Sexy AIM convos - Printable Version

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- Goatweed - 12-16-2003

I eagerly await your letter of <s>martyrdom</s> resignation.

- Danked - 12-16-2003

Besides the No Nudity in The Pit rule, the only other rules we have here is that you cannot post AIM conversations from someone who is a regular member on this board without their permission and you cannot negotiate the sale or trade of drugs on this board.

- The Sleeper - 12-16-2003

the no nudity in the pit rule has become null and void. that was my great contribution as mod.

- Goatweed - 12-16-2003

no drug trafficking? that fucking sucks!!! :angry:

- The Sleeper - 12-16-2003

I know dood I gots to have my weeeeed

- Goatweed - 12-16-2003

how am I gonna get my 'shrooms now?

- Danked - 12-16-2003

You wacky kids and your narcotics....

- Suzie - 12-16-2003

Quote:the only other rules we have here is that you cannot post AIM conversations from someone who is a regular member on this board

then why was King Shithead allowed to post the one with me?

- diceisgod - 12-16-2003

You really are a child.

- The Sleeper - 12-16-2003

I think we made it an amendment after that incident.

- Suzie - 12-16-2003

Thank you for that clarification. You are everything a mod should be.

- The Sleeper - 12-16-2003

and more!

- Danked - 12-16-2003

The Sleeper Wrote:I think we made it an amendment after that incident.
We did.

- Galt - 12-16-2003

Suzie should do sex to Sleeper as a graduation present.

- Gooch - 12-16-2003

I don't think he could handle it.

Edited By Gooch on 1071593208

- crx girl - 12-16-2003

i bet he could, prove him wrong sleeper

- Gooch - 12-16-2003

sleeper would never make it out of the bathroom Wink

- Keyser Soze - 12-16-2003

I like King Shithead, it has a nice ring to it, like Paxil Popping Chubb Chubb.

- diceisgod - 12-16-2003

You are such an awful, inconsiderate person, Keyser. I'm sure the feelings of your girlfriend at the time were completely considered and respected upon your being sexually propositioned.

- Keyser Soze - 12-16-2003

That doesn't change the fact I betrayed the trust of someone who propositioned me in a public chatroom by posting a conversation we had in a private instant message conversation.