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- Arthur Dent - 03-20-2002

A few times I've had something happen and afterward, I could swear I dreamed the whole thing before in one of those just-before-waking-up dreams down to the smallest detail. Like a premonition that I couldn't remember until after it happened.

Of course, it's probably just my vivid imagination playing tricks on me.

- Hey Ladi - 03-20-2002

I've had Deja Vu like that. And it is weird everyday situations, not like things I would think a lot about beforehand & possibly be planning out, then dream about. No, it's sitting watching tv, or walking into a room, or talking about something little & silly.

- Hey Ladi - 03-21-2002

In today's weird dream I was trying to buy a shirt. And when I woke up I thought, "no, no, no, I need to keep shopping, I didn't find it yet." :crackhead:

- Banana_juice - 03-21-2002

i had a weird dream the other night.. me and my girlfriend of 2 years broke up a few weeks back. she works for a in my dream, i was at the dentist and they pulled all my teeth without any anesthesia and she was there laughing

- barch97 - 03-21-2002

That's pretty scary. Reminded me of the movie "the dentist" with that guy from LA law and major league. Effin dentist scare me.

On a related note...
I've been looking around a bit for decent dream analysis websites. Haven't found any particular one that I really like. But, it seems pretty comonly believed that teeth very often represent words. And, rotting teeth and/or teeth falling out are symbolic of lies. As though your teeth are rotten words (lies) coming out of your mouth.

So, maybe in this case... Your ex having your teeth ripped out could have something to do with communication issues? Did she ever complain that you don't talk to her enough? Or, that you didn't share your feelings? I realize that these are pretty vague discriptions and almost every girlfriend complains that their guy doesn't comunicate well but, who knows...

I forget what I was even trying to say here.

- IkeaBoy - 03-21-2002

I had a weird dream last night.

First it started with a bunch of television shows taking excerpts from my posts/things I feedbacked and every once in awhile it would just focus in on something in print with the 'ikeaboy' name that was surrounded by a bunch of text by the name was highlighted differently.

Then I'm at a golf course that's right next to a pool and I forget what happened but some how my golfball falls into the pool and there are two kids in the pool jumping up and down but the pool was so full that the water just kept on flowing out of the pool itself onto my clothes. I was pissed and that's all I remember.

This is like the first dream I have remembered in a shitlong time.

- barch97 - 03-23-2002

Alright this is just too effin weird. Like the situation I described before, I didn't remember this right away. But, in the supermaker today, I found myself staring at a pile of carrots in the produce section and like daydreaming. And, a dream from a few days ago comes flooding back from my memory.

There's these two lesbians on a daytime talk show. Not sure which one. Maybe ricky. Anyway, one is wearing orange/red shiny nylon running suit type thing. She's sitting in a chair center stage. While the other kneels in front of her, aparently giving oral treats. (Nice, right? Big Grin)

But, here's the effin weird part. She's not munchin'. She's suckin'. The one in the chair is wearing like a strap-on device. But, it's not a rubber dick attached, it's big carrot.

Wait, it gets weirder... I realize that I'm not watching it alone. My parents and brother and sister are all sitting ther watching together. And, everyone's smiling and laughing and just really enjoying this wholesome family entertainment.

I'm really starting to hate dreams...

- Hey Ladi - 03-25-2002

:roflmao: It means you wanna sleep with your mom :fuggin: :crackhead:

- LZMF1 - 03-25-2002

barch97 Wrote:Alright this is just too effin weird. Like the situation I described before, I didn't remember this right away. But, in the supermaker today, I found myself staring at a pile of carrots in the produce section and like daydreaming. And, a dream from a few days ago comes flooding back from my memory.

There's these two lesbians on a daytime talk show. Not sure which one. Maybe ricky. Anyway, one is wearing orange/red shiny nylon running suit type thing. She's sitting in a chair center stage. While the other kneels in front of her, aparently giving oral treats. (Nice, right? Big Grin)

But, here's the effin weird part. She's not munchin'. She's suckin'. The one in the chair is wearing like a strap-on device. But, it's not a rubber dick attached, it's big carrot.

Wait, it gets weirder... I realize that I'm not watching it alone. My parents and brother and sister are all sitting ther watching together. And, everyone's smiling and laughing and just really enjoying this wholesome family entertainment.

I'm really starting to hate dreams...
dood, seek counseling.

- Galt - 03-25-2002

From my psychology classes a few years back... (and yes, I realize that intrepreting dreams is often like intrepreting horoscopes, just be broad and everyone will find something they relate too)

Barch, sometimes teeth may represent words. If your teeth are actually falling out in masses, that can represent that you think you are talking too much (either gossiping or being opinionated). However, more often than not, dreams about your teeth are about your looks. Teeth cracking or loosening supposedly mean that in short, you think you're ugly. It is the most common re-occuring dream out there.

Ikea's dream. Water is supposed to represent women. So these two little rat bastards that were annoying you are closer to some woman that you are and they mock you about it.

Barch's second dream. That was a wet dream. That means you want the anal from a girl with a strapon.

Now my dream. I know people talk about how if you die in your dream you die in real life, like if you fall in your dream you wake up before you hit....

I'd never had one of those dreams before that I remember. Sometimes I'd wake up with the feeling that I was falling and it freaked me out, but I don't really remember having a falling dream.

Well, I had one a couple weeks ago, I don't remember exactly what, but I fell from a very high height, and as I was falling I knew I was going to hit and die, I was making my peace with it, and I hit. I remember making impact. I immediately woke up, and I thought that was really cool.

Because I actually hit the ground before waking up.

- Luna - 03-25-2002

Arthur Dent Wrote:A few times I've had something happen and afterward, I could swear I dreamed the whole thing before in one of those just-before-waking-up dreams down to the smallest detail. Like a premonition that I couldn't remember until after it happened.

Of course, it's probably just my vivid imagination playing tricks on me.
I've had that happen, too. Like Ladi said, it's just everyday things or in a few of my experiences, it's been talking to clients or joking around with a friend.

- Hey Ladi - 03-25-2002

Galt Wrote:Now my dream. I know people talk about how if you die in your dream you die in real life, like if you fall in your dream you wake up before you hit....
I heard it meant you wanted to make a change in your life, if you die in a dream.

I was explaining one I had to someone the other day. I've had a recurring dream of being on a subway car, and it never goes anywhere, but I know it will be soon. So as I was saying it, it occured to me that maybe it was just a metaphor for my life, I mean to move out & 'go somewhere' but it hasn't happened yet.

- DGW - 03-25-2002

This weekned I had a few...Some with my ex which I can't seem to shake but another with my neighbor was rather vivid. I remember looking at my neighbors tits when she got out of her car. It was like slow motion. She had big cans in a red tanktop with no bra and I remember it so vividly. I can see her nips now! Do women always look better in dreams?? Anyway I ended up waking up during it with a piece of wood that could be used to drive a nail through stone, but I couldn't fall back asleep. Fucking figures.

- Luna - 03-25-2002

Hey Ladi Wrote:I heard it meant you wanted to make a change in your life, if you die in a dream.
That sounds very tarot card-like. The death card has that same sort of meaning.

Edited By LunaBabe on Mar. 25 2002 at 10:32

- Sluggo - 03-25-2002

I've been having the same dream (with some minor variations) for the last 2 nights.
I can't go into detail, because i forget them soon after waking.
But, Like DGW...
I have been waking with wood you could drive a RR Spike with.

- JIMMYSNUKA - 03-25-2002

Sluggo Wrote:I've been having the same dream (with some minor variations) for the last 2 nights.
I can't go into detail, because i forget them soon after waking.
But, Like DGW...
I have been waking with wood you could drive a RR Spike with.
It must have been about a classroom of molded butter.....3 grains of sand....and a rusty fork.

- Sluggo - 03-25-2002

JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:It must have been about a classroom of molded butter.....3 grains of sand....and a rusty fork.
You are fucking amazing!!!

- DGW - 03-25-2002

Sluggo Wrote:
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:It must have been about a classroom of molded butter.....3 grains of sand....and a rusty fork.
You are fucking amazing!!!
Isn't it scary?

- barch97 - 03-25-2002

Galt Wrote:Barch's second dream. That was a wet dream. That means you want the anal from a girl with a strapon.
Luckily I never actually posted a "second" dream so, I must not really be gay, right?

- DGW - 03-28-2002

Okay you dream interpreters... I had some funky shit going through my head this morning before I woke up.

A couple of things...I remember seeing a girl I knew in grammar school but whom I haven't seen in 15 years. Basically someone I should have kept in touch with.

The other had me on the Jersey shoreline with flooding and huge waves...but I was sort of behind a hill and I'd run up to the top of the hill to see if a wave was coming.. and every once and awhile a totally fucking huge wave would start to form and I'd just start to run.

So does this mean I'm gaey? :blow: