Take the quiz + post your score! - ... and be honest! - Printable Version

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- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-03-2002


- crx girl - 04-03-2002

i got 13 too

- Rape Fantasizer - 04-03-2002

I got 14 of 16, and both that I got wrong I said were shemale, but were actually female. damn, I feel bad for those girls.

- Keyser Soze - 04-03-2002

15/16 and i picked a shemale on one that was a chick, guess i was being overly cautious.

It doesnt help in this quiz but the key is to look for the adams apple, too bad you cant see most of these chicks necks in their pics.

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 03 2002 at 2:09

- Ahlexus - 04-04-2002

Keyser I was looking for the same thing. Usually that's a dead give away.. but the way some of them were posing made it impossible.