who was the first person you ever talked to - from oa/cdih in real life - Printable Version

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- The Sleeper - 10-13-2004

this is a top serious thread

- drusilla - 10-13-2004

Galt Wrote:me and Seph went to elementary school together.
if we're going by that, i've known jorge since we were in high school.

- The Sleeper - 10-13-2004

yes there was no "met at an internet gathering" qualifier

- drusilla - 10-13-2004

thanks for clearing that up

- Arpikarhu - 10-13-2004

av8r at bar nine

- LZMF1 - 10-13-2004

seanc0ld, sluggo, fnmoron, rape fantasizer, crx, keyser, silera, hey ladi...these are all people who i've met i've seen many CDIHers at bar nine but haven't really spoken to them.

Edited By LZMF1 on 1097687897

- Galt - 10-13-2004

coincidentally, I got in a car accident with TeenWeek when I lived in Boston.

- The Jays - 10-13-2004

First person I talked to was Goatweed. He picked me up to meet with people at a pool hall in Brooklyn; first people I met were Gonzo, Tricia, Sleeper, Amy, FTL, Silera, Alkey.

- crx girl - 10-13-2004

i never knew i was a first for so many people. i think my first was ziggy at pr's birthday party, then suzie and dan from hoboken and just jon. i don't remember who else was there that night, oh amy and that immigrant boyfriend of hers.

- Hawt Baux - 10-13-2004

Amy and FTL picked me up for a bar 9 but this is when the rf people sorta "took it over". Them aside, people who were there from the oa board and here were Alkey, Silera and then i think Lush and Dru.

I saw Gonzo once, never formally though.

Oh and George.

- GonzoStyle - 10-13-2004

I remembered it was a tie cause I met both at the same time.

It was Upuauat and Darx23.

- The Sleeper - 10-13-2004

ahahah darx23!

- GonzoStyle - 10-13-2004

He had the longest neck I have ever seen on a human being, watching him blink his eyes uncontralably as he stuttered trying to do his IMUS impression was high comedy.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-14-2004

I have never met anyone.

- drusilla - 10-14-2004

i've gone snowboarding with hybrid.........twice!

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-14-2004

I talked to Grk on the phone once or twice my freshman year.

- FoundryJJ - 10-14-2004

1st person i ever talked to in person was Buttmuch at the 1st ever softball game. He pointed out who everyone was, what your names were (if anyone here was even at the 1st game) and such.

- IrishAlkey - 10-14-2004

I remember the night I met Ikeaboy!

- Rooner - 10-14-2004

Why would you meet people off of message boards?

- IrishAlkey - 10-14-2004

For sex.