Crimson king - Umm, hello? - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 07-04-2002

He is impact player form Laurie's site. I am not pissed, fuck nut. I enjoy a good ripping and liars are real fun to play with.:firebounce:

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

[Image: teeth11.jpg]

- fbd - 07-04-2002

why is gooch posting pics of bad teeth?i think i missed something...

twinkie overdose?

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

[Image: 0001snag.jpg]

- Sean Cold - 07-04-2002

Tooth of doom ring a bell?

- CrimsonKing - 07-04-2002

I don't know who Impact Player is, nor do I know who laurie is.

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

Hush, everyone...he's incognito

- Sean Cold - 07-04-2002

yes, of course you don't. You always host sigs of people you don't know on the same fuckin site you are using to host your sig now.

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

by the are missing our fine attention-whore, AntD (keyser) on your RockGods sig. Please ammend this immediately.

- CrimsonKing - 07-04-2002

Well it might be possible that someone else who uses the account posts on the aforementioned site. I and three other people use that account for sig pics. Although the only board I know that they post on is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

- Sean Cold - 07-04-2002

don't know, dude, sounds about as fishy as Laurie's over used love clam to me.

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

[Image: cotm_nath.jpg]

Edited By Gooch on July 03 2002 at 10:27

- Arthur Dent - 07-04-2002

CrimsonKing, huh?

Maybe we need Roland and his Katet to beat the truth out of him.
{A cookie to anyone who gets that reference.}

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

you posting from the Dark Tower, Arty??

- Arthur Dent - 07-04-2002

Quote:you posting from the Dark Tower, Arty??

Nope, still waiting for Stevie to right the last three books before we actually get to the tower. :thumbs-up:

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

FYI: Book 5 "Wolves of the Calla" and Book 6 "The Song of Susannah" are both due to be published in 2003.