The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #5 Thread Of The Year - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 01-07-2005

I voted for gay marriage!

- IrishAlkey - 01-07-2005

Arpikarhu Wrote:a sound that will be quite common for you starting in 9 months
Remember back in 2001 when, every once in a while, you made fucking sense?

Those were the days.

- Danked - 01-07-2005

Silera's pregnant!?

Congrats, pop!

- Black Lazerus - 01-07-2005

digs thread berating his family members via email about granny should have been on this list.

Edited By Black Lazerus on 1105060851

- The Jays - 01-07-2005

I liked that one too.

- GonzoStyle - 01-07-2005

IrishAlkey Wrote:The Gay Marriage one is way too wordy and not exactly funny until I show up.
We should have a "lets get political and stuff" forum for those types of discussions.

- Arpikarhu - 01-07-2005

forget it

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1105065067

- Arpikarhu - 01-07-2005

now i am upset. i swore i would try to refrain from making negative comments about your impending fatherhood but your endless attacks on me forced my hand.

- Keyser Soze - 01-07-2005

cranky old man

- Arpikarhu - 01-07-2005

what i wrote was evil and i feel bad. i am deleting it.

- Keyser Soze - 01-07-2005

arpi wrote:

Quote:let me lay it out for since it is painfully obvious that the thalidomide has not only affected your appearance but also your ability to comprehend a simple logic ladder.
the irrelevance you will hear in 9 months will be your child who will in all probability lead a life of irrelevance due to its lack of rescources both material and emotional. while some do rise above a deprived childhood, most do not.

is it all clear now?

- Arpikarhu - 01-07-2005


- Keyser Soze - 01-07-2005

lets do your interview now.

- Gooch - 01-07-2005

the real issue issue:
Arpi shoots blanks.

- Black Lazerus - 01-07-2005

why does arpi assume that alkey and silera are poor, i know he dresses like a hobo but that is due to lack of style not lack of money.

- Arpikarhu - 01-07-2005

Gooch Wrote:the real issue issue:
Arpi shoots blanks.
unfortunately, quite the opposite.

- Arpikarhu - 01-07-2005

Black Lazerus Wrote:why does arpi assume that alkey and silera are poor, i know he dresses like a hobo but that is due to lack of style not lack of money.
you have obviously forgotten the alkey leg incident

- Black Lazerus - 01-07-2005

can you please refer me to what you are talking about. I know he had a thrombosis in his leg and he had meds for it a blood thinner it think for it beyond that i know nothing of the matter. but please enlighten me.

- Arpikarhu - 01-07-2005

i know this will be a novel suggestion for you, but why not try thinking?

- Black Lazerus - 01-07-2005

how is ask you to enlighten me about a situation that you obviously know more about than I do, make you jump the the assumption that i wasn't thinking.

blood clots in your leg can happen for many reasons just like blood clots to the brain.