Explain this construction shit - Printable Version

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- OAS - 06-26-2002

You can thank your union for that. Supply and demand of skilled labor works in every other industry, it would work in yours if the union didn't tie the industries hands. You have to know someone in your line of work, that does the same job you do that just sucks at it. Don't you shake your head wondering how that worthless f makes as much as you but they have no clue as to what they're doing. Don't you feel you work twice as hard, twice as smart, twice as effective? But what value do you get in return that the worthless f doesn't get?

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:But what value do you get in return that the worthless f doesn't get?
i get offered 10 times as many shows as he does. he scrapes by on 12 hour days of hard work while i make tons of cash doing 3 hour shows

- OAS - 06-26-2002

Well there you go. Your union gave you value. He works longer days and gets paid the same. Makes sense to me. :disappointed: Rolleyes

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:He works longer days and gets paid the same
no, he works longer days and gets paid less. if he was a quality worker the opposite would be true.

- Sean Cold - 06-26-2002

I have been in the unions for over ten years now. I have also dabbled in the private sector as well. In the privately owned aspect of construction, they try to work you till you fuckin die. We are talking well over a 60 hour work week. Last summer, I had a total of three days off in the months of june through September. Thats three days total, not individual months. Every fuckin time I had a problem with my bennies or my hours, I got fucked. No delegate to help me out there. With the union, I leave work at 2:30. End of fuckin story. No if ands or buts. Yeah, I know some people think that sucks but I am at work at 6:30 am on most days so don't think it is all great. Granted, with my non union company I did get to fuck off a whole lot. But, be all end all, I rather have the protection of my union then to run around without it.

As for the dolt who said lets show them and not drive on the roads: Ummmmm, ok, sure, whatever you say. That will show them for sure.:bow:

Quote:They even get paid to picket jobsites that don't use union workers that actually work because they have incentive.

Ummm, if you call standing on a picket line for 6 hours or more and getting a whole twenty bucks to do it getting paid, well, I guess we get paid then.

Edited By Sean Cold on June 26 2002 at 3:35

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:if you call stand on a picket line for 6 hours or more and getting a whole twenty bucks to do it
we dont even get the twenty

- Sean Cold - 06-26-2002

Oh, don't forget we actually get taxed on that fuckin twenty as well. So, make it 17 and have a nice day. That barely covers the trip into the city.

- Zootybang - 06-26-2002

I'm In the cement masons union, and let me just say to all the bitches complaining about us-

<marquee>NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH</marquee>
Whoo boy! I better go drop off this large paycheck Into my ever-growing bank account now and get some rest for another big day of work.:rofl:

- Arthur Dent - 06-26-2002

Quote:They even get paid to picket jobsites that don't use union workers that actually work because they have incentive.

Local 3's 12 foot tall inflatable rat is my favorite. :lol:

- GonzoStyle - 06-26-2002

Quote:Why is it that they always have 5 guys standing around with their shovels in their hand not doing anything on the side of the road?

For the same reason most of you who have jobs post from work. Because you can get away with doing it.

- Paper Boy - 06-26-2002

My grandfather helped build the Empire State Building, my father helped build the Twin Towers, my brother will most likely help build whatever they choose to replace the towers. They are/were all in the same union.

My brother is 28 years old, the highest level of education he completed was high school, he's not all that bright. Last year he took home 120,000. He makes somewhere around $38 an hour, if he needs to work overtime that pays double time and a half, that's $91 an hour. If you can tell me where someone with no college degree is going to make this kind of money please let me know, I'll call them for an interview tommorrow.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:he's not all that bright
how lucky we are that he helps to build skyscrapers that tower over us all

- Zootybang - 06-26-2002

Quote:how lucky we are that he helps to build skyscrapers that tower over us all
Shit, the civilians are on to us.

- onehung - 06-26-2002

I'm not in any union nor do I desire to be. But my old man was in for a number of years untill he retired, When he was 45, maybe 46. Now I know he did alot of ballbusting work when he was in and he had his share of fucking off jobs. But to say unions are useless or suck is just plain fucking stupid. He died a couple of years ago and my mother still gets a check each fucking month from the union he was in. And will keep recieving those checks untill she dies. WhY? Cause that paticular union takes care of its employees.

If you fucking office winnies are so tired of seeing the construction workers just standing there leaning against their shovels, Donate your slacking time. Thats right, Get up off your lazy asses, put your keyboard away for an hour or so and go stand out in that shit and help them.

I'm sure your pissed caused your sitting in your airconditioned car and not moving and all. How the fuck do you think they feel working in tar and dust and crete dust in 90 degree fucking heat. And don't give me this what I do at my job isn't affecting alot of people. If you can fuck off and post on message boards, The worker man can lean on his shovel.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:If you can fuck off and post on message boards, The worker man can lean on his shovel.
AMEN brother!!

- PollyannaFlower46 - 06-26-2002

Quote:If you can fuck off and post on message boards, The worker man can lean on his shovel.
Fine, but I still don't think its safe to do sit ups on concrete dividers as traffic goes by....:-p

- onehung - 06-26-2002

Quote:don't think its safe to do sit ups on concrete dividers as traffic goes by

Well he had all that extra energy saved up from slacking, So he was probably just trying make himself tired, So he could whine to his wife about what a hard day he had.:-p

- Maynard - 06-26-2002

Whatfuckingever Onehung.

I chose my profession just as they chose theirs.

Even if I offered to "get off my lazy ass" and help them, I would most likely not get a job right away anyhow. Why would they need my help anyhow if there's 5 of them watching 1 guy work? I NEVER said that what they did wasn't hard, I just said everytime I EVER have gone by a road construction site, I see a bunch of guys sipping coffee, or standing around while 1 or 2 guys work.

- onehung - 06-27-2002

Quote:Even if I offered to "get off my lazy ass" and help them, I would most likely not get a job right away anyhow.
Nah, Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure they'd hire you. To wipe the sweat off their fucking balls.

Whatfuckingever?? are you gonna post a wow next?

- Zootybang - 06-27-2002

Quote:I just said everytime I EVER have gone by a road construction site, I see a bunch of guys sipping coffee, or standing around while 1 or 2 guys work.
Okay, now re-read that quote, dipshit, and try to grasp this mind-shattering revelation: WE GET A COFFEE BREAK EVERY DAY, AT ROUGHLY THE SAME TIME, give or take a half hour or so. I'm willing to guess that you drive to work at roughly the same time every day, which just might coincide with our coffee breaks, thus giving the effect of not working.
And seriously, do you really think that any company, union or not, would allow their workers to stand around all day? If you've never done my job, then you have no fucking Idea what It entails.
If It wasnt for people who do what I do, you wouldnt HAVE an office to sit In.
Maybe I'll drop In on some office worker tommorrow and bitch him out every time his fingers stop typing.