The Sopranos Season 6 - Printable Version

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- Charles Manson - 03-22-2006

this episode reminds me of the star trek one when captain kirk beamed into a parallel dimension and spock was a bastard and had a goatie

- PatCooper - 03-25-2006

i loved it.......could be my second favorite episode ever. all the hidden meanings was excellent very well done. i hope anthony jr kills uncle junior sooner than later.

- release the bats - 03-27-2006

yea it was definitely a good episode. im glad tony came out of the coma. i enjoyed the dream sequence stuff but i was worried it would last like half the season.

- GonzoStyle - 04-04-2006

Looks like this whole situation is gonna become an issue now if Tony starts going soft, like he did with accepting the weak deal from Johnny Sack. People are obviously gonna start to question his leadership and also looks like from the previews they're gonna test the waters to see what else they can get over with. So far so good this season, though I wonder if they're gonna pick up that whole zombie gangster movie thing.

- GonzoStyle - 04-24-2006

great episode last night, if not for anything else, to see the great Lauren Bacall get punched in the mouth.

One question though, I didnt quite catch was Murmur was picking up from the bar and hotel. He seemed like he was making pick ups but he was handing money over to the bar guy and the jew at the hotel and they handed him something, I didn't quite get what they were giving him.

- Keyser Soze - 04-24-2006

i enjoyed it. artie is always entertaining. i loved watching him beat the crap out of vinny delpino.

- drusilla - 04-24-2006

GonzoStyle Wrote:great episode last night, if not for anything else, to see the great Lauren Bacall get punched in the mouth.

One question though, I didnt quite catch was Murmur was picking up from the bar and hotel. He seemed like he was making pick ups but he was handing money over to the bar guy and the jew at the hotel and they handed him something, I didn't quite get what they were giving him.

credit card scanners

- GonzoStyle - 04-24-2006

ooh I see, thats how they get the credit card numbers for the taliban guys.


- GonzoStyle - 04-24-2006

Keyser Soze Wrote:i enjoyed it. artie is always entertaining. i loved watching him beat the crap out of vinny delpino.

arties days are numbered.

- release the bats - 04-24-2006

dooooooog. doooooooooog im getting punched by a bald guy.

- GonzoStyle - 04-25-2006

we need a taste of doogie on sopranos, it could only be nothing short of brilliance if he pulls out the stops like in 'undercover brother'.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 05-01-2006

swissy just looked pretty good dancing for tony

- TheGMANN - 05-01-2006

I dont agree.


- HollywoodJewMoses - 05-01-2006

tony didnt think so... OHHHHHHH

- Paper Boy - 05-01-2006

she could lose a few pounds in the bunt area.

- drusilla - 05-01-2006

she wasnt even really dancing or anything. she was just standing there leaning on the pole.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 05-02-2006

...thats what she said

- TheGMANN - 05-02-2006

She did get alot of TV I guess that counts for something.

- Danked - 05-02-2006

"I was Stripper #2 in an episode of the Sopranos. I'm a star!"

- GonzoStyle - 05-02-2006

I saw the elvis guy from season 2, the one big pussy ran into at the party center and got nervous that he was gonna rat on him. So pussy ends up beating him to death with a hammer. Turns out he really does think he is elvis in real life, he's also a stand up comic, I saw him at pips on the same night as otto and george and his whole set was

"so I was on the sopranos, yeah baybeh, thank ya very muchaaaah!!!"