why do they - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 09-28-2003

yeah but he was gone for a while and the new viewers don't know him as well as they did arpi.

maybe if you and him became bestest buddies we could work it out.

- HedCold - 09-28-2003

like when they just replace a character with somebody else but keep everything the same?

- GonzoStyle - 09-28-2003

you smart

- HedCold - 09-28-2003

it was weird when they did that on the fresh prince, since i didn't watch it for a long time then saw an episode in syndication with a different mom

- GonzoStyle - 09-28-2003

Yeah that always got me but then again who cares as long as they kept Carlton.

- Kim - 09-28-2003

They do that on the Soaps all the time...

- drusilla - 09-28-2003

HedCold Wrote:it was weird when they did that on the fresh prince, since i didn't watch it for a long time then saw an episode in syndication with a different mom
the second mother spoke at my high school graduation.

she spoke for 45 minutes about how wonderful she was

it was the worst graduation ever

what really pissed me off was they got jon faverau the next year

- Doc - 09-29-2003

Whoa, stop the ride for second

I'm the new Arpi? When did this happen? Who makes these rules? Won't Bland be pissed? Why am I asking so many questions?

- HedCold - 09-29-2003

hey buddy :lookatme:

- Goatweed - 09-29-2003

You'll always be Doc to me :loveya:

- Doc - 09-29-2003

No, I didn't sign up for this. I had known this is what you sadistic crapheads had in store for me, I would have simply deleted the "We Miss You" email and continued about my day.

Am I going to be typecast now? You know, this is what happened to The Beaver and look at him now

- HedCold - 09-29-2003

bestest buddy!! :lookatme:

- Doc - 09-29-2003

It takes more than a few of these --> :lookatme: to be my bestest buddy. You've got a long way to go, champ

- Mad - 09-29-2003


- HedCold - 09-29-2003

but its all about the :lookatme:

someone hasn't been following their script

- Doc - 09-29-2003

Dude, you are so Method.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 09-29-2003

Maybe we could spin this Doc = arpi thing along with the bland = arpi thing and make it so that they're identical except only one is the real deal and everyone goes on and thinks that they are the same person until that fateful day when they post in the same thread and everyone finds out that there is two of them, the people eat milk duds as they fight to the death over who is the real arpi...

It'd make a good episode of general hospital at least...

- Doc - 09-29-2003

So I'm Clark Kent to Bland's Superman?

When did God decide he really hated me?