have short attention spans, most don't even care about this issue of him lying cause its not as interesting as a blowjob. He's tryin to just start another war in another place we don't belong and fuck that up to, then move on to someplace else and start another war. If you can really call these things wars and not just basically us being the bully.

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

clinton would have been strung up in a town square for doing half of the stuff the idiot child bush has done.

- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

That's what I been sayin dude.

It's amazing that for 2 years Willy was dragged up and down the dirt wires for a personal fuck up. Everyone blew it out of proportion cause he "lied" to the american public. Ok true he did lie under oath about getting his dick sucked. This character is lying about not personal problems but international and homeland catastrophies. Yet he's still the golden child.

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

clintons blowjob didnt get 0ver 300 servicemen killed

- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

Unfortunatly instead of Ken Starr we are stuck with egomaniacs like Michael Moore

- The Sleeper - 07-13-2003

so you're saying the media is run by republicans? what about cnn, msnbc, etc?

- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

who the fuck watches msnbc?

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

who said anything about the media? the reason bush gets away with it because the dems are the minority in the house and senate

- The Sleeper - 07-13-2003

yes, but you get all your information from the media. who knows what actually happens behind the scenes.

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003


- The Sleeper - 07-13-2003

i was hoping for a "you are dumb"

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

i thought that was implied

- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

It's not about the republicans being the majority

it's about dumb being the majority in the public population.

People dont wanna know, don't care to know, nor even try to educate themselves as to whats going on around them. Unless it's some jerry springer like topic that's the major story, they don't care. They care only about their own personal shit, there's no more patriotism. The patriotism of 9/11 was a fuckin joke on the part of the majority the whole shit of "We are all new yorker's"

It all turned into a farce with the 2864673937 benefit shows, which raised billions, I wonder how much of that actually made it to their said charities?

I said at the time on the board and to my friends, within 6 months all the shit is gonna be a distant memory. The pins, the hats, the love, the "we must care for everyone" mentality. NY went back to bein NY, full of shitty people who have no patience for anything or anyone. They started bitching 2 weeks later about airport security takin too long. They started bitching about who cares about afghanistan months later, no one cared.

People today are about a quick fix, they need some fuckin bullshit to cling onto that has no importance but they need some "story" behind their world events, otherwise they don't care.

They need drama, they need clintons blowjobs, they need jessica lynch, they need some plot to their stories like its a fuckin movie. Lets spend million on jessica lynchs story and talk about her weeks on end.... oh yeah give the 20 soldiers who died this week a 30 second montage at the end of the show.

It's like Kurt Cobain said, when he perfectly summed up the generation

"Here we are now entertain us"

- The Sleeper - 07-13-2003

Quote:it's about dumb being the majority in the public population.
since when do we have a say anyway?

- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

If enough of the public cries out, they will listen.

The point is his approval ratings are through the roof and that's sick.

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

Quote:it's about dumb being the majority in the public population.
you are preaching to the choir.

its also about the media though. a good example: 3 days after the bush gore election the BBC was reporting that the florida election board had illegally stricken over 50,000 black voters from the rolls on purpose.these people were almost all democrats. they would have made the difference by a wide margin and gore would have won. american tv and newspapers refused to spend the money to do research on this and never reported it. they took the governors office response of "its not true" and let it go. it has now been proven. they wont go after bush because that would require making an effort and the media does not want to spend any money on digging up facts.
the only reason they went crazy on clinton is because the republicans did all of the work and gave it to the media.
remember, woodward and bernstein were so special they had to make a movie about it.
it should be the norm

- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

Remember when they showed the footage of the dead american soldier being dragged through the streets of somalia?

It's like all of a sudden americans realized that people die during war.

You can tell people 3000 soldiers died, it doesnt register for them. Show them one dead soldier and all of a sudden its the apocalypse.

After that footage aired, the public outcry came and we were outta there quicker than alkey after a one night stand.