Dear Jews - Printable Version

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- drusilla - 02-17-2004

IrishAlkey Wrote:Why not just shave the womens' heads?
alot of the women shave their heads & wear wigs also. part of the hair beign seductive thing, & how only their husbands should know their true beauty.

- Rooner - 02-17-2004

Man, Ive "met" more heebs on these message boards than I have in real life.

- Goatweed - 02-17-2004

that's because they own everything - including the internet.

- Mad - 02-17-2004

Stop the hate.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 02-17-2004

i always wanted to just wear a baseball hat in hebrew school, but apparently this is not allowed.

- Black Lazerus - 02-17-2004

You are all heebs?

- drusilla - 02-17-2004

WhackBagKid Wrote:i always wanted to just wear a baseball hat in hebrew school, but apparently this is not allowed.
that sucks. they allowed it in mine. just as long as your head was covered all was well.

i think anyways. i always fell asleep so i never heard if there was a discussion over it.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 02-17-2004

i hated hebrew school, i learned nothing.

- drusilla - 02-17-2004

its helped me to become atheist.

- theDude - 02-17-2004

I found that muddled swill they force fed you so boring and ridiculous I shunned it all. the last time I was in a temple was my little brother's bar mitzvah, and he's going to be 20 this year. :27:

- crx girl - 02-18-2004

couple weeks ago i was reading about a grandmother being sent to jail because she put her 2 yearold grandson in a scalding hot shower, good, she was 32, bad. the names were all biblical. it's the 21st century, we've got a good couple billion too many people on the planet. nobody should be a grandmother at 32.

that was my brief critisism of religious people. thank you. go mayor of san francisco.

- GonzoStyle - 02-18-2004

was she jewish atleast?

- crx girl - 02-18-2004

yes, that was my point. all this time when i saw the little girls in the long dresses and scarves pushing babies around, i thought they were the older sisters.

- GonzoStyle - 02-18-2004

you on the sauce?

- crx girl - 02-18-2004


- GonzoStyle - 02-18-2004


- Splatterpunk - 02-18-2004

I used to think Jews were smart.

- GonzoStyle - 02-18-2004

We are and you don't think so it's all irrelevant at this point.

- Black Lazerus - 02-18-2004

she did say that she "used to think"

- GonzoStyle - 02-18-2004

Thats bullshit as well.